Big Brothers Big Sisters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone here volunteer for the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization??

I am a Lunch Buddy, which means that I basically pick 1 day a week and go in and eat lunch with my 'Little' Sister. We play games, work on home work, do crafts, etc.

My first year I was a Freshman in college and my Little Sister was a girl who was blind, and one of 8 children in her family. Her mother and father were divorced and she didn't know her real dad. Her step-dad and mother neglected her. All of her other siblings could do things for themselves such as bath themselves, make food, clean their clothes, etc. but since she was blind she was at a disadvantage. She used to tell me her laundry hardly ever got washed, she never got breakfast because no one would make it for her, and she struggled with bathing because she had to do it by herself many times.

She had never been given a marker to color with, play doh to sculpt, or scissors to cut with. We created clay baskets for her mother, she drew me pictures of what she thought houses and flowers looked like (which are hanging in my room) and she strung beads on to a necklace that she still wears. All things that she had never done before because no one thought she was capable.

My heart was absolutely broken for her. She had never received an Easter basket, a Christmas gift, or a Birthday gift before in her life and she was 10 years old! I gave her the biggest Easter basket I have ever personally seen, made a huge deal about her Birthday, and I would have made an even bigger deal about Christmas but we were not matched over this holiday =[

I moved back home for the summer and the next school year I was unable to volunteer the first semester. She was rematched with someone else, and I was matched up with a new girl named Paige.

She was one of three children, her parents both had full time jobs, she was obviously well taken care of and did not technically 'need' my help. She even informed me that she just wanted a Big Sister because her friend had one and she wanted all of us to hang out together. She would ask me to bring her presents, bring her snacks and treats, and then want to show me off to her friends and teacher. I was more of an accessory to this girl than anything else, and I was absolutely disgusted!

She was a classmate of my first Little Sister and would even taunt her about how she 'took her Big Sister' away. I lived an hour away from this school, and it made me sick to my stomach every Friday when I knew I had to go and spend time with a little girl who was so ungrateful!

ANYWAYS, sorry for my rant. LOL I was just wondering if anyone else here did Big Brothers Big Sisters?? It is one of my favorite parts of the school year, when my Little appreciates me atleast =]
I considered becoming a Big Sister a few years ago, but I decided against it. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough time for it. Your experience with your first Little Sister sounds great. It's too bad that you couldn't continue with her.

It is unfortunate about your second Little Sister, though. I'm impressed that you kept hanging out with her. Honestly, I don't think I could have done that.