Boys vs Girls


Oh yeah, I forgot that you were sleeping because Australia is on a different side of the planet from me :p
You just got up, it's nearly time for me to go to be :lol:
But first we will get to 500 :hunter:

Sorry, I didn't look at your flag properly, I looked at it for a brief moment and thought it was Australia :doh:
But of course NZ also rule down under ;)

Yeah :p Do you like football (soccer)? NZ did really well at the World Cup, only team to go undefeated :D
470. I used to play, and i watched their games at the world cup. it sucked though coz live they were on at like 2am in the morning on a school night :p bloody time zones

Fair enough. That must have been really annoying it was like that in England during the 2002 World Cup :p