Brand X Files: Rapper tells Michael Jackson's kids 'I'm your dad. & other

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Jul 25, 2011

Former protege telling Michael Jackson's kids 'I'm your father.' Omar Bhatti, a 25-year-old Norwegian rapper, who was long rumored to be Michael’s son now living with the Jackson family.

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Artist in Michael Jackson Tribute Tour, Praises Shen Yun

FRANKFURT, Germany—Jennifer McGill, singer and dancer in the group, "Ultimate Thriller" currently touring the world as a musical tribute to superstar Michael Jackson, just ended its European tour. Ms. McGill is also a well-known vocalist, songwriter and actress with more than 22 years of stage experience.

Ms. McGill came to Frankfurt's Jahrhunderthalle theatre with another performer, Travis Mesman, to see New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company's portrayal of ancient Chinese culture in classical Chinese dance, song and music.

"I was very entertained, it was very beautiful ... I enjoyed it very much,” she said. “How you can make one motion is simple—but with 20 people doing it, it makes a huge visual—and that was very impressive,” she said.

Continuing on, she said; “The power in numbers, the type of move. It is a simple move. But when lots of people do it together or one after the other, it makes a wave, it makes a ripple. That was very interesting, in taking a simple move and making it huge."

Ms. McGill didn’t speak German, yet easily followed the story-based dances depicting ancient legend, folkloric traditions through to modern day stories of courage.

"I did not know what was going on, but when I saw the dancers, they seemed almost like a still picture. I really loved the scenes that were stories. They had an obvious beginning and an end you can understand in any language.”

She said the animated 3-D backdrops interacting with the dance at hand, and the fusion of Western and Eastern music, enhanced her understanding from where she sat, further back from the stage.

Of particular interest to her was the dance, Wu Song Battles the Tiger, an adaptation of a beloved Chinese novel. A man-eating tiger plagues a small village but only Wu Song dares to hunt down and kill the beast, but not before downing three bowls of potent drink.

“I loved it, that he acted drunk,” Ms. McGill said. “Someone who is far away [from the stage] can appreciate more the huge movements of the artist who is trying to act drunk, but stays on cue with the choreography. I mean that’s very difficult, not just technically, but to act in character as well as dance. So, I really appreciate those moments. There is really a whole lot I could learn about the Chinese culture.

"I loved the choreography. They did it very well. I don’t see how the dancers moved there feet so quickly and floated across the stage like that. That was very pretty."

She explained that “that’s the trick. You work very hard to make it look very easy. But it takes a lot of time."

With reporting by Alexander M. Hamrle.

Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company will perform in 13 European countries with 34 shows from March 5 to April 28.

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Wythenshawe Hospital beats it with Michael Jackson

Staff at Wythenshawe Hospital have turned to YouTube for the second time in just over 6 months to promote the importance of hand washing.

Around 70 doctors, surgeons, nurses, scientists, clerical staff, cleaners and patients at the University Hospital of South Manchester have reworked Michael Jackson’s Beat It with the hygiene message.

It’s part of the hospital’s long-running “Infection Prevention” drive, which we’re told has seen cases of MRSA drop by more than 60% and C. difficile by over 50% in the last year. There have been 7 cases of MRSA since April - compared to 26 the previous year.

"We had a lot of fun re-working the lyrics and doing the filming, but there is a serious message behind the humour. This video is just part of our ongoing communications campaign which has seen us significantly reduce our MRSA and C. difficile rates over the last twelve months,” said UHSM’s communications manager, Caroline Johnson, who came up with the idea.

“The high-profile campaign is a constant reminder to staff, patients and visitors of the need to be vigilant and 'hygiene aware'. The campaign focuses on the need for good hand hygiene, both washing hands and using the alcohol hand gel dispensers around the hospital, and calls on staff to strictly adhere to UHSM's 'bare below the elbows' dress policy for clinical areas. Some of our departments are playing the video at team meetings, audit days and inductions to remind staff about our hygiene policies."

Michael Jackson's Changing Faces Depicted Through LEGO - Pictures

It's amongst Dirk Denoyelle's creations...


