Bill Bray Relates Special Message About Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A few days ago a man came into my dream. I asked this man who he was and he said his name was Bill Bray.

I asked him what he wanted and he told me that I don't have to worry because Michael Jackson is okay and he is safe now. At the time of my dream I did not know who Bill Bray was.

When I woke up I did a search online and typed in the name Michael Jackson and Bill Bray. I found out that Bill Bray died a few years ago. I also found out that he was a longtime friend of MJ's and he was also the head of security for several years. I found this to be very interesting.

I guess Bill Bray wanted me to pass this message along to all the MJ fans. It looks like Bill Bray is still continuing to fulfill his security duties.
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That's a lovely dream. I believe Michael is safe now and with the loved ones who've passed on before him. Bill Bray always took care of Michael since he was a little boy, so nice to hear he is still taking care of him now in heaven.
hhmmm....interesting.. thank you. I already new that Michael was ok as long as he is in heaven God will never let anything happen to him. Its not the fact that I dont think Michael is ok that bothers me........its the way that he pasted away that bothers me. I just dont want his death to be meaningless. I want ALL the people responsible to be held accountable. I miss you Michael.
Oh wow. That's amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this. I believe you very much.
Really makes me feel so much better.
Wow, nice dream :)
Thank you for sharing it with us, it really does comfort little bit.
Uncle Bill had been in MJ's life for a very long time.
I find it fascinating that you didnt know who he was but had a dream about him.
Dreams feel so real sometimes. They can lift you up and let you down.

Thanks for sharing your experience. :)