BillBoard: Michael Jackson a global phenomenon

Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay
this is a long article on ...but I am just posting the highlights


July 02, 2009 08:00 PM ET

Less than a day after Michael Jackson's death, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, announced that the city would erect a statue of the singer in Dona Marta, a favela that was once notorious for drug dealing and is now a model for social development. The change was spurred partly by Jackson's 1996 visit to film the video for "They Don't Care About Us."
Silva found a family that let her spend the night at their home and saw the favela residents washing the streets to prepare for Jackson's arrival. "The people were so proud," Silva says. "That was the best thing for me. People got up early to clean the area, they prepared for him, they took out the trash."

Jackson arrived by helicopter but walked the streets of Dona Marta shaking hands and distributing candy. "People were very surprised in the end, because they were expecting an extraterrestrial guy," Silva says. "And he was—it sounds strange to say this—a normal guy."

Jackson shot scenes in Salvador, alongside throngs of people, accompanied by the Afro-Brazilian cultural group Olodum. In the video, he can be seen dancing to the beat of hundreds of Olodum's drummers and with cheering fans who reach out to touch him—and at one point burst through security and push him to the floor.

"This process to make Dona Marta better started with Michael Jackson," Silva says. "Now it's a safe favela. There are no drug dealers anymore, and there's a massive social project. But all the attention started with Michael Jackson." --Leila Cobo


"Growing up as a young black kid in a township, you either dreamed of being a freedom fighter or being Michael Jackson. It was as simple as that."

So recalls the leading South African R&B artist Loyiso Bala, whose five South African Music Awards are a testament to the fact that he chose to follow the King of Pop.

He forced black families to debate issues surrounding individualism and race, so his cultural impact here extended beyond simply the music," he says.

That impact was most visible in 1997 when the HIStory tour came to the country for a five-date run that ended Oct. 15 at Durban's King's Park Stadium, the performer's final full-scale concert in support of a studio album. The shows are still the largest the country has ever seen, attracting 230,000 people, according to Attie Van Wyk, CEO of the presenting promoter, Cape Town-based Big Concerts.

"South African radio was very racially segmented in the years before 1994," he says. "But Michael proved to be the one artist whose music was played on white pop stations and black R&B stations. It doesn't sound like much now, but it was a very potent thing when you think back to how apartheid attempted to keep everything about black and white society separate." --Diane Coetzer


After 30 years of vilifying everything American, Beijing re-established diplomatic relations with Washington, D.C., Jan. 1, 1979, the same year Jackson released "Off the Wall." At the time, most of China was still clad in drab blue Mao suits, state-controlled radio was almost devoid of Western pop music and record companies had little distribution. But Jackson's music soon took root--with a vengeance.

Beijing-based musician Kaiser Kuo says that the only time he felt physically threatened during the volatile spring of 1989 was because of Jackson's popularity.

On June 3, 1989 -- just as pro-democracy students reached what would prove a fatal deadlock with the government in Tiananmen Square -- Kuo's heavy rock band Tang Dynasty was playing a show in Jilin Province, unaware it had been billed as "Michael Jackson's backup band." Realizing they'd been scammed, the audience "went nuts and burned down the ticket booth," Kuo says. "Jackson was just that popular."


For many people in India -- a market where international repertoire accounts for just 5% of physical music sales -- Michael Jackson is Western pop.

Alone among Western artists, his popularity isn't confined to English-speaking urban Indians. Among the country's rural youth his celebrity competes with Bollywood stars for one reason: his trademark dance moves.

"Anybody who dances well is compared with Michael Jackson," says Nikhil Gangavane, who founded India's official, 13,000-member Jackson fan club. "The moonwalk made Michael reach from the classes to the masses in India."

Jackson proved his popularity on the subcontinent with the one show he performed in India -- Nov. 1, 1996, at Mumbai's Andheri Sports Complex. A 70,000-seat sellout, it was organized by Shiv Sena political party leader Raj Thackeray to raise funds to provide jobs for young people in the state of Maharashtra -- and boost the party's popularity among young urban voters.

Jackson arrived at Mumbai airport Oct. 30 and was greeted by actress Sonali Bendre, who put the traditional Hindu "tilak" mark on his forehead. A motorcade escorted him to the concert, and he stepped out of the car several times during the journey to wave at the thousands of fans lining the streets between the airport and his hotel lobby.

Fans still remember. "Go to any village, any corner in India and you'll find everyone is familiar with the name Michael Jackson," Kaur says. "There is no musician who can replace MJ." --Ahir Bhairab Borthakur


There's big in Japan, and there's Michael Jackson.

Fans ranging from teenagers to 50-somethings -- many dressed in Jackson's trademark outfits—staged an impromptu candlelit memorial June 27 in Tokyo's Yoyogi Park. While some showed off dance moves and sang songs, others wept openly and prayed at makeshift altars.
Fans ranging from teenagers to 50-somethings -- many dressed in Jackson's trademark outfits—staged an impromptu candlelit memorial June 27 in Tokyo's Yoyogi Park. While some showed off dance moves and sang songs, others wept openly and prayed at makeshift altars.

"It's funny," one attendee said. "The gathering at [Harlem's] Apollo Theater was like a celebration of his life, but Japanese people go straight into mourning."

