Believe It Or Not, I Got My Own Heart Cloud Today =] Song Included*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, I know that everyone is claiming to see' heart clouds'...but I was outside today taking pictures and I just happened to glance up at the sky and I saw a VERY well defined Heart in the sky...atleast in my opinion it was well defined.

The cloud was darker than all the other ones in the sky...

Here are pictures:




It's up towards the top of the picture in front of the veryyy white cloud...

I also saw (I know this is stretching it) what in my head, looked like a circle of people...

Here is that picture:



I hope that all of us will get to see Heart clouds, because I do think that they are from Michael :)

This song is extremely fitting for all of us who are finding formations in the clouds and thinking of Michael. It made me cry when I found it.
Clouds - Montgomery Gentry
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Re: Believe It Or Not, I Got My Own Heart Cloud Today =]

Wow that's awesome!
When I saw that last one it looked a bit like an angel to me. But when I look at it in a different way, I see the people too.

Interesting. :)
Re: Believe It Or Not, I Got My Own Heart Cloud Today =]

Thats awesome that you saw your own cloud heart. Those were the same kind of clouds when I had seen my own cloud heart more than a couple of weeks ago. But my cloud heart was on its own in away. Meaning it wasn't in a big bunch of clouds like yours was. I just wish I could have taken a picture of it.
Thanks everyone.

I have added a few things to my posts. I have gone and 'outlined' things, and added a YouTube video that is AMAZING. I think you all should watch it! :)
So, I know that everyone is claiming to see' heart clouds'...but I was outside today taking pictures and I just happened to glance up at the sky and I saw a VERY well defined Heart in the sky...atleast in my opinion it was well defined.

The cloud was darker than all the other ones in the sky...

Here are pictures:




It's up towards the top of the picture in front of the veryyy white cloud...

I also saw (I know this is stretching it) what in my head, looked like a circle of people...

Here is that picture:



I hope that all of us will get to see Heart clouds, because I do think that they are from Michael :)

This song is extremely fitting for all of us who are finding formations in the clouds and thinking of Michael. It made me cry when I found it.
Clouds - Montgomery Gentry

I totally believe it!!!
I had a similar experience. My mom, and a friend of ours was driving down the freeway about 3 weeks ago, and we hit traffic so we were just sitting there jamming to MJ songs. Then I just started feeling really sad, and I looked up at the sky and the way that the sun was shining through the clouds and there was a perfect pink heart formed by the clouds. I wish I had a camera on me, but it doesn't matter, at least I saw it and I was comforted by it. It was amazing. Some people may not think it is significant, but maybe that is MJ's way of telling us he is OK, and he is still here. I really believe it.

That is a great experience you had.
I totally believe it!!!
I had a similar experience. My mom, and a friend of ours was driving down the freeway about 3 weeks ago, and we hit traffic so we were just sitting there jamming to MJ songs. Then I just started feeling really sad, and I looked up at the sky and the way that the sun was shining through the clouds and there was a perfect pink heart formed by the clouds. I wish I had a camera on me, but it doesn't matter, at least I saw it and I was comforted by it. It was amazing. Some people may not think it is significant, but maybe that is MJ's way of telling us he is OK, and he is still here. I really believe it.

That is a great experience you had.

Aww, that is so sweet. Even pink :D You are lucky! Pink is my favorite color :D

Anyway, to me it seems kind of too much of a coincidence that all of these MJ fans are seeing hearts...I really tihnk it may have some sort of signifigance. Atleast I hope so .... I want to think of it as Michael showing all of us a sign...
I truly hope so.

The more I think about it (and I have been thinking about it ever since I saw that cloud. I can't get over how I just looked up to the sky and just saw it, i wasn't even like, searching for it) the more I am practically convinced that it is very signifigant.
I do believe this as well. I've not had a heart cloud yet but I did have a freaky experience whilst on the coach to Manchester. I was listening to my iPod and the song was Will You Be There. It was really cloudy and grey but then it got to the line "Show me you care..." and as that was sung the sun came out :) Made me feel warm inside.
You'll never believe it, but I actually saw one 2 days ago, I wish so much I had taken a picture of it, but when I went back with my camera, it had merged in with the other clouds. :( It wasn't huge, but it was alot whiter than the other clouds, and I just could not believe it when I saw it. Grr I just wish I had taken a picture so people don't think I'm making it up. :( It was so beautiful, as like you said, I wasn't looking for one either, I just happened to look out of my window and there it was in front of me! I promise you I'm not making this up, it just felt so amazing when I looked up and saw it. :) If I see anymore I promise to take pictures. :)
You'll never believe it, but I actually saw one 2 days ago, I wish so much I had taken a picture of it, but when I went back with my camera, it had merged in with the other clouds. :( It wasn't huge, but it was alot whiter than the other clouds, and I just could not believe it when I saw it. Grr I just wish I had taken a picture so people don't think I'm making it up. :( It was so beautiful, as like you said, I wasn't looking for one either, I just happened to look out of my window and there it was in front of me! I promise you I'm not making this up, it just felt so amazing when I looked up and saw it. :) If I see anymore I promise to take pictures. :)

aww I believe you!! :)
Oh my goodness that is beautiful :)

Looks like a group of children playing ring a ring a roses in a circle!

Aww Michael your messages are coming over loud and clear :yes:

Thanks for sharing!
Great pics :)

Also there are 2 hearts in the pic! Look closely there is a tiny white cloud shaped like a heart on the left of the pic too!

I believe you too Louise :) after seeing mine at the beg of Aug
I totally believe it!!!
I had a similar experience. My mom, and a friend of ours was driving down the freeway about 3 weeks ago, and we hit traffic so we were just sitting there jamming to MJ songs. Then I just started feeling really sad, and I looked up at the sky and the way that the sun was shining through the clouds and there was a perfect pink heart formed by the clouds. I wish I had a camera on me, but it doesn't matter, at least I saw it and I was comforted by it. It was amazing. Some people may not think it is significant, but maybe that is MJ's way of telling us he is OK, and he is still here. I really believe it.

That is a great experience you had.

ah that is lovely! :) Yeah it doesn't matter you had no camera, mine didn't do what I saw justice I think its just important you saw the cloud at that time.
I'm thinking of creating a photo album on my facebook and take a picture of all the heart shaped clouds I see out and about :D
Wow that's awesome!
i hope i can see heart clouds one day...
of course, i think its come from Michael^^