Bowel/digestion problems

Jan 17, 2004
I think this is the correct translation for it, english ain't my mother language , so forgive me any errors :).

I've had this for quite awhile now, and it sucks. Basically i have a very weird/deviating/uneven bowel movement. Which simply means...i don't go to the toilet enough, not because i don't want to...but because there's no reason. might have to go several times a week, for me its pretty normal to go on monday for example and then for like 5 days or even more..i don't go. Of course this ain't good, and this brings problems for me. Another problem (which is no doubt all part of this) is a very bad digestion. When i eat something, may it be a sandwich or two, a dinner with vegetables,potatoes and some meat...and so on, it digests very badly. And for the rest of the evening i have a very 'full stomach' feeling, and when i softly press on my stomach, i feel's food, no doubt.

When i finally DO go to the toilet...and it's all..well..gone. No pain anymore. But the digestion is very bad. I've tried all kinds of 'cures' from the internet, all kinds of food that should improve/heal this, but it doesn't. You know what the internet advices you...things like certain kind of bread and cereals, and what not..but none of that really helps much.

I was wondering if there are more people in here who have the same problem as mine, or maybe they had..and have a solution/fix, however you want to call it. But one thing i do know..this sucks!!!!
you should ask your doctor for a stool will help you move your bowels easier.
Well, i'm gonna call my doctor tomorrow for an appointment. I have had this problem for several years now, and i visited my doctor several times, and he always would give me a klysma (if thats the word for it) and it would only help temporarily, i'd rather have some kind of test,scan or anything similar to see if there's nothing wrong inside my body. Better safe than sorry...but i am just tired of this, always having this feeling after having eaten something. It's not good.
yeah that is kind of a hash thing to have to do..if you ask about the tool would help you stay soft that that you could hopefully have a regular bm more often..goodluck
I'm no doctor but the usual remedies for this type of problem (which I'm sure you have heard of or tried) are eating more fiber rich foods, drinking lots and lots of water or maybe taking something like Metamucil which has psyllium fiber. There is also something called Miralax which is a gentle laxative powder you can dissolve in beverages or food and can start to work in about 3 days. There are also the yogurts and foods that are enriched with pro-biotics or you can take pro-biotic supplements (Acidophilus). A brand my doctor recommended to me is Culturelle. They also say that exercise helps move things along. But if this problem is lasting a long time with little or no relief then you really need to see a doctor to make sure there isn't something else wrong.
Thanks for the replies. I decided to call my doctor, i told his assistant that i have been having this for years, basically..ever since i had my first job and thats like 11 years ago. It just doesn't go away, all this time the doc would give me something to help move the bowels and all that but this time i'm gonna ask for more. I pay plenty of medical costs to my health insurance monthly, so i really want to get some good help for this too. This afternoon i have the appointment...and i hope they'll give me some kind of scan or just an examination but i am damn tired of this. Can't even properly enjoy my food anymore without being afraid of getting this again.
you should ask your doctor for a stool will help you move your bowels easier.
yes ask your doctor :yes:i know someone that didnt used to go for about 4 days and she went to the doctoer and she said it was fine :yes:but i would go anyway because you have other problems aswell :yes ;)
I went to the doctor, he told me if this had been a disease of some kind, like cancer, i would have noticed things earlier on, it's been like ten years now like this, so he doesn't believe for a second it's a cancer of some sort.

He gave me medicines for the digestion, to improve it. He didn't want to give me both meds for digestion and bowel movement, cause when i go back to him in two weeks and i tell him that it worked...we won't know exactly what it was that helped it.

I also have to go to the blood-lab here and get a injection or two, so they can check my blood if everything is alright and such. I hope the medicine will do its job.
I hope the meds work for you...hopefully your years of suffering will come to an end.
Yeah i hope so too, but i hope it will fix the problem permanently , and not just temporarily. These meds are just for improving the digestion, but i wonder for how long. And who knows what they might find it my blood, at the end of the day whatever it is, i just hope it will eventually completely go away. I especially wonder what is causing it.
I second Darth Sidious' remark.

I would advise you to go to your doctor, though. Your digestion problems may be caused by a bad reaction to a certain type of food, or they may be due to poor diet, large amounts of food in one sitting, etc. The causes are truly quite varied.

Are there any patterns you notice? i.e. is the pain worse at certain times of day, or after eating a certain food?

Do you make a habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily? On average, how much liquid/what kinds of liquids do you consume daily?