Jackson won over Japan like few Western stars before or since. Famous in the country since the release of "Off the Wall," he became even bigger in 1987, when he started his "Bad" world tour at the Tokyo Dome. He sold out 14 shows, drawing about 450,000 fans and taking in an estimated 5 billion yen ($52 million). Hundreds of screaming girls greeted his arrival at Tokyo's Narita Airport, which was covered by 1,000 journalists; another 300 covered the arrival of Bubbles, Jackson's chimp, who came on a separate flight.

"No other performer had Michael Jackson's star power in Japan," says Archie Meguro, senior VP of Sony Music Japan International. "He was so loved for his talent, his music, his dance and his gentle soul."

The news of his death caused such a stir in Japanese society that three cabinet ministers took the unusual step of commenting on his passing.

"Michael is the biggest entertainment influence on the Japanese people after the Beatles," says Ken Ohtake, president of Sony Music Publishing Japan. "He will always remain in the hearts of the Japanese people as an extraordinary and unparalleled artist." --Rob Schwartz
king of the world. what other american is loved like that all over the world. barracks giving it a good go but thats about it.
They should've gotten MJ to go over there and sit with North Korea and Iran for discussions.
they could have used mj for so much good but instead they crapped on him. the world didnt deserve him.
Some souls die for the greater good. Maybe his death will not be in vain at all. Time will tell for sure.

I found this uplifting commentary on MJ, you may not share all of her spiritual opinions but you may agree on the main message:

[FONT=&quot]Michael Jackson [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]When substantial shifts occur, it can create the departure of souls who have been carrying significant amounts of higher level energy. When Steve Irwin died, he left the energy of wildlife and wilderness conservancy behind. He had embodied this energy within himself to a massive degree, so by departing, he then allowed this energy to be dissipated to many others on the planet, thus creating a more widely spread purpose and higher energy for the planet as a whole. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dana Reeve created the same effect when she departed. She embodied angelic energy, and thus, when she departed, we were then given the opportunity as a whole to now embody this energy ourselves. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At other times, souls carrying a significant amount of energy depart because we have evolved beyond the energy they are embodying, and the role of these souls is now over. Anna-Nicole Smith was one of these souls. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]When souls depart who carry significant amounts of energy, their sudden absence can be greatly felt, and what they leave behind creates a ripple effect as it migrates and dissipates out for the entire planet to embrace and now embody in a more evenly distributed way. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Michael Jackson, perhaps the most talented performer of all time, embodied a massive amount of higher level energy. He was extremely connected to a higher level and to “the other side.” He was unmistakably a bridge; bringing this higher level energy into form and then giving it out to the masses. Remembering oh so well what the “other side” was like, he, like others, found it extremely difficult to exist within and understand the strange and many times darker energies that were on the planet while he was here. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]So then, he embodied massive amounts of energy relating to the other side and bringing it here. In this way, he suddenly departed precisely around the time we experienced the solstice of June 21, because it was now time to dissipate that energy to the planet. He has now given us this energy to embody ourselves. He no longer needed to hold so much of it himself, as the shift of the solstice created this new connection for the planet to now experience on its own. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Apologies for a perhaps scattered and poorly written WINGS post this time. Due to the situation with my father, my concentration is not the best right now. But as always, I thank you so much for your continual dedication as my readers. May you each be blessed as I have been blessed by you…. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]With much love and gratitude,[/FONT]

Nice article! But I didn't need to read that to know that MJ was/is a global phenom. Just look at his records sales, any of his concerts oveseas or even this site. Look at how many international fans he has on this site alone. Most American entertainers don't have all these worldwide fans that Michael seems to have.
Michael Jackson On Track For More Billboard Charts Records

Michael Jackson
July 03, 2009 12:12 AM ET

Keith Caulfield, L.A.
After his record-breaking chart week, the late Michael Jackson will continue to shake up the charts next week, too. According to SoundScan's Building Chart data, more than 110,000 Jackson albums were purchased during the first two days of the new tracking week (June 29-30).
Billboard's Full continuing Michael Jackson coverage, including video, charts and more.

Billboard estimates that the seven merchants that report to Nielsen SoundScan's Building chart -- Trans World Entertainment, Best Buy, iTunes, Starbucks, Borders, Target and Anderson Merchandisers -- make up about 60% of all U.S. album sales. Nielsen SoundScan's sales tracking week runs from Monday through Sunday of each week.

wow, thanks for posting Rasta. That's a really beautiful article taht just goes to show the impact Michael has had on the World.
Michael is the biggest ever star to grace the earth, nobody else has been able to have such a huge impact in every single continent across the world. People won't admit that, but its true.
thanks for posting...

Seems like they wanna make a statue of him in Salvador too, but nothing's confirmed. I hope they do.

Sunnyday81, thanks for sharing this article...very beautiful, he had this higher level energy indeed...i hope we can all embrace and embody this energy and keep his legacy always alive! :)
Wow, I so want to see those statutes. Maybe there will be one somewheres in the US.

And I expected the recording breaking sales to continue into another week with Billboard.
maybe fans in L.A should be getting on gardner street to uncover mjs name or go down there and do it yourself im sure theres enough euro fans who will oblige