Being called a charmer

To me it's a good thing. It says you have a way with words and compliments.
Yeah, it's a good thing. Just be sure to stay out of the 'friend zone'. :giggle:
Charming, imo, is one of the best assets a man can have :cheeky:
Is it a good thing ?

A girl just called me it on msn, not in a angry way

"awww ur a right charmer too"

But u though a charmer was a bad thing

Being called a charmer is one of the BEST compliments a girl can give you. :D Take that compliment to heart, baby! It's a GOOD compliment! :D
It's a lot more complex than this, but to put it simply: it seems like she's 'friend-zoning' you...

Although I don't know the full story, so I'm probably wrong.
What is this friend zone thing
When you're in the friend zone, you won't ever get out.

Basically, it means the girl will never want *insert guy's name here* to be anything more than a friend.
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If she had called you a PLAYER, that would not have been A COMPLIMENT..... calling a boy a player is akin to calling him a wh.ore....;)
oh wait, maybe I read it wrong or you edited...never mind.
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