

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I remember being five years old and playing "rock star" by standing on a footstool and using a brush as a "microphone." I'd sing to the records in the house, all types of music. One day, As I was singing, Something caught me by suprise. Forgetting all about the music, I ran to the mirror quickly and examined myself closely. Bewildered and scared, I yelled for my mother. "Mom,There's a huge red blob on my face!!" I cried out.
"Tiffany, My mother replied," It's always been there. It's a birthmark."

I began putting bags over my head so nobody would see me. My mom asked "Why are you doing that, Tiff?" I would reply "Because I'm ugly."
My mom would make me take the bags off of my head and face the world.
Even at a young age, I was different. The only difference was that now I knew it. Kids would call me a monster or tell me I'm ugly. Adults would stare at me. It took me a few years before I was brave enough to stare back. Plastic surgery.... I've had more plastic surgery than most people could ever DREAM of. I've had extensive surgery on my face since I was a year old until age 17.


Today, I am 33 years old. The above is a picture of what I look like today. No, I'll never be a model or beauty queen. I don't really care. I think my plastic surgeon did an excellent job in what he did for me.

and No.. I no longer put bags over my head. Instead, I use these pictures to remind people that We spend all this time worrying about appearance that we forget the important stuff. We spend our time making ourselves and other feel bad about the way we think things and people are SUPPOSED to look instead of accepting people for who they are completely and loving them as such. Today, I am here to remind you all : You are beautiful. Love yourself and love others for who they are, even if they are having a bad hair day.. or their clothes really don't match today :lol:

I am beautiful ,and I know God made me just the way I was supposed to be.. even if it doesn't fit the world's view on what beautiful is supposed to be.
This is a beautiful post! :D Thank you for sharing your story. I just mentioned today to my kids, after I saw an elderly man zip by us on a motor scooter, that I think I'll enjoy being old, because then I don't think I will care about my looks or how people see me. I will just enjoy myself as I am. I know that was a weird comment but it was a thought that came to me that instant. One reason I love the internet is because people don't judge on looks (if they don't see you). People tend to be judged on their looks in person whether, by common standards, they're considered ugly or considered beautiful. It's bothersome. We just have to, as you say, love ourselves and others for the beautiful soul inside. There are many beautiful ugly people as well. The ones who are gorgeous to look at, but are mean or cold inside. I'd much rather surround myself with the ones who are beautiful souls regardless of outward appearances. :)

Thanks again Tiffany, for posting :)
You're welcome,Ape :) I hope that people will read this and realize (if they haven't already) that beauty is something that is a individual perception ,and It's also something that society pressures people on. The standards are very high in this society that you have to be this way and that way in order to fit in....and People are very hard on themselves and on others about appearances.

Some people go online to hide who they really are. I come online to share my experiences in the hopes that it will help someone along the way. If this thread helps someone out who has been hard on themselves about how they look, I will be glad.

Thank you,Ape :)
you are great

and you would be better day after day.
the key is...........................................time.

time passed, finally everyone's face turned the same: getting old.
at that time, the beauty had changed from the appearance to the inner. the intelligence and a calm attitude to life would shine as gold like "a beautiful face shine as gold when we were young".
is it the reality??
yes. it isn't an abstract comfort, it's so real, it's sth. you can rely on really.even though it needs a lot time.
so... keep your heart/intelligence growing up, your tomorrow can be expected better than... many people.

beauty is also a............ race.

on face, the old ones can't win the young---it's the same to everybody whoever beautiful or ugly.
on inner, a more complex race, some "the old" and some "the yound" would win.
the latter is a more important race in real life, everybody got the same chance, don't lose it.

beauty is a full-race in people's life.
those had winned on face when young, might lose the race on the inner. when they getting old, they lost both, the whole life turns into rubbish.
those had lose this race when they are young, might win the race finally after the inner had grown up enough to shine as gold.

so, go and win :D:D
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Don't ever think you are ugly. Everyone is Beautiful. Man some children, teens and adults can be so cruel. Yes, Tiffany you are beautiful..keep sayin that, don't let anybody bring you down hun :)
Thanks :) Yes,People can be cruel ,but I don't blame them. I blame society as a whole for putting these high ideals in people's heads that they are to look and be a certain way in order to gain acceptance. So many people walk around downing themselves all the time, taught that this is somehow the way they SHOULD behave,instead of loving themselves and others for who they are. It's so sad.. and Yes, so hurtful.
its whats on the inside that counts not how we look on the outside..... society has done this to people (people caring about outer beauty) thanks to mags and tv all those people arent as beautiful as they seem its all a illusion,,,air brushing computer inhancements!!! all that really matters is what we are like inside our hearts and souls!! god made everyone beautiful and unique in his own way!!!
Yes.. Indeed.. God did make everybody unique and beautiful in their own way. It's too bad that we often can't appreciate that fact within ourselves or with others. Even I have made that mistake.... and I am definately one who should know better by now.
Thanks for sharing that Tiffany :flowers:

Physical beauty to me is defined by a person's actions towards others and to themselves. Not by current society trends that dictate what we should consider as physically beautiful. To me a happy person who is enjoying their life and enjoying sharing it with others, is a beautiful person.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person happy and willing to share that with the world. :) That is true beauty that comes from within :)

Thank you all for your wonderful comments :)
That was a great post Tiffany. Thank you so much for sharing. And actually I really like your eyes and your smile in that picture. There is something there that makes one want to smile have such a kind smile and such a kind, genuine look in your eyes...and that shines through. :)

It's really sad that people are often judged by how they look. Just like someone mentioned earlier...ther are plenty of extremely beautiful people who are just absolutely "rotten" inside. There is nothing worse than someone who is really arrogant and thinks he/she is all that and who puts others down, is mean, inconsiderate and all that...that REALLY makes a person matter how beautiful and "perfect" their extrerior might be. And then there might be someone who might not look what people would call as "beautiful"...but if that person has a charming, kind ,giving personality...the kindness will shine through...and that's what really makes a person beautiful. The "light", the kindness, that comes from inside makes the exterior look beautiful as well.

