Beautiful interview about Michael by Dr. Wayne Dyer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Dr. Wayne Dyer did an interview about his good friend Michael Jackson recently:
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Interviewer: So we&#8217;ve had quite the week, Dr. Dyer, and you know that this is going to be our last show for a couple of weeks because you&#8217;re going to be on the cruise, so I want to give people a chance to talk to you and get in touch with you. What an amazing week that we&#8217;ve went through, so many ups and downs, people feeling very emotional about Michael Jackson, and you were telling me before the show that you had actually spent some time with him, and you wanted to relay your experience&#8230;..

Dr. Dyer: Yes, I wanted to speak just a little bit about Michael, just a few minutes, I heard Deepak, and Deepak and I have been talking every day for the last week or so about some health concerns that I have, he was saying on CNN that Michael was probably the most spiritual man he&#8217;d ever met. And I can attest to that as well.

He called me up one day back in 1991 after I&#8217;d written a book on &#8220;Real Magic&#8221; and asked me if I would like to come out and bring my family which is , you know, is a whole planeload. So all eight of my children went with me and my wife and we spent five days out there at Neverland with him, just talking to him. I went up the mountain out there and just the two of us talked and his question to me was, &#8220;Is there such a thing as real magic?&#8221; and &#8220;What is it?&#8221; and &#8220;How do I get it?&#8221; and &#8220;I want to know about it&#8221;. And he so was so filled with excitement about this.

What concerns me when I see particularly a lot of the messages that are coming to me on the Internet about people making accusations about this man&#8230; and that troubles me a great deal because this was the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful human being and I trusted my children with him obviously.

When he was out there in the Santa Barbara county at Neverland the prosecutor there had a real, real desire to do something, you know, to go after him. I think they have the statistics that they have 76 police cars in that county and they sent 74 of them out to his ranch to go through and look for evidence to support the accusations that had been made by a woman who had made a career out of going after celebrities and trying to make money. In the same county there are many of the priests that had been not only accused but had admitted to sexually molesting boys but they didn&#8217;t send any cars out for them.

And then all of the evidence that they acquired was presented to a jury of not of his peers but of the people who were not even that friendly toward him and they voted 12 to nothing to acquit him of every single charge.

So I know for absolute certain that this is a man who could never have done anything that would be harmful to anyone. He was very much a child himself. He was as kind and decent and spiritual a human being as I ever had the pleasure of spending any time with. I dedicated one of my books to him.

When you look at his enormous talent and the commitment that he had to ending the world hunger, for example, &#8211; he personally was responsible for cutting the number of people starving to death on this planet IN HALF back in the 1980s and the 1990s with &#8220;We are the World&#8221;. And he took no money for it at all.

When I spent the time out there at the ranch the whole thing was organized around children who were handicapped in one way &#8211; the theatre they had out there, the entire amusement part &#8211; all of it was set up so that children who were hospitalized and in beds and sick and on crutches and so on, could come there and experience the joy of what it meant to be a child.

This was a beautiful, beautiful human being &#8211; someone who would go down in history as one of the greatest entertainers EVER, but more than the great entertainer this was a great man who lived a very tortured life, particularly in the last several years of his life. I think being accused of those kinds of things when he and his heart were so pure&#8230;&#8230;..

Interviewer: It must have taken a huge toll?

Dr. Dyer: I think it took a huge toll, a huge toll! I was telling my children last night, &#8220;Anybody can make an accusation such as that&#8221;. They could have made an accusation with my wife when I split up. And I&#8217;ve heard of people&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;..I&#8217;ve just talked to a friend of mine who is in practice as a physician and he had an affair and his wife got angry at him, and she went out and made accusation about him and their children in that light, none of it was ever true and it was all dropped, but ultimately it ended in his suicide.

So these kinds of accusations, these kind of things that people say &#8211; be very careful about that and knowing in your hearts, if you trust me, that my time with him and those five days with him back in 1991 solidified for me that this was a transcendent being who had not only enormous talent but a heart as big as the sky.
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Beautiful interview indeed! Unfortunately, interviews such as these never gain exposure in the mass media. I'm sending it to everyone I know.
Michael Jackson and Wayne Dyer are my two favorite people.
I love that he referred to MJ as a 'transcendent being'. I have always felt that about MJ. I miss MJ alot.
I heard this interview yesterday for the first time. It is just so lovely and so true. It brought a tear to my eye. I wish more people could listen to this and really HEAR it.
Such a lovely interview and so sad bout his friend :(
See...this is what should happen more often. TRUE friends and really speaking up for him, really telling the truth and being clear about it. Not saying crap like 'I can never know for sure..i wasn't in that room...sigh' . But it's true the mass media will never let people know about it, they much rather start another rumor all the same.
Here's what he said about MJ in his blog.

Real Magic and Michael

In 1992 when the time came to write a dedication for my book Real Magic, I decided to recognize three special people&#8212;my dear daughter Saje, my spiritual brother Deepak Chopra, and my friend pop superstar Michael Jackson. I wanted to recognize Michael &#8220;whose words, music, and love remind us that it is only through giving that we are saving our own lives.&#8221; Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of &#8220;creating miracles in everyday life.&#8221; With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions. My children and I spent five very happy days with him at Neverland in 1991. He wanted to talk to me about &#8220;real magic,&#8221; but the truth is, he already had the magic&#8212;the power he needed to dream and create and give. Michael was dedicated to ending world hunger and helped create the 1985 &#8220;We Are the World&#8221; celebrity sing-along that brought together some of the biggest names in popular music to raise funds for famine relief in Africa. I didn&#8217;t have to explain &#8220;real magic&#8221; to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles. Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I&#8217;ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky.

Thank you for sharing this Beautiful interview.

"...this was a transcendent being who had not only enormous talent but a heart as big as the sky."
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is this just me, I saw almost all interviews from his family/friends/employee... since Michael's death, I noticed the pattern that those private people(who rarely talk to Media) always spoke highly about him, and those who loved spotlight always spoke what the media wanted to hear.
is this just me, I saw almost all interviews from his family/friends/employee... since Michael's death, I noticed the pattern that those private people(who rarely talk to Media) always spoke highly about him, and those who loved spotlight always spoke what the media wanted to hear.
So true...
4veryoung;3273810 said:
Here's what he said about MJ in his blog.

Real Magic and Michael

In 1992 when the time came to write a dedication for my book Real Magic, I decided to recognize three special people—my dear daughter Saje, my spiritual brother Deepak Chopra, and my friend pop superstar Michael Jackson. I wanted to recognize Michael “whose words, music, and love remind us that it is only through giving that we are saving our own lives.” Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of “creating miracles in everyday life.” With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions. My children and I spent five very happy days with him at Neverland in 1991. He wanted to talk to me about “real magic,” but the truth is, he already had the magic—the power he needed to dream and create and give. Michael was dedicated to ending world hunger and helped create the 1985 “We Are the World” celebrity sing-along that brought together some of the biggest names in popular music to raise funds for famine relief in Africa. I didn’t have to explain “real magic” to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles. Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I’ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky.


beutiful interview. Brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for posting. x
Absolutely beutiful and so true. I agree with he said.
Michael has done so much. And guess what? He keeps doing so much!!!! We love him and he loved us so much, that that bond of love is neverending and keeps bring us together. I know we might not agree about many things, but when it comes to him, to the human being he is, we know we are all together.

That is, for me, magic too. He had this gift. And he shared freely all his life. What an amazing person.
See...this is what should happen more often. TRUE friends and really speaking up for him, really telling the truth and being clear about it. Not saying crap like 'I can never know for sure..i wasn't in that room...sigh' . But it's true the mass media will never let people know about it, they much rather start another rumor all the same.

The true friends are the ones that have kept relatively quiet these past months 'cause what they have to say (the positive stuff) the media is'nt interested in. The only persons they wanna hear from are the 'fair-weather friends and so-called family who will give them the dirt they want.

is this just me, I saw almost all interviews from his family/friends/employee... since Michael's death, I noticed the pattern that those private people(who rarely talk to Media) always spoke highly about him, and those who loved spotlight always spoke what the media wanted to hear.

You are'nt the only one, it has been blatantly obvious as heck!

Anyway loved listening to that interview :yes: Sure wish we could hear more recollections like this.
Wow, what a beautiful interview. Thanks for posting.
is this just me, I saw almost all interviews from his family/friends/employee... since Michael's death, I noticed the pattern that those private people(who rarely talk to Media) always spoke highly about him, and those who loved spotlight always spoke what the media wanted to hear.

You are so right bout that
That was an absolutely beautiful, priceless interview. He really does tell it like it is--Michael was responsible for ending the hunger of thousands of people, of saving countless lives,'s a shock that people are so stupid, to not appreciate his existence. He truly is more than the sum of all of his detractors, all the people who set out to bring him down, they're so pathetic and small it's almost funny when they attempt to tarnish his image, and only end up worsening their own. Kawaii so ni.
4veryoung;3273810 said:
Here's what he said about MJ in his blog.

Real Magic and Michael

In 1992 when the time came to write a dedication for my book Real Magic, I decided to recognize three special people&#8212;my dear daughter Saje, my spiritual brother Deepak Chopra, and my friend pop superstar Michael Jackson. I wanted to recognize Michael &#8220;whose words, music, and love remind us that it is only through giving that we are saving our own lives.&#8221; Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of &#8220;creating miracles in everyday life.&#8221; With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions. My children and I spent five very happy days with him at Neverland in 1991. He wanted to talk to me about &#8220;real magic,&#8221; but the truth is, he already had the magic&#8212;the power he needed to dream and create and give. Michael was dedicated to ending world hunger and helped create the 1985 &#8220;We Are the World&#8221; celebrity sing-along that brought together some of the biggest names in popular music to raise funds for famine relief in Africa. I didn&#8217;t have to explain &#8220;real magic&#8221; to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles. Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I&#8217;ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky.


Ever since I read it in 2009, this has been one of the most beautiful Angel Michael stories...I smile and cry and ache so much reading it...we love you more and more and more with every passing day beautiful angel of Light...'Thankyou' is such a small word to express 'all' that you continue to be to us.....hope to meet you soon Michael!

Let us spread these beautiful, inspiring, truthful stories about our beloved whenever we come across them! WE the people who socialize internationally through phones and the internet are more powerful than the traditional media(losers!) who are fast losing their credibility!

We CAN, and we WILL be able to make the world see, acknowledge, honour, love, and admire the TRUE glorious light, L.O.V.E and legacy of Michael Jackson who truly had a heart as big and beautiful as the sky and who is now as vast and grand as the cosmos itself, being one with it in perfect harmony.

We love you Michael...You truly are forever...
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And thankyou for the BEAUTIFUL utube vid and the transcript Ms. Cassie Mollie. This threads deserves a 5 star, so here it comes with all my L.O.V.E :)
What a beautiful article. Look how many people Michael invited to his home. The media never mentioned this and the fact that Neverland was geared towards the sick. Oh no, rather they make it seem as though he only invited little boys to harm. I am glad he noticed his spiritual quality. Deepak, I am not to sure about.