Blocked Calls ; How to Trace? ; I keep getting calls


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I keep getting calls from random men & they leave dirty, disgusting messages. The problem is they block their numbers so I can't *69 it. I am wondering, do I need to take it to the nearest att place to get it looked at or 'wired' somehow, so I can trace them?? or have them not call??

Can I call the police???
How are they getting your number?

Maybe you should talk to your friends and ask them to stop giving out your number to these morons?
How are they getting your number?

Maybe you should talk to your friends and ask them to stop giving out your number to these morons?

Its not that simple. & I'm not that dumb. Which makes it even more complicated - one of the men said on the message, he got my # from a bathroom stall. I think a girl I was once friends with, wrote it on there to "get even" with me....I don't have her # & we don't have the same friends.
Ah, OK.

Well I have no idea what you should do, sorry. :scratch:
*69 is so useless. I get so many random calls where people DONT leave a message and im always dying to find out who the heck is it. But they have their numbers blocked. *69 is useless. And the phone company charges you for that service too. ugh. :doh:

And I refuse to buy a cell phone. lol. When I had one, i got neverending text messages and calls all day and night. NEVER again. hahahah. :D

Erhm, sorry about your situation. Yes you can take the phone to your phone service provider and have that particular person blocked. Its just a hassle. Usually, eventually the harasser stops. I hope that goes the same for you.
*69 is so useless. I get so many random calls where people DONT leave a message and im always dying to find out who the heck is it. But they have their numbers blocked. *69 is useless. And the phone company charges you for that service too. ugh. :doh:

And I refuse to buy a cell phone. lol. When I had one, i got neverending text messages and calls all day and night. NEVER again. hahahah. :D

Erhm, sorry about your situation. Yes you can take the phone to your phone service provider and have that particular person blocked. Its just a hassle. Usually, eventually the harasser stops. I hope that goes the same for you.

Thank you. I think I know the culprit - shes mad at me over something.... I won't share lol. but anyway I just hope that if I talk to him on the phone I can ask him to erase the # off the wall.
I personally would just change my number if it was bad enough.
same thing kinda happened to me a few years ago..
this person was leaving me msg's saying if i dont leave my bf (that time) he will kill me and he calls while im at work or going for a jog telling me that i look great and stuff.. it was scary as hell .. so i went to the cops ..traced it.. got a restraining order .. and change my number of course ...

if it gets worst go to the cops ....
Happened to me several years ago, so I changed my number. I know it's a hassle at first but if this is really bothering you, then that would be the best solution. I'm pretty sure that your cellphone provider won't be able to do much either but just tell you to change it. Hope you get this resolved soon :D
I had the same thing happen to me. I called AT&T and they said they could block incoming calls, but I needed to receive incoming calls. So I just changed my number, best $30 EVER. Getting phone calls all hour of the night was a pain and I couldn't turn it off because my grandfather was in the hospital at the time, so if anything happened I had to keep it on.
Hmm.. well in the UK you can report calls, after they finish you dial 1471 for last caller details (I'm guessing thats the same as *69?) and then press another number. Do you have this reporting fuction in the US? maybe you could check online?

I only know this because I accidently pressed the number after my cousin called and a recorded voice said something like 'you have logged this call as harrassment/innapropriate call'. I was like oooooohhh sshhh! I told my mum who called the helpline and told them it was a mistake... It was ok, you usually have to do it a few times for anyone to take notice anyway.

Wow some of you have scary stories..

BillieJean, I'd change your number.

I don't even use my mobile phone anymore, too annoying.. don't like it that people are able to contact me eeevvverrrryyywhere I go.