Black & White Magazine

Mr. Make Believe

Premium Member
Jan 2, 2009
Hi there,

Is anyone in here familiair with Black & White Magazine?
I collected these back in the day. It's a magazine that's orignially French. I started collecting the german spin-off. When I started, the first issue was allready sold out. I'm wondering if I have all the other German issues, but can't find that much info on the web.

I believe the french edition had a totall of 32 issues.
The German edition must have less issues. Does anyone has more info about this?
If anyone knows where I can find the first German issue, that would be great :)

yes, the first german issue was I think the same as the 3rd french issue.
I also still looking for my missing issues, and also special edition "Collector Book" ? part 1 & 2 are amazing!
yes, the first german issue was I think the same as the 3rd french issue.
I also still looking for my missing issues, and also special edition "Collector Book" ? part 1 & 2 are amazing!

Thnx for the reply! I think there are 28 German issues and 32 French.
I found this site:, which shows all the covers of the French edition. I think the German first issue is the same as the 4th French issue. From the French version nr. 32 is released, while, as far as I know, there isn't a German nr. 29.

In 2009 the French also released "Le numero Ultime", which wasn't released in German.
The two collector books and the extra HIStory Tour issue were released in French as well as in German.

I think that's all. Can anyone confirm that?

I'm still looking for the German 1st issue and the 1st collectors book. If I ever get the German collection complete perhaps I will start looking for the 4 missing French issues and Le numero Ultime. The first three French issues will be a problem though, there really hard to find and expenssive!
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^^ that website is AWESOME

Thanks for posting :) I am thinking about collecting these too
here are just a few of the in HQ covers:

Black and White - n° 1

Black and White - n° 3

Black and White - n° 6

Black and White - n° 8

Black and White - n° 10

Black and White - n° 18

Black and White - n° 19

Black and White - n° 20

Black and White - n° 21

Black and White - n° 22

Black and White - Hors Série n° 1

Black and White - Hors Série n° 2

Black and White - Hors Série n° 3

more info:,black-and-white-magazine,247807.html

I am really lucky, I have all the B&W's in French and German plus the collector series.
I am really lucky, I have all the B&W's in French and German plus the collector series.

You lucky man!!

Can you confirm that from the German edition 28 issues were released?
Do you have all the posters included in the magazines? I still have all of them, but took them out of the magazines when I was young, now I would like to put them back in. It's easy to do with issues 10-28, since the index shows the included posters. But the first 9 issues don't give any informatie on which posters are included, maybe you can be so friendly to help me out and tell me which posters were included in the first 9 German issues?

I believe the biggest problem is to find the first 3 French issues without paying a whole lot of money..

First I'm gonna focus on the first German issue, after that we'll see if I want to go for the french issues as well.

Thnx for all the info people!
I was lucky to find the 2nd french issue back in the days, still very happy with it!
You lucky man!!

Can you confirm that from the German edition 28 issues were released?
Do you have all the posters included in the magazines? I still have all of them, but took them out of the magazines when I was young, now I would like to put them back in. It's easy to do with issues 10-28, since the index shows the included posters. But the first 9 issues don't give any informatie on which posters are included, maybe you can be so friendly to help me out and tell me which posters were included in the first 9 German issues?

I believe the biggest problem is to find the first 3 French issues without paying a whole lot of money..

First I'm gonna focus on the first German issue, after that we'll see if I want to go for the french issues as well.

Thnx for all the info people!
I would have to go and hunt them out to answer your question, give me a little while. lol Yes, all of mine are complete with posters which I never removed. Will get back to you on which posters go where.
wow I didn't realise there were so many :eek:

I was lucky enough to get a few of them when they were out.. My newsagents were selling them, But they must have stopped at some point because I don't have that amount. :(
I would have to go and hunt them out to answer your question, give me a little while. lol Yes, all of mine are complete with posters which I never removed. Will get back to you on which posters go where.

With all the posters included, you're really lucky! :)

Thnx that you're willing to help me out! That's really appreciated!
If there is al german issue 29. I would love to know as well. I believe there's not, just to make sure. Thnx!

I have loads of MJ magazines, but these really are among the best. They're really classy when it comes to content and desgin. I love Christoph Boulme's work.
On a German forum I found out that the French nr. 32 wasn't released in Germany. So it's a fact that there are 32 French issues + 4 extra releases; the two collector books the HIStory Tour special and "le numéro Ultime"

There are 28 German issues released + 3 extra editions; the two collector books and the HIStory Tour special.

In the mean time I managed to get my hands on the first German issue and the first Collectors Book. So my German collection is complete.. Hooray! I also bought the second and third French issues and "Le Numéro Ultime". They sell for an average price of € 30,00. The older issues are more expensive but the more recent issues shouldn't cost more than € 20,00. Well atleast that's my experience. They only real problem seems to be the first French issue.

