Boycott Netflix for disgusting movie ''Cuties''


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Many of you might be aware but Netflix is allowing a disgusting film onto their platform called ''Cuties'' - A film that has young girls (Aged 10) dancing in a very suggestive and sexual manner. This is basically a haven for pedophiles and Netflix should be ashamed of themselves for even allowing this onto their platform. The people in charge of Netflix need to be looked into for allowing this, those girls parents need to be investigated for pimping out their kids. And the people who made this movie also need to be investigated.

There are many shows I love to watch on Netflix, but I can't support a website that exploits and sexualizes children.
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I’d give it a rating of...

I cancelled my Subscription long ago by now because they support ideologies contrary to my Faith and beliefs, and I'm so sorry that they've come to such a degrading level... The more people cancel their subscription, the worse for them.
I really would like to join this discussion, but i don't know what offend people and what won't...

I wanted to add that i don't like a certain program on TLC.
I cancelled my Subscription long ago by now because they support ideologies contrary to my Faith and beliefs, and I'm so sorry that they've come to such a degrading level... The more people cancel their subscription, the worse for them.

Same here. i hardly watch TV anymore. i'm okay if people don't agree with my faith and beliefs. they have freedom to do so. but it comes to a point where people need to respect one another.
NatureCriminal7896;4305021 said:
i use to love TLC. now it seems it turned to trash TV.

Ironically, just recently TLC was all static on my cable.

And also I’m staying away from Netflix for a while until that garbage “Cuties” is removed. I also gave it a thumbs down and that was it.
when they show the poster it was already wrong. these guys knew what their was doing and they call michael pedo. ridiculous. smh.
Is this show really that offensive? I mean here in Europe not a single **** is given, if I didn't read film/tv websites I wouldn't even have heard about it. I also read the film received nominations and won some of them at important award shows.

I' not watching it out of simple disinterest but it seems to me this is just another maniacal outpour over nothing, I mean look at the IMDB score it is ridiculous. 90% of the voters probably haven't even bothered watching it and just jumped on the bandwagon of "this show is evil".

This goes to show when someone or a group have it against you (Michael knows this all to well) you are going to suffer wether accusations are right or wrong.
when they show the poster it was already wrong. these guys knew what their was doing and they call michael pedo. ridiculous. smh.

That's exactly what i was going to say.

When i saw a show on TLC that (i felt) sexualized children, i thought how can people readily accept this, but they crucify Michael for them same things. I'm going bravely share what the show is. The show is a beauty pageant for girls aged 3+ years old. Now, before some of you get mad at me, i'm saying that this is only MY opinion, a beauty pageant for girls isn't wrong, it's just that i personally find the make up way too sophisticated. The hair and make up as well. The clothing and some of the actions they have to do is very, well, suggestive. I realize that is just my initial reaction, cuz i'm taught that kids should be treated more innocent, so it took me by surprise.
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That's exactly what i was going to say.

When i saw a show on TLC that (i felt) sexualized children, i thought how can people readily accept this, but they crucify Michael for them same things. I'm going bravely share what the show is. The show is a beauty pageant for girls aged 3+ years old. Now, before some of you get mad at me, i'm saying that this is only MY opinion, a beauty pageant for girls isn't wrong, it's just that i personally find the make up way too sophisticated. The hair and make up as well. The clothing and some of the actions they have to do is very, well, suggestive. I realize that is just my initial reaction, cuz i'm taught that kids should be treated more innocent, so it took me by surprise.

I feel it's up to the parents to deicide whatever or not they want their child to be in a beauty pageant. i totally agree that kids should be dress innocent.

it's nothing wrong to dress up and pretend but it comes to a point where it goes too far. it's goes for adults too.
Ugh, who still watches KnotFlux anyway? They’ve withdrawn most of my favorite shows and movies, so screw their subscription. They can take their Cuties and burn in hell. Only the coolest of fools view this media online at no cost. :D
Is this show really that offensive? I mean here in Europe not a single **** is given, if I didn't read film/tv websites I wouldn't even have heard about it. I also read the film received nominations and won some of them at important award shows.

I' not watching it out of simple disinterest but it seems to me this is just another maniacal outpour over nothing, I mean look at the IMDB score it is ridiculous. 90% of the voters probably haven't even bothered watching it and just jumped on the bandwagon of "this show is evil".

This goes to show when someone or a group have it against you (Michael knows this all to well) you are going to suffer wether accusations are right or wrong.

It's a movie, not a show, but yes... it really is as bad as they say. It's about a Muslim girl who doesn't want to conform to the traditional, submissive Muslim wife lifepath that her family expects her to take and she winds up in a female dance/twerking troupe to reclaim her freedom. This troupe (which is comprised of actually eleven year old girls) does sexually suggestive dances and the music that goes with the routines is just as suggestive. I also read that one of the girls flashes their bare chest at one point (not during a dance routine).

