Billie Jean modified with autotune

The visuals are great--not sure about the music though--love the highlights on the glove!!!!

Love the opening with MJ talking about the creation of the song :)

edit: the remix grows on you--all in all, it's a great job and the visuals are amazing. He weaves together various Billie Jean performances--the only significant one missing is TII (but that was only a rehearsal, so it makes sense). It really is a wonderful tribute to MJ.
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That was pretty sweet!
Lolz at the sound effects at the beginning.
I liked that .. it was different and very creative. I also like the vid a bit more than the remix but both were pretty good IMO
I like it... I'm not in love with it like I am with the original and just about every live version Michael ever produced, but I like it, way better than any of the remixes on T25.

What I do love is the beginning, before the actual mix kicks in, Michael's talking about the song and parts of the demo... This is a great idea for any future anniversary editions IMO.
Where does that spoken part in the beginning come from?
sounds very interesting, i imagine if i played it to my friends.. they would love it a lot, hopefully it'll aspire them to research Michael's original art.. it's decent! nicely organised, but not something i'll be keeping. just my thought's.
Loved the remix, a very modern take on it, and the video in parts was amazing, especially the start and the ending, any future hologram concert needs to have the last sequence as its ending.
Love it! Pretty tune and really well done with a nice fast dance beat. Yes I think this must be the same guy who did Take Me Away, also a pretty tune! Amazing what technology can do, you can tell the voice has been played with but its still distinctly Michael!
Who knows, in ten years time when we have heard all the unreleased material, stuff like this remix and Take Me Away might be all we ever get!
I like the creativity but this remix did not really resonate with me. The music is too clubby for my liking. I also feel like the new vocal melody in the verses really does not work (the chorus melody works better and the interplay with the synth line is well done imo). There are some nice ideas in the video (the beginning is fun) and it is synched up nicely with the music, but the selection of footage and the transitions between them seemed quite random to me, and I felt like the glint and glow effects were massively overused. Also a pity that some of the footage was really low quality.

Nevertheless it is always fun to see/hear a fanmade remix.

I am pretty sure this is not NathanJay's work btw (the guy who did Take Me Away and Won't Stop Lovin'). He crafts completely new vocals by cutting, pasting and Melodyning very small samples, not remixing existing vocal takes. The only video I have seen of his was an animated project for Take Me Away (quite creative!), very different from this one.
Love it! Pretty tune and really well done with a nice fast dance beat. Yes I think this must be the same guy who did Take Me Away, also a pretty tune! Amazing what technology can do, you can tell the voice has been played with but its still distinctly Michael!
Who knows, in ten years time when we have heard all the unreleased material, stuff like this remix and Take Me Away might be all we ever get!

Actually the whole autotune stuff is pretty scary to me when they use it to turn bad singers into "good" ones in a studio. It pretty much makes my head ache too when I hear all those autotuned current hits on radio. Does not sound good. But this was fun because it had a different purpose, it was just goofing around with MJ's song a bit. Of course he never needed autotune, he was an old fashioned vocalist.But what is going on in the music industry with autotune is scary. This is a parody of it - how they can even turn the news into "music" now:

Not too shabby! It's weird (in a good way) hearing the lyrics set to a totally different melody...
I still listen to Take Me Away. Sounds like a Michael record to me. He nailed it on that song.

I've asked Nathan Jay if he's responsible for this, will post back if I get an answer.

Any download for this remix?
WOWWW! thanks for sharing.
It is the best MJ remix I've ever heard! I love the sax sounds!
It should have more views!
Awesome! Refreshing and different great imagination MJ would love this!
Woooooow !!!! The part from 6:08 to the end is pure genius !!!! This visual effect combined with this sound makes it hypnotic, pure talent !!!! Give him an award or something !!!! Thanks for posting you respect you ! :D
If you can appreciate how difficult it is to take something that already has genius stamped all over it and make something new, you'd have to give this person a massive thumbs up.

I'm not in love with the overall sound but I think it's a refreshing idea & far more creative than just taking some dance beat and speeding up a track and laying them together calling it a remix.

I raised a previous thread about this years ago but does ANYONE know what the chorus says @2:39? "Don't call me Billie Jean..."