Boxing legend Muhammad Ali 'could be dead in days', warns distraught brother


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Legendary boxer Muhammad Ali is so ill he could be dead within days, his brother has warned.

Rahman Ali said the former heavyweight champion cannot speak and no longer recognises him.

Rahman fears his 71-year-old brother - known as The Greatest - may not survive the summer.

He told The Sun: 'He's in a bad way. He's very sick.

'It could be months, it could be days. I don't know if he'll last the summer. He's in God's hands.'

Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1984 but remained active for many years and made a moving appearance at the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games where he lit the flame.
However, he was seen looking particularly thin and frail at the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony where he was helped across the stage by wife Lonnie.

Rahman has accused his sister-in-law, who has been married to Ali for 26 years, of refusing to let the family visit the ailing champion.

Rahman, who was also a professional boxer, said he last saw his brother in July at the Sports for Peace Gala in London and is only allowed to speak to him over the phone.

The brothers, born Cassius and Rudolph Clay, grew up together in Louisville, Kentucky.

Ali's most recent public health scare was December, 2011, when the champion was taken to hospital after falling unconscious.

Emergency services were called days after Ali made a frail appearance at the funeral of fellow boxing great Joe Frazier.

He was treated for dehydration after collapsing at his 6,000 sq ft estate in Arizona.

Rahman told The Sun from his flat in Louisville that before Ali's health deteriorated, he said he was in no pain and was proud of his achievements.

Rahman, who has suffered recurrent strokes following his own boxing career, said he feels distraught at being cut from his brother's life, who he compared to Jesus, and who he says he loves above all others.
He said: 'You know the word "infinite"? That's Ali, he's infinite. His name will last forever.'

Father-of-nine Ali wants a Martin Luther King quote on his gravestone, according to Rahman. The quote is: 'I tried to love somebody, I did try to feed the hungry.

'I did try, in my life, to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.' The Greatest.'

Wife Lonnie refused to comment on the claims.
Thank you Thrillerchild ALI is the Greatest. Seems he doesn't have long for this world. :(
His brother has a habit of selling stories to tabloids. Probably why his isn't allowed access beyond the phone.

Ali quotes are the Best. He was a trip, so entertaining and he could back up his words.

"Float like a butterfly, Sting like bee. You can hit what you can see" :)

~ Mouhammadd Ali

This is hillarious :lol:

Michael Jackson and Muhammad Ali 1977

I am still brought to tears every time I watch this

Gold Medal Moments: Muhammad Ali @ Atlanta 1996 Games Opening Ceremony Ali lit the Olympic Cauldron at the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games.
Narrated by those who were there and who remember it, re-live one of the greatest Olympic moments ever.

The USA Olympic Team has this tribute to Ali on their official Youtube

U.S. Olympic Team Tribute To Muhammad Ali

Here is Muhammad Ali official website for those who want to learn more about "The Greatest"
It's from The Sun...

Also, if this brother really talked to the Sun and said these things I find it highly distasteful from him - going to a tabloid and talk about how his brother would soon die. Truly, truly distasteful.
[h=1]Muhammad Ali's daughter: Father watching Super Bowl, not near death[/h]Muhammad Ali's daughter knocked down rumors of her father being near death Sunday, saying he was at home watching the Super Bowl.

May May Ali says she talked to her father Sunday morning on the phone and he was fine. She says he was watching the Super Bowl at home in Arizona, wearing a Baltimore Ravens jersey.

"He's fine, in fact he was talking well this morning," she said in a telephone interview. "These rumors pop up every once in a while but there's nothing to them."

The rumors were started by a report in a British tabloid quoting Ali's brother, Rahman, as saying the former heavyweight champion was near death.