Big interview TII dancer Timor (Dutch)

Thanks for mentioning this and the links. I meant to watch this but forgot all about it.
Very touching part when he talks about finally having found his idol, someone to bring and inspire positivity in his life as he's never had a father figure, and then his idol left him.
I love the way Timor talks about Michael, with such enthusiasm and dedication and everything straight from his heart. Timor is a wonderful guy and I wish him all the luck in the world in pursuing his dreams!
ok i cant understand a word but i think everyone involved with this is it talks about michael the way we talk about him. They truly truly understood him and loved him. no falseness. i feel proud of them, like they are our voice and they represent us. you can tell they mean every word they say and all they want is for people to recognise mike the way we do
Thank you, I enjoyed the stroopwafel story. :)