Beyonce: “I Don’t Need Sasha Fierce Anymore”


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Beyonce has been hard at work in the studio crafting her next record recently. However, the diva took some time to talk to the DailyMail about her life including a new revelation that might shock some of her fans – the era of Sasha Fierce may be over for good. Check out what she had to say below:

I don’t need Sasha so much any more because these days I know who I am. It takes time to figure out who you are and I am still discovering different things about myself – as I am exposed to different experiences I think, “Oh, I like this, I didn’t know I liked this.” That’s the journey of life that is so exciting. More and more I know who I am, I know what I like, I know what I want and that makes me feel so free. I don’t need to hide any more. {Source}

The real question is whether Beyonce will be retiring the musical persona of Sasha Fierce as well. There have been several indications that she will be taking a fresh approach with her upcoming album and if that is truly the case then it may be time to put her usual beat-driven and lyrically shallow style to rest in favour of more personal expression.

Although she may have won several awards on the basis of popularity for ‘Single Ladies’, I sense that Beyonce has been churning out such tunes as a way for her to compensate for her lack of artistic depth. Beyonce definitely has the talent to create iconic material. All she has to do is stop shaking her backside for a minute and try to find meaning in her music instead of paying people to do it for her.
Beyonce has been hard at work in the studio crafting her next record recently. However, the diva took some time to talk to the DailyMail about her life including a new revelation that might shock some of her fans – the era of Sasha Fierce may be over for good. Check out what she had to say below:

I don’t need Sasha so much any more because these days I know who I am. It takes time to figure out who you are and I am still discovering different things about myself – as I am exposed to different experiences I think, “Oh, I like this, I didn’t know I liked this.” That’s the journey of life that is so exciting. More and more I know who I am, I know what I like, I know what I want and that makes me feel so free. I don’t need to hide any more. {Source}

The real question is whether Beyonce will be retiring the musical persona of Sasha Fierce as well. There have been several indications that she will be taking a fresh approach with her upcoming album and if that is truly the case then it may be time to put her usual beat-driven and lyrically shallow style to rest in favour of more personal expression.

Although she may have won several awards on the basis of popularity for ‘Single Ladies’, I sense that Beyonce has been churning out such tunes as a way for her to compensate for her lack of artistic depth. Beyonce definitely has the talent to create iconic material. All she has to do is stop shaking her backside for a minute and try to find meaning in her music instead of paying people to do it for her.

dayum! lol
She is definitely a very talented singer, but like most pop acts today, she seriously lacks artistic merit. Most of her songs are shallow and meaningless. If she really wants to come back strong and leave the whole Sasha Fierce thing in the past, she needs to come back with songs that are more personal, emotive and meaningful to people (like Halo, except better.) In order to do that, she will need to stop for a moment and think about her life, what she's really learned and how she really feels at that point in her evolution. Then, she can apply all that to her music and wow us all with her next album.

Hopefully she will know the power she has to outshine the mediocre acts that presently litter the pop stage (I think we all know who they are.)
Her comments were extremely cheesy. Scratch that, the ENTIRE Sasha Fierce alter ego is about as cheesy as it can get. All I say is good riddance!