Book to Read


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2011
My book "letters to Michael Jackson" by Karen Z Taylor will now be available on amazon, they will order it for you at a low price. I just wanted to let you fans know this book will now be out there and I am no way trying to make money off the book! Michael has a few secrets and I am one of them. Try and disreguard the bad review. I love you Michael and some day I will be with you.
Karen Z Taylor, you're a friggin disgrace coming on a fan website to promote yourself at a time like this. Stuff your book up your ass.
I have read your book, Karen, and in no way would I ever recommend it to a fan. If you aren't trying to make money why come on here promoting your book at such a time? Please don't insult us and more importantly don't insult Michael's memory.
Karen Z Taylor, you're a friggin disgrace coming on a fan website to promote yourself at a time like this. Stuff your book up your ass.

. Michael would want me to be happy and I am not promoting myself. I am just letting the fans know that my book is now available as it was out of print and some people did want to read it. There is no need to get nasty with me. I love Michael just as much as you and I am sedated to help me get over Michael and doing very well.
I have read your book, Karen, and in no way would I ever recommend it to a fan. If you aren't trying to make money why come on here promoting your book at such a time? Please don't insult us and more importantly don't insult Michael's memory. I am no way insulting Michaels memory. He would want me to be happy. So I am doing what I think is best and I do not feel this is the wrong time. This is the best time.