Black parents and white baby


Proud Member
Sep 20, 2009
so cute!!!


THE white baby girl born to black parents is to undergo full genetic tests, it was revealed yesterday.

And Ben and Angela Ihegboro are also trying to discover whether they have any white ancestry.

The devout Christian couple believe there are no whites on either side of their Nigerian families that could have led to four-day-old Nmachi's skin colour.

But Ben's mother Amebo, 70, is unusual in having blue eyes. Ben and Angela agreed to let experts study Nmachi as geneticist Dr Mark Thomas, of University College, London, said the odds of the baby's white colouring were "between many millions to one and a million to one".

He said: "I suspect there's been a mixture of a mutation, like albinism, combined with a dormant white gene.

Ben, 44, a customer services adviser, said: "It doesn't matter to us quite how she came about but we will do what we can to find answers. She's a beautiful, miracle baby and we love her. She could be green and yellow - we would love her the same."

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Pretty little girl :) I wish them all the love and luck in the world. How strange though! As soon as I saw her I wondered whether she was albino, but no...I wonder whether anyone else has experienced this though? Must be some sort of genetic mutation as was suggested x
I think she needs to sit down with him and have a serious discussion about who she was really with that night last November.
^^^^^I was thinking the same thing. but I didn't want to say it. Thanks for saying it for me.
I really hope that dude has had a DNA test to confirm that kid is his and isn't taking it on good faith. If it's really their biological daughter though then that's really cool.
^^^^^I was thinking the same thing. but I didn't want to say it. Thanks for saying it for me.

Haha I wonder what his reaction was when he saw the baby was white. The thought must have at least crossed his mind.
that's the exact same thing situation happen with my cousin two and a half year ago, her and her boyfriend had a son (the parents are african american with dark brown eyes) who was very fair or light skin with green eyes, and my cousin's boyfriend got a DNA test and the baby was his, i think it was told both side of their family's ancestry had a mixture of white and green eyes,
i believe its got to do with albanism or some other form of genetic disorder but maybe it does come from the ancestors u never know
There is a movie called Skin based on a true story. Parents are white & have a black child.

A friend of mine has black relatives who have a son who was born black & bald but as he grew so did his hair which is blonde & still is blonde today at age of 27.
she looks like a porcelain doll!

i'll take her home if they still think she's not theirs. :p

isn't there africans with blonde hair and black skin whom don't look mixed somewhere in africa.
cute kid..:)..these things do happen from time to has to do with ancestry just how strong that gene really is.