Billy Ray scared for Miley Cyrus


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Jul 25, 2011

Billy Ray Cyrus 'Scared For' Miley
posted by Erin Carlson - Tue Feb 15 2011, 8:39 AM PST

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Billy Ray is depressed.
Michael Loccisano/Getty Images Billy Ray Cyrus's heart is achy, breaky and bitter.

In an uber-revealing, uber-melodramatic interview in GQ, the country star blames "Hannah Montana" and the evils of Hollywood for tearing his family apart.

"I'll tell you right now -- the damn show destroyed my family," he tells the magazine. "And I sit there and I go, 'Yeah, you know what? Some gave all.' It is my motto, and guess what? I have to eat that one. I some gave-all'd it all right. I some-gave all'd it while everybody else was going to the bank. It's all sad."

When asked whether he viewed his family as under attack by Satan, the God-fearing singer and showbiz dad responds: "I think we are right now. No doubt. There's no doubt about it. ... There has always been a battle between good and evil. Always will be. You think, 'This is a chance to make family entertainment, bring families together ... ' and look what it's turned into."

Cyrus' personal life is in shambles: He filed for divorce from wife Tish last October amid reports she had an affair with Bret Michaels, of all people. He fears for the future of his megastar daughter, Miley, as she grows up and makes mistakes in the public eye.

"I'm scared for her," he says. "She's got a lot of people around her that's putting her in a great deal of danger. I know she's 18, but I still feel like as her daddy I'd like to try to help. At least get her out of danger. I want to get her sheltered from the storm. Stop the insanity just for a minute."

Cyrus regrets that he treated Miley like a friend and not a parent; when she recently celebrated her 18th birthday at a nightclub in L.A., he put his foot down and refused to attend.

"It was wrong," he complains. "It was for 21 years old and up. ... I said, 'This whole thing's falling apart up there and they just want to blame all this stuff on you again.' I'm staying out of it."

Fired up, Cyrus rambles on about such casualties of fame as Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith and Kurt Cobain, drawing a somewhat bizarre analogy between the late Nirvana frontman (who committed suicide) and his "Party In the U.S.A." daughter (who seems legitimately confident and self-loving).

"That's why I'm concerned about Miley," he says, referring to Cobain. "I think that his world was just spinning so fast and he had so many people around him that didn't help him. Like Anna Nicole Smith -- you could see that train wreck coming. I was actually trying to reach out to Anna Nicole Smith, because I kept telling Tish and everybody around me, going, 'This is a disaster.' Michael Jackson -- I was trying to reach out to Michael Jackson. I knew he had kids, and I was going to invite his kids down to a taping of "Hannah" -- I just felt it would be good for Michael."

Lest we all brand Cyrus a less evil, equally oversharey version of Michael Lohan (in terms of using the media to get his message across to Miley), he works some preemptive damage control into the GQ interview.

"For the record," he says, "to set it straight, I want to tell you: I've never made a dime off Miley. You got a lot of people have made percentages off of her. I'm proud to say to this day I've never made one commissioned dollar, or dime, off of my daughter."
He's a good guy and i think he had the best intentions so you ^ don't need to act like that, Miley is a wreck and i dont even care tbh she makes here own decisions and if she fuks here life up then i wouldn't give a damn there are people in this world like in africa who have to chance in life where as she has it all so to say so let her fuk herself
Too little, too late. What else did he expect in launching his then-minor daughter in the Hollywood film/music industry? Now that she's all grown up, and rich to boot, of course she's going to go haywire. Although, as Nirvana says, he may have had 'the best intentions', in the end, it's only the consequences which matter--and Billy Ray had plenty of red flags along the way [i.e. Vanity Fair cover, Kids' Choice Awards performance, etc.] He should have put his foot down then and not now, that Miley's legally an adult and free to wreck her own life a la Lindsay Lohan. Like he says, he should have acted more like a parent, and less like a friend. Schade--too late, entirely. Hindsight's 20/20, like they say.

There's nothing else to say, besides that I'm glad Hannah Montana is R.I.P. That show was obnoxious, and not a good influence on small children.
Wow... Now, of course, Billy Ray shouldn't have agreed to put his young daughter in the business in the first place, much less in the crappiest sitcom ever. .. But his attitude, wow, his bringing up satan into discussion, the good versus the evil, him trying to help out others and being God-fearing, now, that's a really rare trait in Hollywood. You can almost hear no one bringing up such strong points. .. I mean, it's good that he at least is considering his past lenient actions towards his daughter and all that. .. Not many do even that, like *coughjosephcough*. ...

Miley Cyrus is in a downward spiral, if he wants to save her for real, he should do whatever it takes. That's really hard now, esp since she's 18.. and most likely, already heavily mind-controlled by her handlers. ..
Wow... Now, of course, Billy Ray shouldn't have agreed to put his young daughter in the business in the first place, much less in the crappiest sitcom ever. .. But his attitude, wow, his bringing up satan into discussion, the good versus the evil, him trying to help out others and being God-fearing, now, that's a really rare trait in Hollywood. You can almost hear no one bringing up such strong points. .. I mean, it's good that he at least is considering his past lenient actions towards his daughter and all that. .. Not many do even that, like *coughjosephcough*. ...

Miley Cyrus is in a downward spiral, if he wants to save her for real, he should do whatever it takes. That's really hard now, esp since she's 18.. and most likely, already heavily mind-controlled by her handlers. ..

If it gets really bad, he could have a chance at having some sort of intervention, like Britney Spears' dad did with Britney back when she was in her rut. That would be difficult to stage, though, since she's a legal adult--but not entirely outside the realm of possibility.
this story really does have me a little upet...this stuff seem to be happening to all of our childhood really is sad. ..Hollywood really is unforgiving the life style moves so fast...I really like this family too...I hope Miley gets herself together. Lyndsay is a tragedy as far as I am concerned....they are two very talented young ladies.
this story really does have me a little upet...this stuff seem to be happening to all of our childhood really is sad. ..Hollywood really is unforgiving the life style moves so fast...I really like this family too...I hope Miley gets herself together. Lyndsay is a tragedy as far as I am concerned....they are two very talented young ladies.

This is true--there seems to be a generally set pattern, which seems to affect those who embrace their fame the most. Look at what happened to Lohan--now she can't even get a job, because her blunders eclipse her talent. Miley is nowhere near as talented as Lindsay Lohan, however, she does have talent and a certain degree of charisma--which won't be enough to save her career if she keeps going the way she's going. =/
shouldnt have sold her then should ya .


I also fear that this might happen to Will Smith's family..........

Something desperate needs to be done to save childstars from ruining their lives.........

Too often its the fault of the parents...........and then the media (for being blatant perverts and not respecting privacy)........ can't blame the film studios or the music labels..........they are just businessmen/women............and the parents of these children are well aware of that when they signed their children away for money!!!!!!
Yes, the Smith children also are heavily, grossly exploited by their parents. I'm sorry, but even though the child seems to now love what they are doing, they'll regret it later. They're plunged into this so-called adult world. .. Willow Smith already is talking about haters, she wears make-up, has crazy hairdos and outfits and appears to appeal to spoiled brats, she's talented, but children's talents shouldn't be exploited, at least not that way, other children find/will find it cool as well to behave that way. ..
I hope he is able to save it's sad to see young people waste their lives. People make mistakes but deserve a second/third and even forth chance imo.