Bottles and Cans (poem please read)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bottles and cans are everywhere, but
do we really care?.

People think it is okay to litter, but it is just not fair.

We see bottles and cans on buses and trains,
Oh what a sight to see!. The bottles and cans
are crying out to say: " Oh won't you recycle me"?.

Changes need to come, to make our world a
better place, for all of you and me.

Michael cared so much for this planet and now it is
up to us, to make that change for the better, to teach
one another to love and respect mother, because one
day she may be gone from us.

We must respect all living things, and pick up our litter
as we are all in this together.

Together we can make a difference if we make use of our
hands, to pick up the litter and recycle our bottles and cans.
It really irks me when people litter, only because it is done out of sheer laziness. More often than not, there is a trash can in the periphery of the litterer. In those few times when no garbage can is available, how much effort does it take to shove a wrapper in your pocket/hold on to trash until you can find a proper place to dispose of it? Littering is one of the few things for which there really is no justification.