Best Michael referances in tv/movies?

i remember when i was a kid i used to watch Tiny Toons and Plucky made an MJ impersonation, I think i taped it somewhere :lol:
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is Full House. My lil bro was watching it the other day and character Stephanie said "Oh... I'm going to practice my moonwalk" and moonwalked out of the kitchen. Older sister DJ said something like 'the '80's are over!" But they didn't mention Michael's name specifically.

Edit - Found a clip:

Wow, while finding that one, I found these others from Full House in the sidebar, lol.
omg I was totally gonna do this thread! lol. Mine is in King of Queens when Carrie gets her eye surgery, Kevin James is in the bathroom with Carrie & he suggests to her to get contacts & he says something like "hey maybe you can get cateye contacts like in the Thriller video" then Kevin James proceedes to do that 1 infamous move with the arms in the air. LOL I will try to find a youtube clip ; dammit I was going to do this whole thread. lol
On the Cosby Show, Cliff tells Theo that the only reason he needed a $95 shirt is if he is onstage with his 4 brothers. So Theo gets Denise to make him a knockoff.
they had several references to MJ on Psych

this is one:

this is another one :

this line was in another episode

"Cloudy Chance of Murder"

Shawn: (to Lassiter) "Please tell me you're not one of those courtroom groupies that bounces from trial to trial. Wait a second. Was that you at the Michael Jackson hearing with the sequined glove and the shirt that said "Please free the Man in the Mirror"?"

and this is a video interviewing the actors about MJ after his death
Did anyone see NCIS LA about a month ago where LL and CHris ODonnell were talking about MJ?
i think the best one would be in the movie 13 going on 30 were jennifer gardner's charcter is seen dancing to Thriller in her basement and then again at a party she has the dj play thriller and gets the entire party to join in on doing the dance. I loved it! and of course chris tucker in the rush hour movies. classic!
In Everybody Loves Raymond. :)
I don't have a video of it, but Debra wants Raymond to dance... so he does the moonwalk, a little spin, and goes 'aow'. It made me smile :D
i think the best one would be in the movie 13 going on 30 were jennifer gardner's charcter is seen dancing to Thriller in her basement and then again at a party she has the dj play thriller and gets the entire party to join in on doing the dance. I loved it! and of course chris tucker in the rush hour movies. classic!

Ditto! Those are my favs too :cheeky:

Saved by the Bell reference...The girls are having a slumber party and mention Michael :wub: starting at about 1:27
i think the best one would be in the movie 13 going on 30 were jennifer gardner's charcter is seen dancing to Thriller in her basement and then again at a party she has the dj play thriller and gets the entire party to join in on doing the dance. I loved it! and of course chris tucker in the rush hour movies. classic!

Yes, I love 13 going 30. It's one of the may favorites movies, and not just because Michael.
The girl on movie dances Thriller very well!

Oh there's on Charlie's Angel, when Drew's charcter said that will go out making moonwalk. She goes and Billie Jean plays... I love this scene!
at simpsons (different from the full episode) Those are the cut-outs of his brothers attached to his sides

flintstone kids as Michael Jackstone (Kip Lennon's voice)

Yesterday I watched 8 simple rules (to date my teenage daughter) and they referred to Michael.
Someone's last name was Jackson and the blond daughter, I think she is called Bridget, asked hopefull if it was family of Michael.

Not that it's my favourite referance, but it came to my mind when I saw this thread.
My son loves the PBS show "Word World". (they build words from letters)
The duck there plans a stage show, wears a hat and moonwalks for a few second. They don't mention MJ but I love how the producers of the show simply put him in there without much ado- being the most normal thing in the world. It's a wonderful show, one of the few things my child is allowed to watch on TV.

Then there is the "Gummy Bear" song...
Gummy Bear is doing the side step and grabs his crotch. :D:punk:
great idea starting this thread :D
I always get so excited when I'm watching something and they make a MJ reference!
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