Though it should be pointed out (and this is NOT meant to defend the movie), that the audience that witnesses the big dance at the end of the movie reacts rather negatively to it, and the main character realizes how messed up it is and runs off the stage during the dance. The movie ends with her giving up on the dance troupe to be a normal kid, but it's just... yeah. The director said this was supposed to be about how children are sexually exploited and how that's wrong, but like... she actually ended up doing what she said was wrong.

Something interesting to note about this movie that I haven't seen mentioned yet: it was shown at Sundance earlier this year and won an award for Best Director. Yes, the very same Sundance that showed LN.

I still have Netflix, but this doesn't show up on "recently added" at all. I think Netflix knew they ****ed up and are trying to bury this.
It's a movie, not a show, but yes... it really is as bad as they say. It's about a Muslim girl who doesn't want to conform to the traditional, submissive Muslim wife lifepath that her family expects her to take and she winds up in a female dance/twerking troupe to reclaim her freedom. This troupe (which is comprised of actually eleven year old girls) does sexually suggestive dances and the music that goes with the routines is just as suggestive. I also read that one of the girls flashes their bare chest at one point (not during a dance routine).

Though it should be pointed out (and this is NOT meant to defend the movie), that the audience that witnesses the big dance at the end of the movie reacts rather negatively to it, and the main character realizes how messed up it is and runs off the stage during the dance. The movie ends with her giving up on the dance troupe to be a normal kid, but it's just... yeah. The director said this was supposed to be about how children are sexually exploited and how that's wrong, but like... she actually ended up doing what she said was wrong.

Something interesting to note about this movie that I haven't seen mentioned yet: it was shown at Sundance earlier this year and won an award for Best Director. Yes, the very same Sundance that showed LN.

I still have Netflix, but this doesn't show up on "recently added" at all. I think Netflix knew they ****ed up and are trying to bury this.

Do you think the intention of the film is well meant? Who is to blame for how it turned out? If I was the director and I felt 100% positive about the project I would feel very bad at how it is received as it was not the intention.
I want to make the comparison with Michael who had good intentions with kids and did a lot for them but Michael ended up "in chains".

I guess the film could have been more subtle judging from what you wrote but then it would not have had the same effect. Even I have heard about it now, perhaps the shocking images of the film are what's needed to bring the subject matter to the front. Perhaps it is indeed brave and not sick.

I'm just trying to bring some counterweight here. I wouldn't just label anyone pedophile as it is next to murder the most serious possible accusation.
miss rose;4305104 said:
That's exactly what i was going to say.

When i saw a show on TLC that (i felt) sexualized children, i thought how can people readily accept this, but they crucify Michael for them same things. I'm going bravely share what the show is. The show is a beauty pageant for girls aged 3+ years old. Now, before some of you get mad at me, i'm saying that this is only MY opinion, a beauty pageant for girls isn't wrong, it's just that i personally find the make up way too sophisticated. The hair and make up as well. The clothing and some of the actions they have to do is very, well, suggestive. I realize that is just my initial reaction, cuz i'm taught that kids should be treated more innocent, so it took me by surprise.

If you’re referring to “Toddlers & Tiaras”, I never really get that show, let along watch it, I found the parents are just to forceful making them live their dreams that they didn’t have which is ridiculous. Heck even Lola Loud (Loud House) has more class and sophistication. I bet people who still have Netflix and see it wouldn’t even stomach it further and just “pfft” like that. Actions must be done.
PoP;4305239 said:
If you’re referring to “Toddlers & Tiaras”, I never really get that show, let along watch it, I found the parents are just to forceful making them live their dreams that they didn’t have which is ridiculous. Heck even Lola Loud (Loud House) has more class and sophistication. I bet people who still have Netflix and see it wouldn’t even stomach it further and just “pfft” like that. Actions must be done.

Yes, that's the name, "toddlers and tiaras". Thanks. I personally just don't understand it.
miss rose;4305559 said:
Yes, that's the name, "toddlers and tiaras". Thanks. I personally just don't understand it.

Plus some have got their attitudes from their mothers, which is absolutely terrible. The only TLC I watch is “Untold ER Stories” and that was it.
PoP;4305945 said:
Plus some have got their attitudes from their mothers, which is absolutely terrible. The only TLC I watch is “Untold ER Stories” and that was it.

My mother and I like watching the weddings on TLC and things of that nature but, that's about it. Like i mean the rich and privilaged lifestyles. That's fun to watch :laughing: .
i heard alot of people unsubscribe Netflix. Sundance needs to be boycott. i believe that companies full of pedophiles. :( i'm already done with Sundance after leaving neverland. i never even heard of the company until leaving neverland. sad. holly weird always had pedophiles. but now their becoming more out there. disgusting. :(
i heard alot of people unsubscribe Netflix. Sundance needs to be boycott. i believe that companies full of pedophiles. :( i'm already done with Sundance after leaving neverland. i never even heard of the company until leaving neverland. sad. holly weird always had pedophiles. but now their becoming more out there. disgusting. :(

I agree that Sundance should be boycotted. I hated them for green lighting that defaming film and yet I wanna say that Sundance not only should be boycotted, that should be banned out of business.