(bootleg) Tii dvd on sale yesterday


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was at a local market yesterday and was happy to hear the song TII being played on repeat while i walked around. I was thinking someone must love the song but then i got to the stall were it was being played. They were selling the TII cd and dvd. I know this goes on everywhere in the world and at every market in Ireland and usually i wouldn't care but this time it really annoyed me, they were so out in the open about it and the dvds were being snapped up, all the children going by were getting their parents to buy them.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

^^ Piracy.

Yes that is really terrible :weeping: but at the same time It is more than expected.

This Is It is no doubt one of the biggest films of the year. All the more reason for people to film it in the cinemas or download it from file sharers. To them, and those selling at market stalls, its pretty much guaranteed cash-in-the-pocket for those who cant get enough of a great film.

Its sad yes, but piracy is spreading so rapidly i wouldnt expect anything less. :(
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

:( bootlegging! MJ is not to be bootlegged. Makes me so sad. Also this movie should not even be seen in that type of awful quality. The same price they buy it for..they can go to the movies and watch.:no:
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

:( bootlegging! MJ is not to be bootlegged. Makes me so sad. Also this movie should not even be seen in that type of awful quality. The same price they buy it for..they can go to the movies and watch.:no:

Yeah i was thinking the quality must be awful because the only way it could be made is to actually go into a cinema with a camcorder and record it.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

If i were you I would report to the local authority. PLEEEEASE report it to your local authority.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

This kind of thing should be reported to the local authority.

The people buying are wasting their money as it will be awful quality anyway, from someone who sat in the cinema recording it.

I don't know how people can do this so openly :no:
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

I was thinking of reporting it but then i've seen this type of thing before and to be honest i've often bought pirate dvds, we even have a guy who comes into my workplace who sells them and it never really bothered me before, it is just now that it is Michael that i am annoyed.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

ppl are better off downloading it than actually buying it. The quality gets better in time. Dont worry ill be buying the DVD and BD.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

It's ALWAYS worth reporting people who sell these DVDs!
Wow so you guys would actually report those who buy bootlegs. So if you knew your neighbor had the bootleg you would call the police. Out here everyone has some bootlegs so what you would report the whole city.
No I would report people selling bootlegs. If people don't sell them, people don't buy them. I really dislike people making money off the back of others hard work and often misleading the public about the quality of the product they are selling. The DVDs they are selling will be camcorder recordings with poor picture and sound quality.
I was at a local market yesterday and was happy to hear the song TII being played on repeat while i walked around. I was thinking someone must love the song but then i got to the stall were it was being played. They were selling the TII cd and dvd. I know this goes on everywhere in the world and at every market in Ireland and usually i wouldn't care but this time it really annoyed me, they were so out in the open about it and the dvds were being snapped up, all the children going by were getting their parents to buy them.

Where was it Gottobethere?

And yeah, so many times I saw Gardai turning a blind eye to this (and other stuff) I don't know if reporting anything will make a difference...

Wow so you guys would actually report those who buy bootlegs. So if you knew your neighbor had the bootleg you would call the police. Out here everyone has some bootlegs so what you would report the whole city.

They talkin' about those that sell as far as I understood.
I think you should report it, if you think about it its a serious matter. It really bugs me that they are selling copied dvds, because it effects the cinema and dvd sales :( I never buy bootleg dvds of any kind, I always wait for the dvd. On the light note though its good that Kids are asking their parents to buy it, it shows you that MJ is liked in all generations.
Well just cause ppl buy bootlegs or download bootlegs, doesn't mean they won't buy the dvd. Its not a big deal. We're just making it a big deal cause Michael Jackson is finally on a bootleg.
We're just making it a big deal cause Michael Jackson is finally on a bootleg.

there have been bootleg MJ dvds for years and years even HMV in uk was selling a fake bad tour one recent, and they are a trusted shop

doesnot mean we should turn away from it

is still illegal, they won't learn if no one reports

people think they buy a good quality dvd and they watch and it isn't. people who buy will learn not to when they see it's bad, but people who sell will keep selling as long as they are able
Is this in Dublin?

I'm gonna be about there on Friday, wouldnt mind having a strong word in this persons ear, not that it would make much difference, these people have no shame. Pricks.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

I was thinking of reporting it but then i've seen this type of thing before and to be honest i've often bought pirate dvds, we even have a guy who comes into my workplace who sells them and it never really bothered me before, it is just now that it is Michael that i am annoyed.

