Berlin 1989 - Berlin wall


Proud Member
Sep 17, 2011
This is the poem MJ wrote on Berlin Wall, just thought on it's 20th anniversary of wall coming down it would be nice to post this.

Berlin 1989

They hated the Wall, but what could they do? It was too strong to break through.They feared the Wall, but didn't that make sense? Many who tried to climb over it were killed.They distrusted the Wall, but who wouldn't? Their enemies refused to tear down one brick, no matter how long the peace talks dragged on.

The Wall laughed grimly. "I'm teaching you a good lesson," it boasted. "If you want to build for eternity, don't bother with stones. Hatred, fear, and distrust are so much stronger."They knew the Wall was right, and they almost gave up. Only one thing stopped them. They remembered who was on the other side. Grandmother, cousin, sister, wife. Beloved faces that yearned to be seen.

"What's happening?" the Wall asked, trembling. Without knowing what they did, they were looking through the Wall, trying to find their dear ones. Silently, from one person to another, love kept up its invisible work.

"Stop it!" the Wall shrieked. "I'm falling apart." But it was too late. A million hearts had found each other. The Wall had fallen before it came do
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The video gave me goosebumps.
Yep, it's already 20 years ago that the wall came down ... time flies by ... :timer:
I love that poem of Michael's. I remember watching on tv when they brought that wall down. I was only 9 years old at the time. But I was happy to see that wall come down. Especially since I am part German. My mother's side of the family is of mostly German heritage. My one older cousin at the time went to Germany for an year to study to be a geologist and he brought a small piece of the wall back with him. Its some where in this house now. That wall to me should have never been put up to begin with.
we always have to remember that day.
I was too young then and never knew about it until years later, but we can't forget all that happenned there. Never.
Thanks for posting, his poem is beautiful. Always about Love.
I was too young to remember the Berlin wall coming down, I was almost four, but having been to Berlin only a few months ago its a phenomenal city with an amazing heritage. Plus Berlin has some very funny MJ moments for me!
I was around 26 so I remember watching the news about it. I did not know about this poem though. I learn something new about MJ here every day. I need to get his Dancing The Dream book somehow...
I love that poem that Michael did on the Berlin Wall, I read it in Dancing The Dream recently and when I heard about the 20 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall it instantly made me think about the poem.
I was a teenager when the Berlin Wall Came down I remeber those that were there on either side was keeping pieces of the wall
Wow I didn't know about this. It's really beautiful words from Michael. Thanks for sharing. :) I was only 4 when the wall came down, so I never witnessed it on TV or anything.
MJ cared about peace.......east and west Germany divide......... an amazing breakthrough...........I was 22 ............... :)
A piece of history 2 decades later...........progress? We have a long way to go.but hey lets be grateful for small steps....
I was young too about 13yrs I think. Could never understand why it was put up, still don't really. I hope the world learns from the Berlin wall. Love can Heal The World and tear down all walls placed in it path.