Beautiful tribute videos

I would watch this but it'd probably make me cry.

Thanks for posting though, I'm sure others will enjoy watching :) x
I found this really nice tribute video on YouTube today and I just thought to share it with you. Just when I thought that all tears were dried, i watch this and the pain is haunting me stronger than before. Its a beautiful video with some rare clips of Michael I havent seen before...i just miss him so much. :cry:
This is one of the best ones I have come across. Its so well made and utterly breathtaking:

That was amazing.

I just thought I was done with the stage where I used to sob like a crazy whenever I watched tribute videos... Well, wrong. These were truly beautiful, thank you all for sharing. I guess there will never be really getting over it :cry:

I would like to share one of my favourites too. This might be posted somewhere on this board before, but in case somebody has't seen it...Here it is.

Btw, the very first time I saw it I found a bit disturbing the lyrics "Billie Jean is waiting there for you", because I thought the songwriter had really misunderstood the character of Billie Jean, as some of the viewers also said. But then I thought...oh well...It's still very beautiful.
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This is one of the best ones I have come across. Its so well made and utterly breathtaking:


This one is REALLY amazing! Someone should send it to the family.