Then you are a hypocrit. Its like the saying "racists and bigots have no right to complain about racism and bigotry". Not saying that I agree with piracy,but i do disagree with double standards.

Ive seen this is it twice at the cinema,a friend gave me a bootleg copy and when the original comes out i will pay for an original,no harm done.

Michael was special,and i can understand peoples anger,but havind double standards annoys me. If you feel that strongly about this,you shuold vow to never buy bootleg in the future,because there could be fans out there who feel the exact same as you do about the movie you are buying bootleg.
Everyone of us here knows someone or somewhere you can get bootleg stuff and we don't report it in fact a lot of us probably finance it, it doesn't seem right that just because it is Michael i should report it. It really annoyed when i seen it but the film so far has made 184 million and these people might have made couple of hundred off it.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

Then you are a hypocrit. Its like the saying "racists and bigots have no right to complain about racism and bigotry". Not saying that I agree with piracy,but i do disagree with double standards.

Ive seen this is it twice at the cinema,a friend gave me a bootleg copy and when the original comes out i will pay for an original,no harm done.

Michael was special,and i can understand peoples anger,but havind double standards annoys me. If you feel that strongly about this,you shuold vow to never buy bootleg in the future,because there could be fans out there who feel the exact same as you do about the movie you are buying bootleg.

Are you serious, if i was a bigot and i reported another bigot then yes i would be a hypocrite. You are right i should not buy bootleg and i have never bought a bootleg cd in my life because i believe it will ruin the music industry. I have bought bootleg DVDs but only for blockbuster i would never buy a homegrown film on bootleg because i realize how small the market is here and how important every sale is.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

Are you serious, if i was a bigot and i reported another bigot then yes i would be a hypocrite. You are right i should not buy bootleg and i have never bought a bootleg cd in my life because i believe it will ruin the music industry. I have bought bootleg DVDs but only for blockbuster i would never buy a homegrown film on bootleg because i realize how small the market is here and how important every sale is.

It never bothered you when yourself,or others were bootleging movies,yet because its michael youe'e annoyed and you dont think they should be doing it,thats hypocitical thus you a hypocrit. Im not bothered by it,i just felt i should point it out.

"racists and bigots have no right to complain about racism and bigotry" Just remember that.
Re: Tii dvd on sale yesterday

It never bothered you when yourself,or others were bootleging movies,yet because its michael youe'e annoyed and you dont think they should be doing it,thats hypocitical thus you a hypocrit. Im not bothered by it,i just felt i should point it out.

"racists and bigots have no right to complain about racism and bigotry" Just remember that.

I know what you are saying true enough it is hypocritical but i suppose it just shows how much more Michael means to me than any other artist, in fact in truth i don't care about any actors,i don't have any favourite actors and this is probably why it never bothered me.
I was in the cinema watching TII the other day and there was a man sitting just behind me who was arrested for recording the film. 2 policemen and the cinema manager came and escorted him out.
Why report them? I love Michael just as much as the next person, but you've never purchased a bootleg film, EVER, in life?

I know most have, if you had no problem with it then, then why have a problem now? I just hope those who purchase the bootlegs still buy the actual DVD or Blu-ray once it releases. I currently own a pirated copy of TII, I didn't purchase it, and discovered it in my house after I went to see the film in the theaters, I watch it everyday and it brings me comfort. But I WILL buy the DVD anyway.
people bootlegging Michael...ggrrr..makes me very mad....geez..wait for it to come out on dvd and then buy it....piracy is wrong...it is stealing from the artist.....where I live..if people get caught sell things like this the get arrested....but I do see people selling dvd's at flea markets inside...outside they get arrested.....I cannot wait to be able to buy it when it is released and watch it in my own home..I have already seen it in the cinema twice....hopefully I can talk hubby into taking me again..:lmao:
In my best Joy Behar immitation; "So what, who cares?"

The movie has already made butloads of money and the DVD with all the extras will make just as much.

If those poor bastads are happy with bootleg quality, let them be. Spread the wealth I say. There's more than enough to go around.

Personally, I might download songs from youtube once or twice, or more :)
but I went to see TII five times and will buy the DVD. So "they" get my money eventually.
If the product is good it will make money regardless and bootlegging, free downloading is just more publicity.


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