Beware of this phone scam,

Proud Member
Mar 9, 2008
I was contacted by phone today by an unknown number,when i answered ,the caller said he worked for some computer technical group,and said that there had been problems with peoples computers involving a new virus that was effecting many people computers and leaving then unusable,and they were phoning on behalf of internet provider,something like that,and that they were phoning to fix the problem,i did go as far as switching my computer on,but when i got frustrated because i couldn,t understand him properly ,i put the phone down on him,i am not nieve and do not trust people that much,he did try phoning back 2 minutes later ,i didn,t answer,i called my local police also,they were very nice,he told me about being careful not to give any personal info which i know not to do,after i spoke to the police i looked on google,this is what i found,
i don,t know if they are just targeting the uk,but anyway thought i,d warn you all,
here is a link to an article from the guardian newspaper uk
Thanks for the link. There are unfortunately many phone scams out there. I've gotten called by strange numbers warning me about my car insurance--I don't even own a car! Hell, I can't even drive! Scam for sure!

Never give out private info. on the internet or otherwise.
i know they are ruthless,i,m glad i didn,t go any further,because in the link i gave it said that they would get you to go to a webpage doenload some software and charge you £185 and have access to all your data on your computer.i have been having trouble lately with viruses and such that why i got worried and it sounded genuine,but i saw sense before it went any furher,thank goodness,