Black Eyed Peas song Meet Me Halfway


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This song is a perfect perfect example of what happens when The Black Eyed Peas actually try. This was one of the best mainstream songs that i've heard in years. It has great melody, a nice beat and Fergies vocals are pretty good also. Out of all the recent Black Eyed Peas songs that have been out this past year or two i think that Meet Me Halfway has been by far they're best. It makes me kinda mad when the same group who created this great song also created songs like Imma Be and Boom Boom Pow.

When i first heard Meet Me Halfway i thought ''Great! Maybe The Black Eyed Peas will keep making music that's like this and then the mainstream music scene will improve'' and why did i think that? Because The Black Eyed Peas are one of the most popular groups around at the moment. Most of/all of they're songs have gotten to number 1 and pretty much everyone is breaking down Will I Am's door trying to work with him. Now if a popular group of the time started making good music (Which The Black Eyed Peas are capable of) then maybe everyone else in the mainstream would have followed in their footsteps and started putting out more quality music.

Sadly though The Black Eyed Peas seem to only focus they're energy on forgettable songs like Imma Be

and for those of you who haven't heard Meet Me Halfway you can check it out here
The BEP became massive when they started putting out crap music (2009). Before that struggled to have the same success as Timbaland (they were the two most popular mainstream producers in the mid 00s, Timbo being HUGE) and his group wasn't as popular as it is now - even though the music was SO MUCH better.

Sad reality - crap sells. The ringtone music that Will produces now is a smash number one hit one after another. Again and again. I can't force myself to listen to it, but I LOVE his earlier work.

Their only song from the last three years that I find good is "Alive" - and it's the only one I listen to.
^^^What you consider 'crap' for me might be a treasure worth the entire world.

I loooooove this song and video more than i can say. I still remember a convo i was havin' with my guy about it back when it appeared.

I was tellin' him how out of the blue i was thinkin' of exactly that - how we should meet somewhere halfway between the U.S. and Europe, in the middle of the Atlantic or smth and how the song appeared a short few days after that thought. He considered it 'a catchy tune' and was tellin' me how they were playin' it all over the radio over there' and i can almost imagine his ornery smile while he was writin' that.

He did say that he would come all the way over here, not bother with half measures. It is true that he did come a few times and we've also meet in some friendly territories, went to church and attended some concerts together, but still, we never had enough time for ourselves. I'm sure we will make and find some time before we really get ole and gray :D
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