Bille Jean!!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey Billy Jean are you online

if yo uread this tomrow i wont be online becuse im going out all day but ill be back Near 4 or 5 ( LA time) so if you need me email me on here
be strong for me and for MJ ok!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes alwways with us even if hes not in his body any more he watching over all of us now hes our angle
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Re: Billy Jean!!!!!!

i colud not send you a PM so ill post it on here BIlle

Hey MJ would be so sad if he saw you like this!!!!!!!!! he would want you to be celebrating his music and sharing it with other that don't know who he really was he would want you this holiday to go visit kids and bring toys that will bring so much joy to there face Please be strong i m going to a same situation n with my friend Mario hes not dead but hes moving to San Diego and that brake me into a million pieces i cry alto since i found out that i might never see him again because SD is too far for me to visit only in the summer time i would be able to see him hes the best friend a person could ever had but i know i will have his memories and hes always on my space so that comforts me that ill know that he will be OK please be strong MJ love you very much and he knows your hurting maybe he will visit you In a dream to confter you to let you know that hes OK in heaven if you live in LA maby me and you can get together and hang out maby go down to Hollywood and take a tour of the star home together or see the walk of fame or even go visit MJ and place flowers near the door

Please don't hurt your self MJ would never want ANY fan to hurt them self just so they can be close to him because even if hes not here in body hes here as a angel taking care of us sending his love every single day i can fell it with me all the time if you need to talk to him do so talk to MJ don't listen to any one that says that Micheal cant hear you because i know he can i know he will reply in his own way maby with little things like playing a song in your head ( he always dose it to me ) or giving you sings as you walk down the street

if you need anything email me on here or IM me on yahoo my SN is smallgirlforyou any time of the day or night I'm here

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Why don't you send BillieJean a private message here on the forum? They might not want this out in the open.