BoF Exclusive | Zaldy Goco talks about designing for Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga, Part II


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Jul 25, 2011
The Business of Fashion | Blog Archive | BoF Exclusive | Zaldy Goco talks about designing for Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga, Part II

Yesterday, we learned about the beginnings of Zaldy Goco’s work in the music and fashion industries. Today, in part two, we speak to him about his close collaboration with Michael Jackson for the This is It concert extravaganza.

NEW YORK, United States — When Zaldy Goco answered the phone last April and learned that Michael Jackson’s creative team wanted him to develop some costume ideas for the King of Pop’s long-awaited comeback concert series in London, he could scarcely believe his luck. A long time fan of the sometimes-maligned, but always-loved music legend, Zaldy set about developing an approach for creating costumes that at once hearkened back to iconic images from Jackson’s past, while also making him relevant for contemporary fashion of the day.

The results were amazing and once the decision was made to make Zaldy the chief costume designer for the upcoming concerts, the process to get there involved five up close-and-personal fittings between Zaldy and Michael Jackson over a period of a several weeks, including the last fitting, just days before the singer’s sudden death.

Zaldy kindly spoke to BoF about the experience of designing for Michael Jackson and shared some photos of Jackson from the fittings, published here for the very first time.

BoF: And now for the topic that I am sure everyone is most interested to hear about: your collaboration with Michael Jackson for the This Is It tour. How did that come about?

It was such a surprise that began with a really casual phone call from someone who was representing Michael’s choeographer, Travis Payne. It was already the end of April and the tour was starting in July, and he asked me if I was interested in making some outfits. Of course I said yes! But, I really didn’t take it all that seriously as I knew that Michael had only ever really worked with one designer in the past named Michael Bush. He had developed all of Michael’s iconic looks for Thriller and Bad. So, by no means was it definite. I thought maybe I’d get to make a couple of outfits — maybe.

It turns out that Michael had been advised to take more of a fashion look with his presentation, and he had asked to see designs from some really big names, including, I believe, John Galliano and Alexander McQueen. My impression is that he got all these packages from these different designers and then he chose who he wanted to work with.

When he got my package, they called me right away and said he that Michael was jumping up and down screaming, saying “I’ve always wanted to do this! I’ve always wanted to do this!”

They asked me to come to L.A. the next day to meet Michael and told me they wanted me to do the entire show. In the end, because Michael is so faithful, he did ask Michael Bush to work on a few of the outfits as well, which I thought was really nice especially because it was supposed to be Michael’s last tour.

BoF: Wow, that’s pretty amazing. How would you describe what you designed for him?

This is the thing. When they first asked me to do this, they said “we need you to re-invent Michael.” And my first thought was that Michael does not need to be re-invented, especially not now. He is one of the only artists who created iconic looks and iconic images to go along with iconic songs. It’s not necessary for those looks to be reinvented — they just needed to be made more relevant for today. Nobody wants to see a Thriller jacket that it isn’t red and black. People were going to want to see those iconic images, made more relevant to the times.

So, that’s what my approach was — referencing what we knew, but bringing more technology and new techniques that Michael had never used before.

BoF: What are your favourite looks that you designed for Michael Jackson?

They all kind have their own specialness for me. But, if you ask anyone who works with me, they will always say the We Are The World outfit, embroidered with all kinds of techniques from around the world — from African to American Indian to Japanese to Chinese. It was quite a mix, and very beautiful.

But for me, I loved the Black or White leather jacket, with three different custom plated coloured studs, which was kind of a Sumurai-referenced jacket. The finale jacket is also a favourite, especially because Michael was so excited about it. I had made what Michael called ’secret treasures’ in the shape of little teardrops that enclosed around crusts of crystal chunks.

And then of course there was the light-up outfit for Billie Jean, which was a collaboration with Philips Technology, which really, really made him the happiest. The last time I saw him was about six days before we were leaving for London, and I tried these pants on him and he was silent; completely stunned. After about thirty seconds, he said “It’s everything I’ve always wanted.”

So, that was pretty special for me.

BoF: And then, of course there was his sudden death, which must have turned things upside down for you.

I experience anti-climax after every project, but I was in disbelief. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had been living and breathing Michael Jackson for weeks on end. When I design for a musician, I immerse myself completely in their music. It just has to play in my head the whole time.

I decided I needed to lock myself away in a hotel to get away, but even that didn’t work. Everywhere I went, people were listening to Michael Jackson. There was no escape.

BoF: Did you have any sense that he might be unwell?

Not at all. And that is the thing that I think the movie really shows. He was quite lively, energetic and strong. And, he was super in tune to all the details. Every time I met with him, he was always catching little details. When I’d do fittings with him, he was very solid and very strong.

BoF: Last year was quite a year for you. Doing Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson in one year is pretty big. What lies ahead for you 2010?

