BET-Life of a Superstar, MJ

I'm watching it now.. I was aware it was on tonight but almost forgot thanks 4 posting
what dont these ppl understand ?

we all would prefer to see a never before seen MJ concert in HQ anyday rather than another pointless so called tribute show.
uhmmm it's not so negative,but it does repeat the same ol' same ol' sighs
Uh, after that so-called MJ tribute at the BET awards, I refuse to support them.

:lol: From the network that brought us Tiny & Toya and the Frankie & Neffie shows...Can anybody who is watching it now tell us how is it?
Does anyone know when life of a superstar, Michael Jackson will be repeat again I want to TiVoing it.
hmmm, I saw that was coming on, but I'm studying(teeheehee) for my chem test. I figure it'll be pretty positive since it's on bet, but it'll take a miracle for me to forgive them for the awards. (by the way, when do the MTV awards come on?)
But I bet it'll show again
It's okay so far. Pretty positive, but I expected that. With the exception of that tribute at the BET awards, they've always done right by MJ and supported him. The special on right now doesn't really mention anything that most of us don't know though, but it's not bad overall.
They shouldn't be showing this because Michael should still be with us!
I watched a little bit of it but didn't find it that great. A lot of the same info you here everywhere, plus I found a lot of the clips kind of random.... like for instance when the voiceover spoke of the Motown 25 performance, they showed a montage of other unrelated clips... I know getting the rights to certian footage can sometimes be hard, but this seemed particularly random as it's such an iconic performance.

Maybe I'll watch again when it's on next, but I just wasn't in the mood for this patchwork "tribute" tonight. I agree with GUYVER and wish a network would just show a concert!
It's great documentary of MJ I never seen it before. I have email BET thank for showing the life of Michael Jackson.
Does anyone know when life of a superstar, Michael Jackson will be repeat again I want to TiVoing it.

I looked and it says it will repeat USA BET 1-2 PM Eastern & 6-7 PM Saturday Eastern Time
It was aight, nothing special, the last part made me feel hollw again though, miss him.
I came into it 18 mintues late.

I must be in the minority here, but I thought it was pretty negative and did not like it at all. I was very disappointed in it.

The special was called 'Michael Jackson- Life of a Superstar' but it hardly focused on his spectacular career and instead was talking mostly about the scandals and the stuff going on in his personal life. But like I said, I came into it 18 min late, so the first part of it might have been good.

They had a lot of British footage in the special, I noticed. I wonder if this was a special made in Britain that BET bought the rights for and did their own narration too. I know that TVOne did that for that awesome MJ special that they had.

I think I will catch another showing of it to watch the beginning that I missed, but all in all, both my brother and I thought it was more like watching Entertainment Tonight that was reporting on Michael for almost an hour more than anything else.
I came into it 18 mintues late.

I must be in the minority here, but I thought it was pretty negative and did not like it at all. I was very disappointed in it.

The special was called 'Michael Jackson- Life of a Superstar' but it hardly focused on his spectacular career and instead was talking mostly about the scandals and the stuff going on in his personal life. But like I said, I came into it 18 min late, so the first part of it might have been good.

They had a lot of British footage in the special, I noticed. I wonder if this was a special made in Britain that BET bought the rights for and did their own narration too. I know that TVOne did that for that awesome MJ special that they had.

I think I will catch another showing of it to watch the beginning that I missed, but all in all, both my brother and I thought it was more like watching Entertainment Tonight that was reporting on Michael for almost an hour more than anything else.

It's kind of 18 minutes of your life you didn't waste watching it. It was what you thought it was come to think of it. I wasn't glued to the tv but I did catch some scandal stuff, not all of the outrageous stuff though, thankfully. Not really glowing, but objective. I just liked seeing him on film again. BET dropped the ball again if this show was to be a tribute because they just rehashed what everybody already knows. I was more like a mini bio. IMO.
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Oh yah. .. one thing that confused me during the special is that they said that in 2001, after Invincible had 'bombed' Sony did not want to renew Michael's contract and they segued this into Michael's protest against Sony. That's false information, right?! Michael did not want to resign with Sony.

Did anyone else catch this?