Best Game of 2008?

Bob George

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
What do you think is the best game of 2008? These were my favourites....

Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
Guitar Hero III (Wii, 360, PS3, PS2, PC, Mac)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Grand Theft Auto IV (360, PS3, PC)
Spore (PC, Mac)

I haven't played a lot of games this year. I don't own a PS3 or Xbox 360. But I rented out a PS3 so I could try some of the big games like GTA IV, MGS4, and LBP. I loved all 3. I would get a PS3 if they weren't so expensive.

But anyway, I was just curious what games people have really liked this year. And also, some are saying 2008 has been the best year for games ever. Do you agree? I personally think last year was a little better.
Metal gear solid 4

gta4 was a great game, but it lacks the over the top fun factor that previous games had, the shooting system is the best in the series though

mgs4 only problem was that it wasn't longer!!!
My favourite was probably Mario Galaxy, but even then I got over that quick. Last year was better IMO, simply for Bioshock and the Orange Box. That said, I haven't played MGS4. I want it so badly, but lack a ps3 :(
1.Call of duty 4 (ps3)
2.GTA4 (ps3)
3.Mario galaxy (wii)
4.Mario kart (wii)
5. Bad company (ps3)
Galaxy was actually last year. It won Game of the Year 2007 by most game magazines and websites. But it did come out late last year, so most people would've played it this year. So fair enough I guess.
Hence why I included it. Wii games have been very shit this year. Next year, The conduit, Madworld... and others lol. Ooh No more Heroes too!

Even though CoD4 was last year I'll also add that to the list.