It’s funny because I kept seeing the two of them side-by-side in stories or hearing their names mentioned in the same story. And then, all of a sudden I was working with both of them. But right now, I’m pretty excited to get back into the Scissor Sisters, who are launching their third album. But also, last year was a big music year, and I’m thinking of leaning back towards fashion again.

BoF: So there could be a Zaldy label again?

There could be. Right now I am working on a gown for the Met Ball. So, let’s see. I’m working on a couple of things.

BoF: Thanks very much Zaldy for sharing your story with us.




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Damn, i wanna see that BJ costume in action >_
I'll admit, I'm not a fan of Zaldy's designs-the only thing I really liked was the J5 medley suit but Michael rocks those light up Billie Jean trousers. So happy to know that Michael actually had tried these on.
This thread is going to end badly...

In other news: I think idea for the Heal the World outfit is a beautiful one.
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Michael would've looked magical in those beautiful designs.
I think Zaldy's designs are absolutely stunning.
Thread cleaned...stop the personal insults please. Whether it be to each other...Zaldy...whoever. It's simply not needed.
Why are my posts deleted?? What's with the freedom of speech America is stressing at?
Do all the fans always have to say 'gREAT, Amazing, stunning blah blah blah??'
Can't I say what I really mean???? I'm not insulting anyone!
Those designs are stupid and retarded looking. No wonder Karen Faye said MJ didn't like them. Do people with brain think MJ would look good and be able to dance in it?'

MJ does not need these 'weird', 'fashionable' design to be 'outstanding' and he does not need all the other things to show his 'brilliance' in performances like some artists do! Understand?
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Why are my posts deleted?? What's with the freedom of speech America is stressing at?
Do all the fans always have to say 'gREAT, Amazing, stunning blah blah blah??'
Can't I say what I really mean???? I'm not insulting anyone!
Those designs are stupid and retarded looking. No wonder Karen Faye said MJ didn't like them. Do people with brain think MJ would look good and be able to dance in it?'

MJ does not need these 'weird', 'fashionable' design to be 'outstanding' and he does not need all the other things to show his 'brilliance' in performances like some artists do! Understand?

Partially you are right, but if Michael hadnt liked them, would he had let Zaldy create them and want them to have for TII gigs?

If we saw MJ on stage in these designs, maybe we would say something relevant because we would see the result...

Have you seen what The Jacksons wore during their performances in the 70s/80s?

I think its a matter of taste... and TII was to have been ... the theatrical performance...
Partially you are right, but if Michael hadnt liked them, would he had let Zaldy create them and want them to have for TII gigs?

If we saw MJ on stage in these designs, maybe we would say something relevant because we would see the result...

Have you seen what The Jacksons wore during their performances in the 70s/80s?

I think its a matter of taste... and TII was to have been ... the theatrical performance...
Zaldy is hired by AEG live without MJ's approval. Even if MJ didn't like his designs, he had no choice!! That's why he asked Michael Bush to help him out. Yes, I saw what he wore during the J5 days. Nice or not, at least they were practical. It's not like he didn't have to dance. I understand zaldy wants to be creative and it's now the in thing for artists to wear crazy outfit BUT it's one thing to be creative and another thing to be plain stupid without taking in the consideration that MJ has to dance, What's he about, his message, the whole thing. His design doesn't suit MJ the artist. His designs is just plain retarded. It really isn't just the matter of taste. Does anyones seriously think Susan boyle is beautiful? Of course not. Just want to give people an example. It's NOT a matter of taste!!
Zaldy is hired by AEG live without MJ's approval. Even if MJ didn't like his designs, he had no choice!! That's why he asked Michael Bush to help him out. Yes, I saw what he wore during the J5 days. Nice or not, at least they were practical. It's not like he didn't have to dance. I understand zaldy wants to be creative and it's now the in thing for artists to wear crazy outfit BUT it's one thing to be creative and another thing to be plain stupid without taking in the consideration that MJ has to dance, What's he about, his message, the whole thing. His design doesn't suit MJ the artist. His designs is just plain retarded. It really isn't just the matter of taste. Does anyones seriously think Susan boyle is beautiful? Of course not. Just want to give people an example. It's NOT a matter of taste!!

are you serious? No MJs approval? His no choice?

Well, Id want to read your comment after This Is It..., anyway... there are just pics of the the costumes... we will never have the chance to see it on Michael to "judge"...
are you serious? No MJs approval? His no choice?

Well, Id want to read your comment after This Is It..., anyway... there are just pics of the the costumes... we will never have the chance to see it on Michael to "judge"...
YES! You can read on the article, Zaldy said MJ's creative team chose him. It's not MJ that chose him.
MJ prefer Michael Bush but he was forced by AEG to accept what they've arranged for him.