Bow Wow's reaction to Michael Jackson death..

I love bow wow I remember when he first came out with his mickey mouse chain around his neck! LOL! I'm glad he didn't wanna hear that trial shit either. Yea the wolrd felt like it stopped I was in shock it took me days and I still feel it's unreal. I cried so much. My 18yr old niece was crying so loud on the phone saying NO! NO! NO!

My sister broke plates on the floor when she found out she drop the plates and cut her leg she was also crying loud we all were and my 10yr old 2nd cousin had tears streaming down her face she just started to get into mike about 2yrs ago. But, we will always be his fans!

AWWW! He mentioned the bunny in moonwalker! lol Moonwalker is how I became a fan for life I was only 4 and I'm 26 now.
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Thanks for the link.

Poor kid, he's so distressed...god everyone was. The world stood still on June 25th, 2009. Soo damn unreal.

He reacted the same way alot of us did.
We all felt like the world stopped.....
and yes this whole thing is F*cked up................
Bow Wow's reaction to mj how we all reacted. I was in tears. i literally wanted to die when i herd Michael died. Its all just so fucked up. He made a good point on how we lost all the greats on Hip Hop and now Pop lost its king. its just devestating.
I love bow wow I remember when he first came out with his mickey mouse chain around his neck! LOL! I'm glad he didn't wanna hear that trial shit either. Yea the wolrd felt like it stopped I was in shock it took me days and I still feel it's unreal. I cried so much. My 18yr old niece was crying so loud on the phone saying NO! NO! NO!

My sister broke plates on the floor when she found out she drop the plates and cut her leg she was also crying loud we all were and my 10yr old 2nd cousin had tears streaming down her face she just started to get into mike about 2yrs ago. But, we will always be his fans!

When I heard about Michael's passing, I was crying I could not believe it. I call my folk let them knows Michael has dies they were state of shocked. Two days later since Michael's death my family calls, me told me they think Dr. Murray killed Michael.
:( A very sad day for everyone. I remember it took them a long time to confirm it. I thought that was a good sign. I was hoping he was gonna be ok. But he wasn't:no: I remember tearing up everytime I saw those Jackson 5 clips of him as a cute lil boy singing. I still don't want to believe. It always seems celebrities important ones anyway die on the verge of doing something really big in the process. I admire Bow Wow for showing his feeling publicly and appreciating Michael.
Bow Wow was right. . . the whole world stopped and was holding their breath to see if this was all true. I was in disbelief that whole afternoon and evening. I started crying right away, though because it was all of a sudden.

I agree with BW, this sh*t is F*CKED UP! Cuz now we know that Michael did not die of natural causes. Michael did not have to die!

BW said the hood or the ghetto is all up on this, right? Well, Dr. Conrad Murray better not make a wrong turn and find himself in the hood one of these days!
I think I speak for many people here when I say that when CNN started talking about the trails and all this bullshit I just wanted to stand up and either put my foot through the TV or throw a shoe at it or something.
It's was almost like, "Hey Michael is having a cardiac arrest... ah well, it was a little while since we talked about his trails, let's talk about that. Let's kick him while his down..."
He did use the F word a little too much, but I agreed with what he said about Mike's death seeming like a terrorist attack. When 9/11 occurred it was like the same feeling when Mike died.

My reaction was a bit similar, I did not cuss like him, but I remmebered saying to the person that was in the room with me that is mess up about 3 times, lol.
He reacted the same way alot of us did.
We all felt like the world stopped.....
and yes this whole thing is F*cked up................

heck yeh this whole thing is f****ed up! :banghead:

its not fair...michael should be doing his shows and riding high in success once again!
heck yeh this whole thing is f****ed up! :banghead:

its not fair...michael should be doing his shows and riding high in success once again!

I know exactly how you feel, I get really upset when I think about how pointless Michael death were. It's like... I can't fathom that if he'd have proper doctors around him then he'd still be here. It's a really disturbing thought how thin the line between life and death is. I WANNA SHOUT!!!!!1111
I know exactly how you feel, I get really upset when I think about how pointless Michael death were. It's like... I can't fathom that if he'd have proper doctors around him then he'd still be here. It's a really disturbing thought how thin the line between life and death is. I WANNA SHOUT!!!!!1111

I know, i feel like wanting to cry..but cant bring it out. I know ppl would think im crazy if i were to, so i keep it inside