It's sad our society is so fixated on "beauty". It's like it's a "sin" to grow old naturally...It really is painful to look at all these people who get a face lift after a face lift...trying to look young...just for a fear of being rejected by the society...instead of aging gracefully and carrying the signs of their age with pride. And there are SO MANY women (even absolutely BEAUTIFUL women!) who feel ugly and insecure and worthless just because society is telling them that unless they are not PERFECT...and doesn't have "this"...and doesn't have "that"...they are not beautiful and not "worthy".

Anyways...Tiffany I am proud of you for being who you are and not being afraid to show it. That's really what one can only wish for any person in this world. To feel secure enough about who they are and to know their worth and be confident enough to know that one doesn't have to chnage anything in one's LOOKS to please another person. If someone wants to change something for THEMSELVES...I think that is fine...but changing one's looks just to please another person is just totally wrong in my opinion. L'Oreal says..."Because you're WORTH IT!!"...Love yourself FIRST....because other people may come and go....but YOU are the person you will have to live with for the rest of your life, so do what you can to please YOURSELF. Make THAT your priority. :)
Thank you so much,coy :) Keep the Faith.. and remember In God's eyes, We are all perfect!

Hey Miss Summer :) Thank you so much for your inspiring post, and I want you to know that I agree with you. So many people feel like they MUST fix whatever imperfection that is in their minds in order to be accepted. Worse is when people go judging other people by their appearance,and It makes that person feel like they must do something in order to be accepted by that group of people.

Me... I have gotten done all I can do... except for a few face lifts :lol: And No, If I do swallow up my courage to do another corrective surgery on my face, It's because the hemangioma drags my face down a bit as the muscles in my face get weaker with age.
I really don't want to go through another operation.. I've been through skin graphs, nose jobs, face lifts ect.. but I just have to wait until I'm older to see if I can get away with NOT having another one. Cause Plastic surgery HURTS. Your face looks like you went ten rounds with a brick wall and the brick wall won. :lol: You get these big bandages on your face and.. well..Doctors could care less about your hair style.

Needless to say, I've come home with very freaky haircuts.. :lol: But,It's all good.. I was beautiful even WITH my hair shaped like a backwards mohawk.. :lol:

Please take good care,summer ... and Thank you so much for your kind words about my appearance. :)
it's a little bit difficoult to explain my feelings while I was reading your thread 'cos I am not english mother tongue but I know that people can be really cruel and when I was 12, 13 I had problems to accept myself because of my big nose. Nowadays I am 31 and I feel better with myself and I know that imperfections are parts of the human being and that the real beauty comes from the inside. It's not so important how you look outside, it's more important how you feel with yourself. I want to thank you for sharing with us your story.
You're welcome,dona :) Thank you for sharing with us your story! You are absolutely correct. True beauty comes from within :)
I think that as we grow older, we realize that 'oddities' become interesting.
We are all unique and when it also becomes visible on the outside, it gives us an extra dimension.

Interesting faces/bodies tell a story.
A story we don't care about as children or insecure teens. We want to fit in! At all costs! As you mature you come to realize that no one is perfect. Not even those who seem that way.
I've noticed that the most interesting actors have unusual faces.
They tell a story in a way that no Barbie or Ken look-alike ever could.

Humans are prone to seek out those, who look like, they have good genes. Strong, healthy, beautiful. I think, it's just human nature.
If you go back the the stone age, people would react the exact same way, as they do today. It's basic instincts.
A baby that was sickly or different could be killed or left behind to die, because it would be too weak to make it in the community.

We fear being different and being left out of the group/community, because we humans need each other to survive. We have better chances of survival in a group. Better chances of getting food, security, offspring.

It doesn't mean, it's okay to shun people, who are different.
I understand the struggle to accept oneself. To rise above the hurt and keep going.
It stays with you forever. It becomes part of who you are.

It's a teacher. It teaches you more than pain.
It teaches you to become strong, and it makes people notice another kind of beauty. The beauty of your SOUL. That is your gift to them.
You will know never to judge another human being based on appearance. You will look deeper, and you will find true friends.
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Thank you so much,coy :) I agree 100% with what you're saying.
Tiffany...what do i have to say to make you see that YOU ARE LOVELY?

Oh i know that by now you are laughing and thinking something like"oh yes...sure...of course i am..."and other things we know.:cheeky:

But you know what?i can't care less what you will think about what i am

Yeah,Yeah Maria.. :lol: I know you don't care less what I think about what you're sayin'. That's why I don't even bother arguing with you :lol:

*Warm hugs*

Thank you so much Maria :)
ya know what, I hardly even think of myself as pretty, nore ugly... Well sometimes I feel pretty, and other times I feel ugly, but most of the time I honestly don't care what people think about me.

Tiffany, thank you for sharing your story. It will let me think more about the beauty of a person. :)