Blasts in Moscow metro


There were two blasts in Moscow metro this morning. Two metro stations were attacked. So far they say 34 people are dead.

Please pray.
OMG I just heard that on the news..this is horrible. My condolences to the Russian people.
OMG this is awful! I will for sure be keeping them in my prayers :cry: :angel:
OMG again? :no: I saw this on the news this morning. Looks awful.
My mother had been travelling to work just few station away from Park Kultury when the bomb detonated there. Thanks God she's ok
CNN says that Chechen separatists are resposible for this...
My mother had been travelling to work just few station away from Park Kultury when the bomb detonated there. Thanks God she's ok
CNN says that Chechen separatists are resposible for this...
^^ RBK says it too.
I'm glad your mom is OK.
Oh no :( I hadn't heard about this yet.. that's horrible. They are in my thoughts.
My mother had been travelling to work just few station away from Park Kultury when the bomb detonated there. Thanks God she's ok
CNN says that Chechen separatists are resposible for this...

thank god your mum is safe. my friends and relatives are all safe too. thank god.

37 people died and more than 100 people are injured....

what a horrible, scary world.
I hears bout this not long ago, my prayers & thoughts are with the ppl of russia. And any of you guys who have been affected by this.
Heard about this and really appalled by it :( Why does this always have to happen nowadays?! I pray for the victims.
I just saw the pictures on the news. :( Oh my goodness. RIP to the ones lost, it's just terrible.
I was shocked as you did. I am at Moscow right now for a 3-month-internship.. two days ago, last Saturday, I entered the metro at Lubyanka-station (the station the first explosion was today) :eek:
Oh God, it's so scary to go from A to B location in Moscow by using mass transport.. but it's impossible to go anywhere by car either cuz of livelong traffic endless circle.. It's horrible...! And yes, it's even more awful that it happens nowdays... :( Why can't ppl live in peace..? :angel:

P.S. Thanks God, me and my family is fine..
I know.:(
I woke up to the news of this. It's just so sad and awful:(
This happened in London on the underground tube too a few years ago:(
We've had enough!!:doh:
Such a waste of human life..........MJ's heart would be so torn with this news too:boohoo
i'm half russian & alot of my relatives is there
please pray for all the russians
may GOD be with them
How awful. My thoughts are with the Russian people. It was very scary to watch the news reports, as this is something that I fear happening every time I step into the NYC subway. In fact, I'm really surprised it hasn't yet given our lax security and the massive numbers of people using the system.