Beautiful letter written by my dear friend Janet in an appeal to help Namiwawa children


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Mrs Janet Ann Richardson
32, Coniston Grove

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Schools and Churches,

I am writing this letter in regards to a conversation I had with my very
good friend, Mr Michael Whelan. Michael has been a school teacher
for the past 18 years in all fields of education here in the UK and
other counties. Whilst at a wedding some time ago he met a man
called Mr Claude Bandawe. Claude had been a lecturer at Leeds
College and is a basket ball coach. Claude Bandawe, after a visit to his
home town, was shocked to see the dreadful plight of the school where
the Namiwawa children were attending. Claude Bandawe saw for himself
that the children were sitting on the floor for hours and were using their
knees as a desk to write on whilst doing their school work.

I am a teacher of walking the Path of Ascension in the spiritual
movement. I also along with Action Aid, sponsor a small boy of five
years old in Liberia so that he may have a better education in the future
and to help the town out of poverty. I also donate to Save The
Children and WWF for animals which are in danger and I am a member
of Green Peace. My good friend asked me to watch a video on You Tube
called DESKS FOR NAMIWAWA SCHOOL PARTs 1, 2 and 3. I was saddened
to watch children in such terrible conditions sitting on the floor with
roofs which were in a dreadful state etc. As a mother myself of three
grown up children and a granddaughter of 11, I could not visualise any
of my children or grand child attending school in such an appalling state,
and I hope neither can you. These desks for the children of Namiwawa
are so greatly needed. They cost only £25 pounds to have made and seat
two children. The seats are built to the desks and to me that is two
children not having to sit on a cold hard floor whilst attending school for
that day as any human so rightly deserves. This has a knock on
affect for all of us. We are in the year of 2012 and the children of this
planet are the future and we should not be seeing such sights as this
or children starving on earth. Our rain forests being destroyed in
such a manner and all of us are here for a reason and all should be
respected. We all have a say in this and children greatly so. Mr
Claude Bandawe, Mr Michael Whelan and myself included are so
deeply concerned about this.

I am writing this letter in an appeal to please help these children
so at least they have a desk so they may sit whilst attending school
for that day and not be subjected to having to sit on a cold hard
floor. For schools, to whom this letter is going out to, could you
imagine teaching your class of children for hours, day after day
sitting on a floor whilst you teach them their school work?.
For churches, to whom this letter is going out to, could you
imagine your congregation sitting on a cold hard floor whilst you
carry out your sermons to your fellow brethren? We must open our
hearts to this, and much more. We are a planet of people who must
for a better future, learn to love and assist each other or we will
never grow and evolve.

Darkness must never win over light. So I am reaching out to so
many schools and churches to help sponsor just 1 desk so that
these children may sit in a more comfortable way whilst having
to attend their schooling each day. Mr Michael Whelan and myself
included are hoping to get 105 sponsors so that three class rooms
of children may be able to sit at a desk whilst they attend school.

The video clip of this can be watched on YOUTUBE (DESKS
FOR NAMIWAWA SCHOOL PARTs 1, 2 and 3). Donations for a
desk can be made to Allison Chin at Swinnow Primary School.
Tel: 0113 21246080. Any enquires and information about this letter
can be made to my personal email at the top of this letter.
All information about desks will be passed on to the founder
of this worthwhile cause, Mr Claude Bandawe and Mr Michael
Whelan, who wishes to get as many sponsors as he can.

This letter goes out with a heartfelt feeling for all of God’s children,
animals and nature kingdom.

Yours sincerely and in good spirit,

Mrs Janet Ann Richardson 10/02/2012
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