Bodyguards and inner circle


Proud Member
Jun 22, 2009
Ive got some questions, and was wondering how you all feel about it. Maybe i missed somethink (im from holland) but here it is;

I have seen the interview with the three bodyquards. They say that they were his bodyguards for the last two years. But not the last three weeks of his life.
Then there is this other bodyquard (the one that called 9/11) Alberto Alvarez who worked 18 months for MJ.

Did they work together as the 4 of them? Whats going on here? Both dont mention the other in interviews. The three bodyguards also claimed the family wasnt around much. And MJ didnt even know a movie? of Janet was coming out. I find this strange because i thougt he was close with Janet, and especially with his mother Katherine.
I know Mj wanted alot for his children, so why spend a birthday of one of them (so say the bg) without family members, only staff around. ?????

Then there is the confussion here on the site about alot of the inner circle of MJ. Karen faye, Frank Dileo etc. Thome was at the hospital whats that about??

Im really confused on this things, and hope to get some more clearity or thoughts of other fans of MJ who follow the news and maybe you know something i dont know.

So plz help me out here.

PS; i love the interview with Travis payne and Raffles. So hearthwarming

One thing I can answer you and that is when Michael moved to Los angeles in Oct 2008 those 3 quit working for him. One of them got fired way before, because he "talked" about Michael about private things. There is more about them but there is so many fans loving them and if you say something bad you get attacked.

And Michael knew about Janet´s movie.
so they werent working for him the past to years :S they lie????

great he knew about the movie
Well the bodyguards said he knew about it later. These bodyguards onlt worked for MJ when he was in Las Vegas i believe. When he went back to Beverly Hills, there was another bodyguard staff. So they did not work with MJ at the time of his death.
make sense but strange they say in a interview they worked with mj the last two years..
make sense but strange they say in a interview they worked with mj the last two years..

Well in a way, couldn't they still have done that? I mean, if Michael was in Vegas it was them working for him and in LA some other team? Am I wrong, but didn't he spend time in Vegas too during his last two years?
^^I think so Indra because he was even considering buying a home there and went home shopping there. So he would have to have spent some time there, right?
yes but why see they spend every! day for the last two years with him, the only three... thats very specific and cant be true, so what more is not true?

do u understand my suspician/?
yes but why see they spend every! day for the last two years with him, the only three... thats very specific and cant be true, so what more is not true?

do u understand my suspician/?

Yea, everyday might have been too much but I mean, they were his bodygaurds so more or less everyday I would guess, if not them then someone else. He did have security people with him all the time.
I don't know why they said that, so I do see where you're coming from.
But I do think they did spend a lot of time with him during his last years, probably more than anyone else who wasn't part of the family... but that's from what I know, I might be wrong too.
I read either in this forum or another they were saying they were there for him in Virginia and also in Las Vegas- that is where Michael met Dr. Murray who came to look after his kids. All I know is that the book they are writing looks like it is very positive about Michael. And I'll take any positivity about Michael any time.
yeah thats true but i found it strange :S :S :S if one is even fired of to much talking when MJ was alive. Why talk again now he is dead. im curieus of the fam and esp. the kids think of it...

before i read anythink i just wanna make sure the sourge is ok.. and im in doubt
The info comes from people who worked in Michael´s house and his assistent and a former head of security. And followers aka fans. And myself

I don´t know why they said the last two years. They worked for him almost two years though, and that was when he lived in Las Vegas. Dec 22 2007 till Oct 2008. One of his former head of security returned for a few months back in 2007 and that man are happy with them speaking good about Michael. However, he also says they´re talking about things that are not accurate and they exaggerate a lot of things.
The info comes from people who worked in Michael´s house and his assistent and a former head of security. And followers aka fans. And myself

I don´t know why they said the last two years. They worked for him almost two years though, and that was when he lived in Las Vegas. Dec 22 2007 till Oct 2008. One of his former head of security returned for a few months back in 2007 and that man are happy with them speaking good about Michael. However, he also says they´re talking about things that are not accurate and they exaggerate a lot of things.

If this is true then the whole thing about Michael not knowing about Janet's movie coming out is all a lie, beacuse that means they stoped working for him 1,5 year before it even came out and then wouldn't have any idea about it?

Hmm... I don't know, I'm just guessing they did work for him during his last years too but not as much as because then he stayed a lot in LA, but I'm pretty sure he was a lot in Vegas too... but I can be wrong.
^^^WHy did I get married was released Oct of 2007.
^^^WHy did I get married was released Oct of 2007.

