Benny Mardones - Into The Night


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brynar <3 :)
Anyone here know who he is? I used to listen to his one hit wonder, "Into The Night", a lot. I love this song. :)
The vocals during the climactic parts are especially powerful.
I just did all sorts of research on this artist. Like many others, he went through a very dark and painful phase which involved drug use.
But he has risen from his chaos since and has been performing for his fans.

Not sure what exactly he is up to at the moment. He's aged quite a bit.

Here's a clip from Youtube. Here he's a younger stallion. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It's an old school track. Those of 20s and under may not dig into this. But the 30s and over crowd just might. ;)

The lyrics aren't what you think. He's not exactly singing about a 16 year old girl at his current age. That 16 year old is said to be 45 now but it's kind of a heart break story.

Anyways, what drew me to this hit song was his vocals. They're so real. Especially when he lets out towards the end. You can feel the frustration and meaningful message of taking that person into a world of love and happiness.

Take care :)
it's my mom's favorite song but that part about "she's just 16 years old leave her alone" has always irked me.
Don't worry about it kitten.. :dont_mention_it:
I kinda felt it wasn't the right place to post this anyways.
I keep forgetting there's more young cats running around this place. :D
I think I need to scoot off to a 30s and over forum. Hehe!

Well its been nice on MJJC while the loving energy lasted. Time for me to say adieu now. Much to do, so little time to do it all. :cheeky:
Don't worry about it kitten.. :dont_mention_it:
I kinda felt it wasn't the right place to post this anyways.
I keep forgetting there's more young cats running around this place. :D
I think I need to scoot off to a 30s and over forum. Hehe!

Well its been nice on MJJC while the loving energy lasted. Time for me to say adieu now. Much to do, so little time to do it all. :cheeky:

LOL I'm turning 30 in September. For some reason they haven't changed this COPPA thing under my info so I pretty much gave up.
I love, love that sound, I recall when it came out in the early 80s everyone was singing it for talent shows in my school. There was not as much as a big fuss made about the 16 yr old part. Child abuse was not that known at that time. Anyway I saw the singer on youtube he is kinda scary looking. But it is a really good song.
Infact it was released in about 97' again and became a hit again.
When I was 18, I fell in love with a 16 year old. :wub:
When I turned 19, she was still in between 16 and everyone recommended we separate for she was too young to fall in love and i was too old to date her. Her parents did everything to split us up too. :ermm:
I heard this song for the first time during that era and it clicked perfectly. And I felt the same damned way too. We had to sneak around just to be with each other. I just wanted to show her something so powerful. It wasn't about lust or anything dirty.

I really loved her with all my heart and soul.
But was never able to to take her into the night..

Our relationship was destroyed a year and half later when i walked in on her with another guy having intercourse. Valentines day. heh! True story. Took 5 months to recover mentally, about 6-7 months more to move on completely. ...Life. Ain't it grand?!

But yeah... every time I hear this song, It reminds me of the fire i once had in me when it came to love. But It also shows me the greatness humans are able to unleash through pure passion.
Something that seems more and more absent these days.

Anyways, thanks for taking a gander in this ol' topic. :cheeky:
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That's too bad it had to end that way. Romantic love can provide such unspeakable happiness, yet such horrible heartache. Makes me wonder at times if love is worth it when you have to feel pain like that (I have been there before too trust me), but I always have hope that it is.

And by the way, I'm not in the 30+ crowd just yet, but I can appreciate a good love ballad when I hear it :yes: And it is great. He sings the song with both intense heartfelt passion and tenderness.
That's too bad it had to end that way. Romantic love can provide such unspeakable happiness, yet such horrible heartache. Makes me wonder at times if love is worth it when you have to feel pain like that (I have been there before too trust me), but I always have hope that it is.

And by the way, I'm not in the 30+ crowd just yet, but I can appreciate a good love ballad when I hear it :yes: And it is great. He sings the song with both intense heartfelt passion and tenderness.

Aww much love to you hun. :huggy:

Sure enough, romance is wonderful to experience. And my sentiments are the same in regards to wondering at times if love is worth it when you have to feel great pain like that. Quite natural to question it after a heart break.

I still believe in love. And I still wish everyone to find love and experience it for the better. I'm just a little scared still.
I sort of stay under the radar now. lol.

But yeah, Benny Mardones.. awesome vocals.
Thanks for stoppin' by the thread. :huggy:
Im really sorry to say I've never heard of him :blush: I listened to the song, its very pretty. Thanks for sharing it! :)

I'm sorry to hear about your relationship too. I've been there too. The breakup did cause a great amount of pain and I think im really scared now because I dont want to feel that pain again. :(
Im really sorry to say I've never heard of him :blush: I listened to the song, its very pretty. Thanks for sharing it! :)

I'm sorry to hear about your relationship too. I've been there too. The breakup did cause a great amount of pain and I think im really scared now because I dont want to feel that pain again. :(

I totally understand. It makes it really difficult for you to allow yourself to be completely vulnerable to someone again.
I totally understand. It makes it really difficult for you to allow yourself to be completely vulnerable to someone again.

Yeah and people are so clever these days. You can't tell who's being sincere anymore. Great actors. lol.

But yeah Shayla, that event took place in between my 18-19 years of age. Over 11 years ago. My last real relationship was 6 years ago. After that one (i don't even want to say what happened lol) i said I was pretty much done.
I have hung out with a few girls but nothing ever clicked and we sort of just let it fade out into nothingness.
It sounds depressing but you know what? I don't see why being married or having a girlfriend, has to be standard or "normal". I have more fun having lady "friends" I can talk to, watch movies with and hear their ongoing stories about him and her, etc than being stuck in a relationship that feels more like a burden on your side.

(all the nice girls seem to live waaayy out of reach too. why is that? lol :doh:) :D
Yeah and people are so clever these days. You can't tell who's being sincere anymore. Great actors. lol.

But yeah Shayla, that event took place in between my 18-19 years of age. Over 11 years ago. My last real relationship was 6 years ago. After that one (i don't even want to say what happened lol) i said I was pretty much done.
I have hung out with a few girls but nothing ever clicked and we sort of just let it fade out into nothingness.
It sounds depressing but you know what? I don't see why being married or having a girlfriend, has to be standard or "normal". I have more fun having lady "friends" I can talk to, watch movies with and hear their ongoing stories about him and her, etc than being stuck in a relationship that feels more like a burden on your side.

(all the nice girls seem to live waaayy out of reach too. why is that? lol :doh:) :D

I totally understand. I feel the same. :yes: