believing in the paranormal


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
kidzvillage holland
i m just curious how many pple believe in the things you cannot see for the past weeks each time i take pictures i get little light orbs on the pictures now if they d be on the same place i would say the camera is broken lol but thats not the cxase they re all over the pictures and also i m doing a course in reading aura s and actually tryiong to see/feel them so i can eventually heal them well just wonderingt what you guys think of those things as for the lightorbs look at my siggie the two pic on the right what i mean
Since 1964, magician and skeptic James Randi (stage name, the Amazing Randi) has offered a cash prize of $1,000,000 (originally just $1000 when he first came up with the challenge) to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal powers in a controlled test. To this day he stills holds on to his million dollars.

The existence of the paranormal, the possession of paranormal powers has never been proven, I've never witnessed it and every public display of the paranormal has been debunked and exposed as trickery by people who make a living out of trickery (magicians) such as Harry Houdini, the Amazing Randi and Penn & Teller.

I don't believe in the paranormal. There's always a rational explanation. For example, the light orbs you describe in your photos. It is probably just backscatter caused by reflection of light off solid particles (e.g., dust, pollen), liquid particles (water droplets - especially rain) or other foreign material within the camera lens. See:
no "paranormal", "supernatural" or even "natural" for me. these terms make no sense in the general context they're used.

everything and anything that occurs on this physical universe is "natural", and so as Bob said, there is always a rational explanation (whether we figured it out or not).
I am a huge believer in the paranormal. I always have been and always will be a huge believer. I am both a sciencetist and an astronomer. And I believe that almost everything should have sciencetific explaination to it. Which is why I don't believe in any of that religious nonsense. Like the shroud of turin and statues of Jesus and Mary crying blood and stuff like that. Please anyone who thinks that is real should have their head examine. Same thing that goes to people who thinks that god made the universe, the animals, and people. Please it was the Big Bang that created the universe and it was evolution that created people and animals. But there is somethings that even I can't come up with a sciencetific explaination for. Especially when it comes to ghosts and UFOs. I have been in places that is said to be haunted. Even though I have never experience any ghosts but I do believe in their existence. And as an astronomer I have to believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs. It is just plain stupid to think that we are the only life forms in the entire universe. I have been a big believer in them before but I am even a bigger believer in them now. When I think back to that one late night I had my own UFO experience. While watching a meteor shower. And I had seen this white flash of light. And I know it wasn't a meteor, an astroid, or a comet that I have seen. Because I am an expert astronomer and I know what they look like when they come through the Earth's atmosphere. And it wasn't them. Nor it was a plane or a helicopter because it went too fast to be that. And they would have made a noise and what I saw did not make a noise.
And there is this show on the Animal Planet channel called the Lost Tapes. I love to watch that show every Tuesday night. Even though I am a paranormal believer. But I am skeptical about those videos that they show. But it doesn't matter to me whether those videos are real or not. I just see it as something good to watch on a Tuesday night.
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Just because you don't know the answer to something doesn't mean the answer is God.
but even if there is a god then why would there not be other life elsewhere if a god has so much power to create us and this earth would it not be very arrogant to assume we are the only ones he found worth creating????????????i dont know i m just wondering i believe in the bible and so but i ve seen too many things that make me believe that there s much more between heaven and earth then we know of
no "paranormal", "supernatural" or even "natural" for me. these terms make no sense in the general context they're used.

everything and anything that occurs on this physical universe is "natural", and so as Bob said, there is always a rational explanation (whether we figured it out or not).


The fact that there are some things people call "paranormal" is a fact there never was anything paranormal to begin with.

Psychology 101 :D
but even if there is a god then why would there not be other life elsewhere if a god has so much power to create us and this earth would it not be very arrogant to assume we are the only ones he found worth creating????????????i dont know i m just wondering i believe in the bible and so but i ve seen too many things that make me believe that there s much more between heaven and earth then we know of

Well, God and Heaven aside (because some people are just dead-set on believing in God despite all reason and logic), I think there is a probability of life existing elsewhere in the universe. If you think of the vastness of the universe, the endless solar systems, there's definitely a probability that life exists somewhere out there. But as for flying saucers and alien abductions, give me a break. I highly doubt aliens have ever visited Earth. More than just a few loons would have witnessed their visit. And how come every account of UFOs or alien abductions sound like they come straight out of a Hollywood picture or a comic book? Is it just a coincidence that Hollywood knew exactly what UFOs and aliens would look like? At least be original when you're making up a UFO or alien abduction story.
i think thaty the fact that so many pple do indeed make up stories about ufo s and so it will probably that if something really does happen eventually nobody believes it anymore but then again wouldn t that be very suitfull for aliens who want to invate the world lol sorry but just understand if there s another lifeform they surely wont find us equal to them considering the fact that our earth is filled with p0olution hunger war aND MORE bad stuf .aNyone with the power to build spaceships good enough to travel that far will also have managed to find solutions for our dayly problems. but ik wonder if the litle lights pple see at night in their bedrooms aren t sim ply ghosts rather then aliens/havent we all at one time of another seen something from out of the corner of the eye and then when we looked up there was nothing or a small shadow..................
im curious. pm me if thats ok cause it sounds interesting :) ive felt such a natural high that it felt like an out of body experience but never had one.

Ive heard some stuff about paranormal. but wont believe it until i see it. I am open to it tho i believe its definatly possible.
James Randi may be right, but he's f.... boring.

The so called paranormal or supernatural is still amazing even if not what it is. Alot of it comes back to the human brain and how it process, receives, creates information.... i don't believe that all the people are lying, the brain might though.
exactly. if you are a part of a Seance the person doing it uses suggestions and the darkness as a cover and other things. Houdini was a master of showing they where imposters. they would do things like tough your leg with their foot under the table etc(back when you could get away with it lol wouldnt work now). its all set up.

ive seen programs on tv with orbs and ppl saying they felt a chill or someone grabbing them...they say they did but...yeah. I think that stuff is fake.
I really don't know what to think but I do keep an open mind. My instinct is to trust what I can see and what I do know based on logic and reason.
There have been a few times when something happened to me or around me that had no explanation. I hadn't been asleep, hadn't had any alcohol, on no medication, nothing that could explain the events.

In many ways it was frightening because I could not come up with any "logical" explantion. That may have been the problem, perhaps there are logical explanations for things that we simply don't know about.

In all honesty, I try not to think about them anymore because it is/was a little frightening to me. It's almost like something is telling me not to look further for an answer. But on the same hand, as several others have stated, I do believe there are answers for things unexplainable, we just don't know them.
Should always strive for an answer. Wether it's liked or not the answers are there. I do believe in the paranormal because I've had experiences that aren't explained any other way - does it make it the right answer - no but it's an accepted one lol. I love these kinda things :yes:
those who have said youve had experiences please explain! I am very curious. Although im not 100% certain of it I do believe its possible. Im at about 90-95% right now. I am Catholic, and Ive heard of a Saint Padre Pio's bed would shake before hearing confessions. I know thats along the demonic side, but that opens the door for the possibility of Ghosts and other things. Another person I know Has told me the same thing about beds shaking and other things moving. hes been to graveyards to search for Ghosts. And another told me his Guest house when people come to visit come to him and say, "what did you do to your house man?...what happened?!" without him saying anything. I want to go there and see for myself but he says it just feels wrong. Like something bad happened know. He told me it doesnt feel like its a Ghost but something else. He said he would understand if I thought he was nuts but was rather serious about it. yet another friend told me he woke up one night and because things wernt feeling right got up out of bed and heard something outside his door. There was a reddish glow, and something he tried to describe to me I think may be orbs. It freaked him out...and hes open to it, but is sure it wasnt a waking dream....I still think thats probably what it was.

Ive only heard things. But the way my friend described his house to me just makes me wonder. I found it the most convincing...why would a handful of his friends go to him without him describing his house to them at all, and panic a bit and ask him what the F**k is wrong if theres nothing there? Why would he just lie to me and continue very seriously when it didnt really get much of a reaction out of me in the first place?

just plain creepy. But please..more stories! :) :D
I believe. Or atleast I want to believe.
paranormal, supernatural, natural, whatever you wanna call it. I think one has to be sensitive and spiritual to feel and to experience these things. If you are not then you don't experience things.
I believe that some of my close dead relatives have become to greet me or to say goodbye. It has happened in a dream-like situation and it's a strong feeling of a presence and warmth. And you just know. It's not scary at all.
This is tricky for me because I guess people would classify me as agnostic. Open to possibilities, but not entirely convinced of anything one way or the other.

Living in a highly fundamentalist area of the country, the devil is always brought into things, actually just about everything. While I don't believe or disbelieve in there being a "devil", things that are frequently discussed around me involve the devil and basically don't mess with anything that could be evil related, ie brought on by "Satan", that he can trick you, etc. I think it is the fear of the unknown that is what basically keeps me from searching too deeply into things that have occured to me. I just don't want any part of witchcraft (which again I can't rule out or rule in), evil in any personafication, or anything remotely r/t any of it.

