Besides with Michael have you ever

Besides with Michael, have you ever fallen in love with a star?

  • Yes, with...

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • No, except for Michael not

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Only with Mike

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • NO, NEVER, not even with MJ

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters
yes with Taylor Hanson, i was mad about him when i was 13, 14 :doh: :toofunny:
back in the day, I was OBSESSED with Jordan Knight from NKOTB....:lol:but not like I am with Mike!
I like a lot of celebrities.. But when I think of Michael I actually feel LOVE in my heart - Like a do with a spouse or a close family member or friend. It's hard to explain.

I've moved around fav celebrities from time to time. But I've been a fan of Michael's for the longest. And have stayed true to my fanship for the longest then I have any other celebrities. I've only been a fan now for about 17yrs (I discovered Michael when I was 9) It's a shame it wasn't any sooner!
Before Michael, my first obsession love was Johnny Depp. Like, you can't even imagine how badly I was into him. Lol.
Then the one day C4 played 'Every Video Ever Made by MJ', everything changed :)
I was soooo utterly in love with Joey Tempest from Europe back in the 80s when I was 13/14... I had my walls plastered in posters, collected every single tiny picture and pestered my mum to let me have a perm (thank god she said no :D)
Yes I have he is Shahruhk Khan. Who I L..V.E. every bit as much as I L..V.E. my beloved Michael. Is just with Michael he is my soul mate. My room and bed is covered in pictures and posters of my Michael. :wub:

I had a favourite singer when I was 12-13. It was a lead singer from a band which was very popular in Russia. But I wouldn't call it being in love, it was just a childhood crush. And then Michael came along when I was 15.
In love i was only for Michael.

Sometimes i think that i never stoped being in love with him,as my feelings for him are still so strong,so deep....
I never loved anyone the way i loved him...for years and years i was so lost in love that i was close being obessed.
Now i am back in a point where i don't know what i feel...what kind of love i feel for him,and this scares me.
I pray i am not in love with him.It's not an healthy feeling i think.
when i was younger i was into Shayne Ward lol from the xfactor :lol: but not the way i am with Michael! when i first found out about MJ when i was 10 or 11....ive been madly in love with him
No. Michael is the only man in the entire world who I fell in love. He is the only one who has ever touched my heart. He is the love of my life and my soulmate. I am totally in love with him. :wub:
No, not even with Michael. There are celebrities that I adore but am not "in love" even with Michael.
Yeah I had a crush on some celebs when I was much younger. Don't gonna say which coz with some I now think OMG what was I thinking :lol:

I never was in love with Michael. In my dreams he was always my brother, father or atleast an relative but never my lover. :lol:
No, never. I did not fall in love with Michael Jackson the famous person, the Icon. I fell in love with Michael Jackson, the self taught man who learned to appreciate all forms of artist expression, who was a voracious reader, the man who could take time to listen to children. The man who understood being childlike was neither a sin nor an abnormality. I fell in love with a man who embodied everything I've ever wanted in the father of my children, a man of great mental and spiritual strength.

I fell in lust when I saw him in BOTDL, but I fell in love with the man far later on.
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There have been many famous people I've become obsessed with in one way or another throughout my teen-hood... But thinking back on it now, I think it's safe to say that those were just phases. I ask myself "why" and cringe thinking back on it.

But with MJ - it's never been just a crush - it's always been more than that. I have so much respect for him; he's my hero, role model, and biggest inspiration.

No one has/will ever measure up to that.
No. When I was younger I was pretty infatuated with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charisma Carpenter, but that's not love. I'm not judging anybody but I think there's probably a problem going on if you've actually literally fallen in love with a celebrity unless you've spent real time with them (and meet and greets don't count lol). I think there's a difference between being in love with the idea of a person and being in love with a person, and I think the former is what's really going on with the vast majority of people who claim to be in love with whatever celebrity they think they're in love with. Michael is probably one of the biggest examples of this ever because his persona is so magnetic.
I was infatuated with The Rock from WWF and Ricky Ricardo as a kid, it was so sad when i found out desi(ricky) had died even before I was born.

No, never. I did not fall in love with Michael Jackson the famous person, the Icon. I fell in love with Michael Jackson, the self taught man who learned to appreciate all forms of artist expression, who was a voracious reader, the man who could take time to listen to children. The man who understood being childlike was neither a sin nor an abnormality. I fell in love with a man who embodied everything I've ever wanted in the father of my children, a man of great mental and spiritual strength.


But with MJ - it's never been just a crush - it's always been more than that. I have so much respect for him; he's my hero, role model, and biggest inspiration.

No one has/will ever measure up to that.

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Not celebrities in the modern sense of the word, no. Unless you count Anderson Cooper as a celebrity, then I suppose, but even with him, it's not love. I just think he's handsome.

I've fallen in love with historical figures, though. Most notably Alexander Hamilton.