Best Tour Intros & Interludes


Proud Member
Sep 27, 2009
On each of Michael's tours he used intros and interludes for songs such as my favourites:

Bad Groove Interlude, Bad Tour
Thriller Intro, Bad Tour
Billie Jean Intro, Bad Tour
Someone Put Your Hand Out Interlude, Dangerous Tour
Remeber The Time Video Interlude, History Tour
Ghost/Threatend Outro, This Is It

What are your favourites

The best Billie Jean intro is definitely in Dangerous tour. I thought it was spectacular when I first saw Michael performing Billie Jean in Bucharest 1992 (first live performance that I saw for the first time). That lighting and his classic pose made me a fan..
I love the "Bad Groove Interlude" and "Someone Put You Hand Out Interlude".
There are loads of great ones, there is that kinda piano thing on the dangerous tour before IJCSLY in bucharest i think, that was lovely and so magical. The extended intro to heal the world on the dangerous tour when she throws that ball around is also divine, such a rich use of harmony.
There are loads of great ones, there is that kinda piano thing on the dangerous tour before IJCSLY in bucharest i think, that was lovely and so magical. The extended intro to heal the world on the dangerous tour when she throws that ball around is also divine, such a rich use of harmony.


I always want to know where the music before IJCSLY is coming from. It's indeed very lovely and magical.
I always wondered if it was made into a song like someone put your hand out was, it's unlikely as it was supposedly just some harmonies his keyboard player worked out, but we can hope :)

I know. I tried so hard to think whether those harmonies were made into a MJ song. I love that interlude so much!