A Belgian comedian has depicted Michael Jackson's changing faces through the decades via the medium of LEGO.

Away from his day job, 45-year-old Dirk Denoyelle rediscovered his childhood passion for LEGO ten years ago and set himself the task of making 30 LEGO busts of celebrities.

Last year Dirk became only the second European and ninth person on the planet to hold the 'LEGO Certified Professional' title.

As well as the late Michael Jackson, Dirks creations include Lego busts of Elton John, Albert Einstein, Hargrid from Harry Potter and a host of famous Belgians.

You can see Jackson and Elton John below or you can check out more of Dirk's Lego creations here

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Jailhouse rocks for Philippine Internet dance sensations




CEBU, Philippines — From the moment teenager Egan Torrecampo and his fellow prisoners step out of their crowded cells, the maximum-security Philippine jailhouse rocks.
Dressed in tangerine jump suits, the roughly 1,500 convicted murderers, rapists and other inmates perform a series of Michael Jackson-inspired dances that have helped boost their morale while also making them Internet sensations.
"When we are dancing we tend to forget why we were here in the first place," 19-year-old Torrecampo, the flamboyant lead dancer of the jailhouse troupe, told AFP after a recent courtyard performance.
Torrecampo, an openly gay former call centre employee, was sentenced in 2008 to six years in jail for attempted murder after stabbing his 69-year-old American boyfriend.
His enforced move to the jail in Cebu, the Philippines' second biggest city, earned him a slot in a team that had improbably rocketed to global fame the previous year.
The Internet phenomenon began when footage of the prisoners performing the zombie dance from Jackson's "Thriller" music video was posted on the video-sharing website YouTube.
It quickly became one of the most watched clips on the Internet and has now registered nearly 40 million hits.
Dozens of different dances from the inmates have since been posted on the web, many of which have also gone viral and been watched by millions.
These include the Village People's "Y.M.C.A.", the rapper MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This", Queen's "Radio Gaga", and even the Gregorian Chants in the middle of a Catholic mass celebrated on the prison yard.
Their latest brought them heavyweight recognition as Jackson's choreographer travelled to the jail in January to train them to dance for the King of Pop's "They Don't Care About Us" song, which was used to promote his posthumous DVD.
"We are ordinary people. At first we could not believe that we would be visited by an extraordinary person who teaches Hollywood stars to dance," Torrecampo said of Travis Payne, Jackson's choreographer.
The "Don't Care About Us" clip has scored 4.4 million hits on YouTube in less than three months.
A former security consultant at the jail, Byron Garcia, came up with the idea in 2006 of using dance as a way to rehabilitate the prisoners and give them a break from the daily grind of life behind bars.
"Rehabilitation has to be anchored on bringing out the best in men instead of the worst of men," Garcia wrote on his personal website.
"If we make jails a living hell for these inmates, then we might just be turning out devils once they are released!"
There has been some controversy over allegations that the inmates have been forced into dancing, and that they have become a tourist attraction with visitors paying to watch their performances.
Orange prison-style T-shirts promoting the dancers are for sale at the jail for 170 pesos (3.7 dollars).
The tourist shows were suspended recently as the governor of Cebu province, Gwendolyn Garcia, who is the sister of Byron, apparently sought to quash rumours that her family was profiting from the dancing venture.
"I think you are all aware of the intrigues, the innuendos, the whispers, unfairly or unjustly accusing certain personalities of benefiting from such fame," she told local reporters last month.
"In order to put a stop to all of this, I issued a memorandum reminding one and all that all activities that have been going on must be cleared with the office of the governor, namely myself."
Nevertheless, the inmates were brought out for an AFP team on a recent visit, and prison warden Lito Gabuya insisted the dancing was all voluntary.
"They are proud of it," Gabuya told AFP. "Almost all inmates dance, except those who are sick or elderly."
For Torrecampo, dancing has given him hope that he may have a meaningful career after he is released.
"I want to become a choreographer -- maybe even a film star," he said.

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I laughed my head off the mintue i heard the "omar story"

its totally stupid!
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