Does this make any sense, idk, but there is too much good around me to even allow the possibility of the unknown bad forces to find an entrance anywhere in my life.
This is tricky for me because I guess people would classify me as agnostic. Open to possibilities, but not entirely convinced of anything one way or the other.

Living in a highly fundamentalist area of the country, the devil is always brought into things, actually just about everything. While I don't believe or disbelieve in there being a "devil", things that are frequently discussed around me involve the devil and basically don't mess with anything that could be evil related, ie brought on by "Satan", that he can trick you, etc. I think it is the fear of the unknown that is what basically keeps me from searching too deeply into things that have occured to me. I just don't want any part of witchcraft (which again I can't rule out or rule in), evil in any personafication, or anything remotely r/t any of it.

Does this make any sense, idk, but there is too much good around me to even allow the possibility of the unknown bad forces to find an entrance anywhere in my life.

mmm. I find that a bit annoying...when every little thing you do that seems a bit bad its "of the devil". if youre talking specificly about paranormal and witchcraft etc. being considered of the devil where youre from, that sounds like Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe the devil and his demons use fortune telling, palm reading, any hope to communicate with the dead, weje(sp?)boards, terrot cards and even astronomy to pull you away from GOD. I dunno about you but to me thats a bit...over the top. ha. I mean if its where your Faith in GOD doesnt matter as much anymore or you loose your Faith its different but other then that..
I am a huge believer in the paranormal. I always have been and always will be a huge believer. I am both a sciencetist and an astronomer. And I believe that almost everything should have sciencetific explaination to it. Which is why I don't believe in any of that religious nonsense. Like the shroud of turin and statues of Jesus and Mary crying blood and stuff like that. Please anyone who thinks that is real should have their head examine. Same thing that goes to people who thinks that god made the universe, the animals, and people. Please it was the Big Bang that created the universe and it was evolution that created people and animals. But there is somethings that even I can't come up with a sciencetific explaination for. Especially when it comes to ghosts and UFOs. I have been in places that is said to be haunted. Even though I have never experience any ghosts but I do believe in their existence. And as an astronomer I have to believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs. It is just plain stupid to think that we are the only life forms in the entire universe. I have been a big believer in them before but I am even a bigger believer in them now. When I think back to that one late night I had my own UFO experience. While watching a meteor shower. And I had seen this white flash of light. And I know it wasn't a meteor, an astroid, or a comet that I have seen. Because I am an expert astronomer and I know what they look like when they come through the Earth's atmosphere. And it wasn't them. Nor it was a plane or a helicopter because it went too fast to be that. And they would have made a noise and what I saw did not make a noise.
And there is this show on the Animal Planet channel called the Lost Tapes. I love to watch that show every Tuesday night. Even though I am a paranormal believer. But I am skeptical about those videos that they show. But it doesn't matter to me whether those videos are real or not. I just see it as something good to watch on a Tuesday night.

whatever your beliefs's disrespectful for you to suggest that someone who does not believe as you do have their head examined. i'm sure you wouldn't want people to do an amateur diagnosis on you for believing in UFO's.
mmm. I find that a bit annoying...when every little thing you do that seems a bit bad its "of the devil". if youre talking specificly about paranormal and witchcraft etc. being considered of the devil where youre from, that sounds like Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe the devil and his demons use fortune telling, palm reading, any hope to communicate with the dead, weje(sp?)boards, terrot cards and even astronomy to pull you away from GOD. I dunno about you but to me thats a bit...over the top. ha. I mean if its where your Faith in GOD doesnt matter as much anymore or you loose your Faith its different but other then that..

Well, it's difficult to specify any one group/religion, because I know there are members of many faiths on the board, and what I encounter on a daily basis while at work, in social settings, etc. involves many different "fundamentalist" faiths. Basically it's surrounds me, and yes it is frustrating to be looked upon as a person of suspicion for not believing as they do. There's so much more I could say, but will respectfully let it go. Live and let live is about the best way to survive in my neck of the woods.
Well, it's difficult to specify any one group/religion, because I know there are members of many faiths on the board, and what I encounter on a daily basis while at work, in social settings, etc. involves many different "fundamentalist" faiths. Basically it's surrounds me, and yes it is frustrating to be looked upon as a person of suspicion for not believing as they do. There's so much more I could say, but will respectfully let it go. Live and let live is about the best way to survive in my neck of the woods.

I hear ya. :)

I didnt realize until I read over my post that i could have offended someone..I wasnt trying to do that in case that..happened :)