Boy/Girl Crazy anyone?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las vegas Nevada United States
I have a feeling I am very boy crazy, or should i say Man crazy since I am an adult now.
I have always had a crush on a celeb/boy since the day I was born. MJ was my first celeb crush at a very young age. I have been obsessed over guys, and wanting relationships with men. I dream, and think about my crushes all day. I know it's very unhealthy, I just realized I was man crazy about a few minutes ago. Is this a very bad disease? Any way to get rid of it?
I don't know. Maybe you can try making out with a girl. Put it on YouTube so I can tell you if you did it right.
Same here Gisselle hehe :D..Its hard not to have a crush on a celebrity guy though..they are just :girl_sigh:.!!:wub:.. I have the same problem as you too!:) hmmm maybe stop thinking about it..i mean you can, but not as much lol.. thats hard to do!:p
Boy/Girl Crazy anyone?

Yes I have this problem

I don't know. Maybe you can try making out with a girl. Put it on YouTube so I can tell you if you did it right.

:lol: that made me laugh

*waits for youtube clip* :cheeky:
Have you ever been in a serious relationship with a guy before? Reason I ask...I think it's perfectly okay to crush on hot celeb guys...heck with me...I've had a crush on Johnny Depp since I was a child, then Nick Carter during my teen years...then Michael in my early adult years. I think it's healthy as long as you don't let it get in the way of maintaining real relationships with men.

Also, I was really boy crazy as a pre-teen/teen. I would have a crush on a guy for months and follow them around school. LMAO :rollin: Needless to say I never got any attention back because I was an ugly teen. Anyway, I think it's perfectly normal.
I don't think I've been boy crazy since I was a teen lol.

Maybe cuz I've been in a serious relationship for a long time...having to actually deal with men makes you change the way you see them IMO
been in 2 serious relationships. I have been in love with one of my exes. Really been in love. I still love him, but I still am boy crazy. I have even lived with my ex (the one I loved). So yes i have been in serious relationships.
But that doesn't mean i don't think of guys a lot. I think about them a lot. So i don't know if it is healthy or not.