Oh sorry, I thought they were talking about Why did I get married too (two?), the second movie that came out earlier this year. My fault...
The purpose of the three gentlemen's book on Michael is to shed light on what they
experienced over a two year time with Michael and his children. They have said
that they can speak to these things because they were with him 24/7 and intend
to counter any falsehoods/lies/misconceptions about Michael during that particular

Please stop finding things to question/complain about. Does it really matter if and
when Michael knew about Janet's movie? What matters is that they are able to
defend Michael with first hand knowledge. From what I have heard and read, they
do not candycoat anything; and their story is very positive about who Michael
was at that time.

We want the truth about Michael to be heard, don't we? Let's wait and see what
they have to say and how this book is done. Personally, I support their efforts
and hope it will let people know what a kind, loving and intelligent person he was.

We need this before this trial begins.
Im not ok with what you say. If anyone would stop asking question in general all the world could say stuff. Its important as a human being to ask question about a source or about wheter its true! Especially Michael would say so. Do you know what you are saying??? If people this ask questions back at the trial about the source of the family who was charging Michael the world would believed michael much more.!! So im a little bit defended by your answer because you say something in oposite of michael idea of the world. ALWAYS think question and read about history events etc..

that leaves me with these three gentleman, yes its great!! that there is pos news about Michael, but if its not true or it not the right time it good raise more question

AND it WILL harm Michael more! because the nonfans would say, they lied about this, they lied about everything. So its a good think we ask question before all that! if we the good site do it right! we stand stronger in the end!
they didnt lie. they have always said they worked for him 2 years ago. and one of them the bigger guy said that they stayed in contact and had spoken with him 2 weeks b4 his death.
Ingelief, good post! i am with you.

we have to ask questions!! questions qill bring us closer to the answers. the Answer what happened on 25 june 2009. Why a life was taken.

moodyblue, i have heard same thing - that they weren't that close... well, it's great they speak possitive things about Michael. but still we should know if this are only stories or it's true
thx for the compliment~!! :D

I really believe they say otherwise.. i hope we all stil ask questions, always and then the truth will come out..

The info comes from people who worked in Michael´s house and his assistent and a former head of security. And followers aka fans. And myself

I don´t know why they said the last two years. They worked for him almost two years though, and that was when he lived in Las Vegas. Dec 22 2007 till Oct 2008. One of his former head of security returned for a few months back in 2007 and that man are happy with them speaking good about Michael. However, he also says they´re talking about things that are not accurate and they exaggerate a lot of things.

Thank you.

One of them said to have been hired by Michael at the end of December, 2006.

I'm guessing the former head of security is Mike Laperruque (?).
The purpose of the three gentlemen's book on Michael is to shed light on what they
experienced over a two year time with Michael and his children. They have said
that they can speak to these things because they were with him 24/7 and intend
to counter any falsehoods/lies/misconceptions about Michael during that particular

Please stop finding things to question/complain about. Does it really matter if and
when Michael knew about Janet's movie? What matters is that they are able to
defend Michael with first hand knowledge. From what I have heard and read, they
do not candycoat anything; and their story is very positive about who Michael
was at that time.

We want the truth about Michael to be heard, don't we? Let's wait and see what
they have to say and how this book is done. Personally, I support their efforts
and hope it will let people know what a kind, loving and intelligent person he was.

We need this before this trial begins.

doesnt matter whether its positive r not they are breaking confidentialitly agreements and disrespecting mj. and making money off him. their stories will no doubt be exagerated in order to help them get a book deal and get interviews whether positive or not..if they were talking crap about him i doubt u would be supporting them. they are selling him out regardless. do u see ppl like wayne nagin doing the rounds. even mike laperquue only did a few short interviews.ppl who spent years with him

mj wasnt close to his fmaily bar his mother. he kept his distance and didint see them much hence why u had randy harrassing him and trying to get into his house and spreading crap about mj to get his attention
you believe that michael wasnt close with his family??

what do you mean 'bar his mother' ?

I hope he was close with some fam members, it would have been good for him and the children.
sorry bar means except. its well documented he wasnt close to his siblings. hardly saw them. and then only when he had to like the family get together in may
sorry bar means except. its well documented he wasnt close to his siblings. hardly saw them. and then only when he had to like the family get together in may

you're proabably right.

But The Jacksons do come together when times get really tough. They were present at Michael's wild 2005 trial.

And I really see that they want to come together now in support of Michael's justice, but I also understand some of them are afraid and I don't blame them.

Jermaine said they're having meetings about everything though.
why wasnt he close to his fam? i mean i thought (after seeing private home video's) he was close to janet.
He was close to Janet, when they were younger. Those private home videos were shot early 90's, most of it anyway. Then some little snippets in the 70's and 80's. Even Janet admitted that during the last few years, they drifted apart due to circumstances such as work and touring. I believe she said that on the interview with Robin Meade this year. So yes, they were very close growing up, up until I would say mid 90's? That's just a guess though from all the things I've seen and read.