Beauty Mark or No Beauty Mark???


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
As I was watching Dangerous Bucharest today, I could not help but notice what looks like a little mole / beauty mark on Michael's left cheek. Is it? And he must have pulled a Madonna & had it removed cause I don't see it in any other picture.

p.s. I don't know if its still a "beauty mark" for guys. lol. not that he needed one anyway....:wub:
Also noticed that. MJ did have something on his left cheek, but never so visible as in the beggining of Jam in Bucharest.
There are lots of photos wich shows MJ with this in the "man in the mirror" forum.
I use to use this as evidence of him not having that many operations that ignorant people often claims he did.. like "in that case, why didn't he remove that?"
I don't remember any beauty mark... or are you guys talking about that scar? the one that looks like it could have been from chickenpox? he's had that one since he was a kid.
Yeah, that one. It do look like a mole during the intro of Jam from Bucharest, but my guess is that it's just the hair or something since it's not visible at any other part of the show.
Think that part is edited out in the official release though..
When Mike was younger, he had a small mole (still very visible) on his left cheek. But now, I'm not so sure if it's a beauty mark or a chicken pox mark.

He always had it but it became less prominent as he got older.


You see that little mark on his cheek???

I think it's precious... :wub:
Michael still had that mark as he got older, it just got lighter cause of his Vitiligo! In fact there is a pic of MJ during the dangerous era that he has where u can see the mark clearly! He has on the dangerous tour outfit on with the black jacket, with his hair pulled back. It's a black and white picture, he stares at the camera! It's a very rare pic someone posted here once, it's from his chess up the pic!

I wish I knew how to post pics I would do it there. There are pics from the thriller era as well too of his mark. I can't believe some fans never notice this on MJ to me that is one of of the many ways I can tell it's him. Especially when people say no it's an impersonator LOL!
pretty sure talkin bout the mole on his left cheek lower by chin u clearly see it in beat it in bucharest when his face is in the camera
When I saw it, it was lower but I'll have to watch the whole thing again to see..:D
Pretty sure its a chicken pox scar and yes, if he had so many operations then why did he never get it removed? I have a chickenpox scar on my forehead and if I could get it removed I would. I hate it!

You can get scars removed? Wouldn't that involve making an incision and therefore another scar.. I don't get it.
looks like a chicken pox scare. i have ones like that on my head from it
When I went to the exhibition and there was the casts of Michael from Ghosts I made a point of looking at it, so gorgeous! It's defo a chicken pox scar or something very similar. :wub:
I always thought he had the 'beauty mark' removed at some point and that all that was left was a tiny scar......I haven't seen it in any pictures where Michael's vitiligo wasn't showing.
pretty sure talkin bout the mole on his left cheek lower by chin u clearly see it in beat it in bucharest when his face is in the camera

Yes. I noticed that too..I just made a screen shot.. what is it?
yeah i know what ur talking about and to be honest it does look like some kind of mole or wart or something. Mayb it was some bad acne. U can see it pretty clear on beat it as mentioned and il be there
Yes. I noticed that too..I just made a screen shot.. what is it?

That is MOST DEFINITLY not a mole. To me, it looks like a drop of sweat in his hair. If he had anything that stuck out like that he would have had it removed. He strived for perfectionism.
Wow, I had never seen it. :eek:

But even this picture is perfect. :wub: :yes:

I am pretty sure I can remember that he had that exact beauty mark in your post during the statement he made in December of 1993 when the first allegations came about. I remember seeing it also during the Concert from Budapest.

I also always notices the scar he had on the top of his cheek too. I agree that it looks like a scar from Chicken Pox too.
I am pretty sure I can remember that he had that exact beauty mark in your post during the statement he made in December of 1993 when the first allegations came about. I remember seeing it also during the Concert from Budapest.

I also always notices the scar he had on the top of his cheek too. I agree that it looks like a scar from Chicken Pox too.
Yes... cheek I always knew, but this one in picture looks like a wart. :scratch:

Anyway, the man will always be beautiful. :wild: :wub:
That one in the beat it pic is probably a zit. We all know what terrible acne he had as a teenager and when your acne is that severe, it isn't uncommon to have a few spots pop up every now and then when you are an adult...