Now I'm really tempted to get the first French issue which seems to be really rare and therefore expensive. So I guess this is gonna be a project for the comming months/years.
It's available on, but for about € 132,00 with shipping included.. That seems to be way to much. So I keep my eyes open.
If anyone needs to get rid of it or finds one somewhere, please be so friendly to pm me. Thnx!
I have almost all of them except for a few early issues... and I don't speak French at all. :) so I bought them just for photos and posters :)
I have almost all of them except for a few early issues... and I don't speak French at all. :) so I bought them just for photos and posters :)

LOL, same here. I don't speak any french at all. But it's one of the few official magazines and of the best I've seen quality wise.

There is a German translation available of "Le Numéro Ultime". If anyone is interested in it, let me know.
I've been collecting both the French and the German editions (I don't have all of them though), and I speak neither of those languages :lol: But the magazines are beautiful to look at, quality stuff!
I've been collecting both the French and the German editions (I don't have all of them though), and I speak neither of those languages :lol: But the magazines are beautiful to look at, quality stuff!

LOL indeed quality stuff! Do you collect both the German and French versions of the same issues?

Just received my Le numéro Ultime and the 2nd en 3rd French issues. They're great.
I love the story in Le numéro Ultime about the makers of the magazine starting their business. Gave me little bit of hope.. they've made 20.000 first issues. That's more than I expected, so I really hope I find it one day..

Still waiting for my first German edition. I hope the mailman doesn't screw up :)

If anyone knows where I can find nr. 1 and nr. 32 of French edition, please let me know.

Hi Soulmum,

I did some research on the net and found out which posters suppose to go with the German issues 1, 2 and 4. So all I need to know is which posters go with issues 3, 5 till 9. Of course, take all the time you need. But if you can help me out one day I would reallu appreciate it. Thnx!

Hi Soulmum,

I did some research on the net and found out which posters suppose to go with the German issues 1, 2 and 4. So all I need to know is which posters go with issues 3, 5 till 9. Of course, take all the time you need. But if you can help me out one day I would reallu appreciate it. Thnx!

Will try my best to look for you, been unbelievably busy but will make the effort.
Hi Soulmum,

I did some research on the net and found out which posters suppose to go with the German issues 1, 2 and 4. So all I need to know is which posters go with issues 3, 5 till 9. Of course, take all the time you need. But if you can help me out one day I would reallu appreciate it. Thnx!

Got up early this morning and sorted it. All my mags are in cellophane protection bags and the posters have never been removed so I had to do my best in peering at them to the best of my ability. Hope this cracks it for you
Issue 3 Jam jacket/gold leotard/jam jacket again/black outfit with silver buckle on belt.
Issue 4 gold leotard/jam jacket (left arm outstretched)jam with Michael Jordan/In the closet with Naomi
Issue 5 MJ with Stallone/HTW poster/MJ with soldiers/Give in to me with Slash
Issue 6 Capt Eo poster/MJ with Eddie Murphy/Janet poster/another with Stallone
Issue 7 King on throne/with Japanese geisha's/with black panther/wearing red shirt
Issue 8 MJ with curly haired boy and car/Billie Jean pose with hand on hat/In the closet with hand over eyes/In the closet with arms wide
Issue 9 MJ around the world/MJ around the world (2) MJ wearing Japanese long outfit/sillhouette in black
Hope this is helpful to you. Just didn't want to take the posters out so have done the best I could. :yes:
Got up early this morning and sorted it. All my mags are in cellophane protection bags and the posters have never been removed so I had to do my best in peering at them to the best of my ability. Hope this cracks it for you

Hope this is helpful to you. Just didn't want to take the posters out so have done the best I could. :yes:

You got up early..Jeeze, thnx man! I really appreciate it! Since I have the german issues, itcracked it for me for most of the issues. I'm still trying to figure out which posters go with German issues 7, 8 and 9 (which are French no. 10, 11 and 12)

If anyone can help me out, that would be great. Soulmum you allready did to much. Thnx for the info!

Only 3 magazines to go when it comes including the right posters. And still looking for French nr. 1.
I have both the French and German I believe.
So - am I right in thinking you need - which posters go in German 7, 8 and 9 and which poster goes in the French No 1 issue?

Once again I will try and find the time but no promises as to how long. lol

Always nice to help out a fellow fan.

Marge x
You allready done too much! So if you find the time it would be great, otherwise no problem!

And yes, you're correct. I would like to know which posters go with the German issues 7, 8 and 9. (which are the same as the French 10, 11 and 12)

You're very lucky you actually have all the B&W's!

I just have all the Germans, and the French 2, 3, 32 and Le Numéro Ultime.
So I'm still looking for the first French issue. Than I have all the issues that were released, partly in French but most of them in German. Since I don't read French, I think I will stop collecting after I found the first French issue.

If there is anything I can do for you, let me know!

I didn't know of these mags. Thank you for sharing.