Belly Dancing!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
Hey guys! tonight I experienced LIVE belly dancing from one girl. I went to a restaurant for a surprise birthday party for my cousin who turned 19 years old. It was just one girl who belly danced. But let me tell you, it looked so fun! I'm a girl of course, and I've been interested in belly dancing past few months and I just happened to be invited to this. For some reason, seeing it in person made me to be more interested! What do you guys think of belly dancing? I hear it's great exercise! :) Anyways I might start taking lessons starting August 3rd. I will see if I can come up with the money for lessons. Does anybody else here belly dance or is interested in it? I would post youtube videos of it, but I figure you guys can just look up videos yourself to see what it is all about! :) lol I honestly think it would give me confidence in myself... one main reason for doing it. I figured that after I learn how to belly dance, that can be my exercising, then once I get into better shape, I will be able to learn how to hip hop dance easier too. I've always wanted to learn how to hip hop dance as well.

I think belly dancers get paid a lot of money too for entertaining people. lol looks like an easy paying job! I look young so I am sure I could succeed in that department if I were to get into it. :)
I bellydance!!! i love it. i dont do classes (not sure there even is any near here and if there are not sure they are ppl my age...) but its something thats sort of tied in with my culture and in big parties ppl ask me to do some dancing! its awesome all u need is a shimmy shimmy belt, a crop top, a full length mirror and a song with a strong (usually reggaeton) beat!!
I'll leave it to DanceOfZenab to answer this thread. This thread is like made for her. She will go crazy over it and take it over, seeing as she is nuts about belly dancing. She does it and she's good at it too.

*waits for Zenab to enter thread*

dance is a great way to exercise! and Belly dance also makes you very flexible. I don't teach Belly but only elements of it. I'm a dance Fitness instructor in DC. My class consist of Latin dance, Hip-hop, Reggaeton, and Pop. I lost 80 pounds doing the workout. It's called "Zumba". I then got certified to teach it, Kickboxing, and group ex instruction.

You should check out these too! "Masala Bhangra, Zumba, and Body Jam if you have those somewhere. You would love them.

God Bless,
I am a belly dancer and belly dancing is my life. Seems like Chanya is aware, lol. I've been belly dancing since I was two years old and now I'm 15. Belly dancing is the most sensual dance a woman can do. One that expresses her feelings, confidence, sexuality, spirit and rhythm. It orginates from the middle east and it began many thousands of years ago. I believe me being arab had something to do with me being familiar with it.

It's a dance that takes many years to master, it's a very hard craft to sharpen no matter how easy it might look. I understand it looks easy to the viewer but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to learn to take some traditional moves and mix them with your own to go with the rhythm of the music that you are improvising to (That is what I do). I have been belly dancing for 13 years and have been doing other types of dancing for about 3 or 4 and still, belly dancing, although is the one I have more experience with, it's the hardest one. It's shattering and the trick is to make it look so flowing and easy. Sometimes, my hips hurt like crazy.

I'm very glad that I am fortunate enough to have this gift without being taught, without ever taking classes. It was my belly dancing that lead me to other dances, to singing and songwriting etc. It's that that gave me the dream of becoming a recording artist.

It's my passport to music and I'm very grateful for it.
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yea videos would be fun.

i got a belly dancing belt 2 weeks ago at a Greek fest. its pink with men in warrior helmets on the gold coins. so many coins its really loud lol
i was thinking of learning more as well.
I am a belly dancer and belly dancing is my life. Seems like Chanya is aware, lol. I've been belly dancing since I was two years old and now I'm 15. Belly dancing is the most sensual dance a woman can do. One that expresses her feelings, confidence, sexuality, spirit and rhythm. It orginates from the middle east and it began many thousands of years ago. I believe me being arab had something to do with me being familiar with it.

It's a dance that takes many years to master, it's a very hard craft to sharpen no matter how easy it might look. I understand it looks easy to the viewer but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to learn to take some traditional moves and mix them with your own to go with the rhythm of the music that you are improvising to (That is what I do). I have been belly dancing for 13 years and have been doing other types of dancing for about 3 or 4 and still, belly dancing, although is the one I have more experience with, it's the hardest one. It's shattering and the trick is to make it look so flowing and easy. Sometimes, my hips hurt like crazy.

I'm very glad that I am fortunate enough to have this gift without being taught, without ever taking classes. It was my belly dancing that lead me to other dances, to singing and songwriting etc. It's that that gave me the dream of becoming a recording artist.

It's my passport to music and I'm very grateful for it.

that is so cool! Maybe we can talk on a messenger about it? I didn't realize it takes years and years. I am 27 years old and wants to master at it. lol but I look young for my age, maybe I can still do it. :D
hehe i know its huge and itlll get removed. i just wanted to show it to you guys then the mods can remove it i dont mind :)
Do you have any videos of you belly-dancing? :)

Was that to me or to Darvon?

I love dancing to 'Pink Panther' very much. It is not arabic music but you don't need to always dance to arabic music. It's whatever you can interpert. It's a very beautiful, sensual, smooth flowing piece, just like belly dancing, which is why 'Pink Panther' is one of my favourite pieces of music to dance to.
Hey, do you guys know if there are any good instructional videos for beginners? Would love to learn... the basics at least..
I took my first belly dancing lesson yesterday. At first I was really nervous, my hands even shook a little bit, but then I got use to it. Everyone in there was learning like I was, so I felt comfortable. :) Not many either, only 6 others and the instructor. I like that. :) Anyways, I loved it. I'm going to practice what she taught us so far every night this week. So I can be a pro. :) I hope I can be good at this. :)