Bigfoot Body Found

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

Yes if you guys have not seen it its all over the news if its real or not we will see

DNA evidence and photo evidence to be presented at a PRESS CONFERENCE to be held on:
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008
Time: From 12Noon-1:00pm
Place: Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto, 4290 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, California 94306
(A Crown Plaza Resort)

A body that may very well be the body of the creature commonly known as "Bigfoot" has been found in the woods in northern Georgia.

DNA evidence and photo evidence of the creature will be
presented in a press conference on

Friday, August 15th from 12 Noon to 1:00pm at the Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto at 4290 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, California, 94306. The press conference will not be open to the public. It will only be open to credentialed members of the press.
Here are some of the vital statistics on the "Bigfoot" body:

*The creature is seven feet seven inches tall.

*It weighs over five hundred pounds.

*The creature looks like it is part human and part ape-like.

*It is male.

*It has reddish hair and blackish-grey eyes.

*It has two arms and two legs, and five fingers on each hand and
five toes on each foot.

*The feet are flat and similar to human feet.

*Its footprint is sixteen and three-quarters inches long and five
and three-quarters inches wide at
the heel.

*From the palm of the hand to the tip of the middle finger, its
hands are eleven and three-quarters inches
long and six and one-quarter inches wide.

*The creatures walk upright. (Several of them were sighted on the
same day that the body was found.)

*The teeth are more human-like than ape-like.

*DNA tests are currently being done and the current DNA and photo
evidence will be presented at the press
conference on Friday, August 15th.

The creature was found by Matthew Whitton (AKA Gary Parker) and Rick Dyer (residents of Georgia) in the woods in northern Georgia. (The exact location is being kept secret to protect the creatures.)

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer will be flying in from Georgia to be at the press conference. Also present at the press conference will be Tom Biscardi, CEO of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc.

Whitton is a local, Georgia, police officer, who is currently on administrative leave after being wounded in the course of duty pursuing an alleged felon. Dyer is a former correctional officer. Whitton and Dyer are co-owners of and Bigfoot Global LLC., a company that offers Bigfoot expeditions. Whitton and Dyer are working with Bigfoot hunter, Tom Biscardi, and Biscardi's Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., to present and conduct the scientific study of the evidence and information on this body.

A few weeks ago, Whitton and Dyer announced the finding of the body on the "Squatch Detective" radio show, an internet based radio show hosted by Steve Kulls. While on that show, the commentator asked Rick Dyer "Would you allow one of our people to come down and verify the body?" Dyer replied, "The only person we would allow to come down and verify the body was 'the real Bigfoot Hunter,' Tom Biscardi." The next day, the producer of the Squatch Detective show contacted Biscardi with pertinent information on how to contact Dyer and Whitton.

Extensive scientific studies will be done on the body by a team of scientists including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist, a paleontologist and other scientists over the next few months at an undisclosed location. The studies will be carefully documented and the findings will be released to the world, according to Biscardi.

Biscardi is known as "the real Bigfoot Hunter" because of his extensive investigations out in the field. He has been searching for Bigfoot since 1971 and over the past several years, he has been criss-crossing the United States and Canada tracking down the hottest leads on Bigfoot sightings.
Videography on the studies will be done under the supervision of Scott Davis, an independent producer and owner of TV Biz Productions in Phoenix, Arizona.

Currently, Tom Biscardi and his Searching for Bigfoot Team, in conjunction with Bigfoot Global LLC., are preparing to capture another of these creatures alive. That expedition will start very soon. The dates and the locations are being kept confidential.

The body that is currently being studied is being referred to as the "RICKMAT" creature, a name derived from the names of Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton.

Last year, a film that Biscardi produced about his investigations, called "Bigfoot Lives," won first place in the Documentary category at the Pocono Mountains Film Festival. Biscardi also hosts a Bigfoot oriented internet radio show that can be heard on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:00pm PDT at The show is heard in over thirty countries.

Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. has exclusive rights to all publishing rights, photo rights, television and film rights, production and distribution rights and other commercial opportunities related to the discovery and findings regarding this body and these creatures. Interested parties may contact Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., in writing, at their mailing address;
"Bigfoot" fails DNA test

Fri Aug 15, 6:48 PM ET

PALO ALTO, California (Reuters) - Bigfoot remains as elusive as ever.

Results from tests on genetic material from alleged remains of one of the mythical half-ape and half-human creatures, made public at a news conference on Friday held after the claimed discovery swept the Internet, failed to prove its existence.

Its spread was fueled by a photograph of a hairy heap, bearing a close resemblance to a shaggy full-body gorilla costume, stuffed into a container resembling a refrigerator.

One of the two samples of DNA said to prove the existence of the Bigfoot came from a human and the other was 96 percent from an opossum, according to Curt Nelson, a scientist at the University of Minnesota who performed the DNA analysis.

Bigfoot creatures are said to live in the forests of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. An opossum is a marsupial about the size of a house cat.

Results of the DNA tests were revealed in an e-mail from Nelson and distributed at the Palo Alto, California, news conference held by Tom Biscardi, host of a weekly online radio show about the Bigfoot.

Also present were Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, the two who say they discovered the Bigfoot corpse while hiking in the woods of northern Georgia. They also are co-owners of a company that offers Bigfoot merchandise.

Despite the dubious photo and the commercial interests of the alleged discoverers, the Bigfoot claim drew interest from Australia to Europe and even The New York Times.

Biscardi said the DNA samples may not have been taken correctly and may have been contaminated, and that he would proceed with an autopsy of the alleged Bigfoot remains, currently in a freezer at an undisclosed location.

(Reporting by Clare Baldwin in Palo Alto; writing by Jim Christie; editing by Mary Milliken and Peter Henderson)

Article at Horror Vision
hmmmmmmmm, (wonders who to believe now) I was very interested in this. Finally something I read all the way through without scheming through it.. lol
Please. Big Foot doesn't exsist, lol. The closest thing to it in reality was Neanderthal.
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well if anyone ever does find some not yet seen creature even if it is dead i am sure al newsstations pay millions to be the first to show the body and since we havent yet seen it i donw believe one word

So it's finally settled then, Bigfoot is part human, part opossum... :doh:

Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. has exclusive rights to all publishing rights, photo rights, television and film rights, production and distribution rights and other commercial opportunities related to the discovery and findings regarding this body and these creatures. Interested parties may contact Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., in writing, at their mailing address;
What a cheap publicity stunt.
When the world gets sucked in

By Sean Plambeck
August 15, 2008 02:19pm

YOU may not be convinced the body of Bigfoot is stowed in an Esky in the US, but history shows people have fallen for hoaxes time and time again.

Sceptics believe two men who claim to have discovered the corpse of Bigfoot are pulling our legs, particularly after the pair admitted to faking a video interview with a scientist.

One of the most damaging and enduring hoaxes of all time was the publication in 1905 of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The Protocols claim to outline a secret plot by Jewish financiers to take over the world, and despite being debunked as a fabrication, it has often been cited as proof of a global conspiracy.

Jewish writer, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiessel said of the Protocols: "If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred, it is this one. . . . This book is about lies and slander."

Adolf Hitler used the debunked bookin some of his speeches but he too would become part of a global literary hoax.

The Nazi leader featured in another hoax in 1983 when a German magazine bought 62 volumes of the lost diaries of Hitler and London newspaper The Times reportedly paid about $400,000 for exclusive extracts of the books.

However within weeks the diaries were proved to have been printed on modern paper with modern ink and were full of historical inaccuracies.

The world's most infamous visual hoax, however, centered on a film purporting to show an autopsy of an alien following a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1945.

Fifty years later, in 1995, Brit Ray Santilli released the video showing the dead alien being cut up.

A further 11 years passed before Santilli admitted he'd faked the footage.

Still, Santill maintained his video was based on an authentic film he had seen of the autopsy but which had degraded so only a few frames remained.

Extraterrestrial beings also played a part in a hoax so effective that even though its producers said it was fiction, it still caused mass hysteria.

The 1938 radio broadcast of Orson Welles' take on War of the Worlds had people running for the hills.

Its dramatic news bulletins of a Martian invasion were broadcast live and convinced masses to believe earth had indeed come under attack.

Another group who perpetrated a hoax over the airwaves was dance-pop band Milli Vanilli.

"Singers" Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan were found to be lip-syncing models who paraded around the celebrity ciruit while studio vocalists did the real work.

In 1990 their producer lifted the lid on the singing swindle and the pair were stripped of their Grammy Award.

Another hoax that enraged the public concerned news that a Dutch broadcaster planned to air a show in which a terminally ill woman would decide who out of three young patients will get her kidney.

But when the show went to air in 2007 the woman was revealed to be an actor and the patients were in on the deception.

Dutch Education Minister Ronald Plasterk said the show was a "fantastic stunt" and an intelligent way to draw attention to the shortage of donor organs.

But not all hoaxes are elaborate.

In 1917, two young English girls, Frances Griffiths and Elsie Wright , took photographs showing them playing with fairies at the bottom of their garden.
Many doubted the Cottingley Fairies but the author of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was a believer.

But in 1978 a researcher realised the fairies in the pictures were almost identical to mythical figures in a children’s book called Princess Mary’s Gift Book.

In 1981, Francie and Elsie confessed that four of their five pictures contained paper cut-outs - but they maintained one was an actual photograph of a fairy.
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Well in todays world there are over 30 new species found in a day. Most of these are about the size of spiders or even germs but there are unseen or newly formed species out there. Little odd that something so large would be unproven for so long. Be almost funny if it were determined to be true.