Booty pop...What?


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
ok...I know the title kinda says it all. I was just watching a commercial for botty pop... I just saw it today...and my uncle and dad were watching it too...and it was soo embarrassing...I started to laugh and my uncle says,"why so funny, have you gotten it?" :lol: and am like "and sis goes, NO! We got our own natural booty pop" :lol: It was hilarious as it was embarrassing...

here's the commercial...



OMGG lmfao.

haha one of my sister's friend bought (not the same ones) a fake butt thing...
When she was out clubbing and dancing with some guy... he was feeling on her ass and she didn't even know it :doh: HAHAHHA

More Booty!
OMGG lmfao.

haha one of my sister's friend bought (not the same ones) a fake butt thing...
When she was out clubbing and dancing with some guy... he was feeling on her ass and she didn't even know it :doh: HAHAHHA

More Booty!
OMG :lmao:
OMGG lmfao.

haha one of my sister's friend bought (not the same ones) a fake butt thing...
When she was out clubbing and dancing with some guy... he was feeling on her ass and she didn't even know it :doh: HAHAHHA

More Booty!
LOL :rofl:

It's hilarious but at the same time disturbing when young girls see commercials like this and what image they got for what should you look like..
:lol: I just saw this commercial. Hilarious! It comes in different colors. :rofl: Wait till MTO sees this; they are always accusing Beyonce and Nikki Minaj of wearing butt pads.
:bugeyed um, wow...

This is just so wrong :lol:
Now women can deceive men even more, in addition to push-up bras, makeup, straight irons,
LMAOOOO, that looks so fake....:lmao: Glad I got some booty of my own, hahaha.
Hope (younger) girls don't get the idea of needing to have such a 'pop' booty indeed.
Gee...get's worse by the day.:mello: