Beautiful Article by MTV: A World Without Michael Jackson Has A Lot Less Magic In It


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Jul 25, 2011

A World Without Michael Jackson Has A Lot Less Magic In It
Future generations will never know what they missed, in Bigger Than the Sound.

By James Montgomery

Michael Jackson spent approximately 45 percent of his life as a cherubic, preternaturally gifted, exquisitely Afro-ed kid from Gary, Indiana, and the remaining 55 percent of it as the most famous man on the planet. This probably explains everything about him: his eccentricities (real or imagined), his music, his triumphs and tribulations and, ultimately, his death. Michael Jackson was never a normal person; he never had a normal childhood (his father put him to work in the family business — the Jackson 5 — at the age of 5), and he segued from that directly into an exceedingly abnormal adulthood, one spent directly beneath the megawatt glare of the spotlight. He lived — and died — smothered by fame.

I'm not writing this to eulogize Jackson, or to explain away the things he may or may not have done. I'm just pointing out the fact that he lived a fairly isolated, probably lonely life.

Which that brings me to the point of this column. Even if, for most of the past two decades, Jackson seemed to exist solely for the pleasure of the tabloids, at least he was alive. There was a sort of comfort in knowing that the guy who made Thriller (and Off the Wall and Bad) was still with us. It seemed like he would never die — that in some bizarre way he was immortal, a living bridge between pop music's past and present. He was a beacon of permanence in increasingly un-permanent times.

Of course, that all ended last week. Which means that, for the first time in nearly four decades, there will be kids who grow up without ever knowing what it's like to have Michael Jackson in their lives. This is amazing when you think about it, not to mention a little sad and frightening.

Because what happens now that the King of Pop is dead? Who will amaze, enthrall, and engage the next generation of music fans now that he's gone? Who will make the 18-minute music videos, or stage the mega-tours, or release the concert films that will melt these kids' minds? Who will write the pop tunes that will make them laugh and cry and fall in love? Who will have them aping dance moves on the linoleum floors of their kitchens, or putting on ridiculous sparkly gloves for Halloween? Sure, some people will — but they won't be like Michael Jackson.

Jackson's death has left a gaping, generation-sized hole in the entertainment world, one that — as I'm sure they'd agree — a hundred Justins or Britneys or Jiggas or Kanyes will never fill. That's the reality of the situation. We've witnessed the end of something here; something we probably won't be able to comprehend anytime soon.

One of my best friends and his wife just had a baby boy, seven pounds of awesome named Carlos Antonio Ortiz. So far, Little 'Los has had a pretty excellent life, except for the part where MJ died. He is only three weeks old, so I haven't had the heart to tell him this yet, but for the rest of his life, he will exist in a world without Michael Jackson, which is to say that it's basically all downhill from here. Sure, he will have heroes, people he will emulate and idolize, but none of them will be able to do the Moonwalk, not even his dad. No offense, Jason.

And the sad thing is, there are millions of Carloses out there now. More are born every minute. And sure, their mothers and fathers will probably play them Michael Jackson's music, will try to explain to them who this man was and what he meant to the world. But it won't be the same, not for any of them, because they won't have a reference point, they won't have the real thing. Jackson now will exist only in stories and videos and recorded music.

Sure, there will undoubtedly be more Michael Jackson albums in the future. Unreleased songs and demos, the recordings of rehearsals for his upcoming run of shows at London's O2 Arena, posthumous releases that won't have one one-hundredth of the heart and soul of "She's Out of My Life" or "Black or White." It's entirely possible that these "new" releases will introduce a whole new generation of fans to his music, and that, in death, Michael Jackson will become even more famous. Though I somehow doubt that. For starters, I don't think it's even possible to be more famous that MJ is/was. And, perhaps more importantly, because there's nothing like the genuine article. And there never will be again.

Of course, you'll have to take my word for it, Carlos, but trust me: Michael Jackson was unreal. You'll never know what you missed.
This is a very good article..we didn't even realize yet who and what we've lost. I miss and love you Michael..
Too late MTV, too late.

It's a nice article but MTV can shove itself into a llama's crack.
But I think it sums up Michael in a wonderful way. He was magic. Everything about him was larger than life and exciting. He had something so special about him that made us all think anything is possible. We've lost that pure and innocent magic in the world, I hope we will see in some in people like Obama but Im certain it wont be in the same quantity.
Oh the title...:(
I'm feeling worse today than yesterday. Yesterday I was pleasantly numb...I thought I was getting better. But today it hit me again like a train.
The world had something great in Michael Jackson and far too many stupid people tried to destroy that greatness. But we always believed. We still believe.

Great article. Thanks for sharing.
MTV has no shame! print that now when he's dead!
when he was alive they were trampling all over him
I agree MTV has waited way too long to be nice to Michael but that was a very good and well thought out article. It very much puts the loss of Michael into perspective.
Why couldn't people realise these things when he was still herrrreee
Someone's comment underneath the article:

''sanchel posted on 07.01.09 at 04:15pm

What you are saying is so true. To be honest, I only became Michael's fan through his death. I was living in the era where MJ was embroiled in court cases and my parents didn't appreciate his music. I'm crying like an emotional wreck these days, simply from the irony that I didn't realize we had this great talented man on earth with us until he's gone. I think those loyal fans of MJ who had been standing by him through his career are lucky. It was too late, I didn't have the time to even put 'Get MJ concert tix' on my new year's resolution. It now seemed that the entertainment world had stopped revolving. You, fan or not, should know why.''
This was almost the first day I didn't cry since Michael's death. Until I read that article. :cry:
Beautiful article out of someone's personal column, the fact that the word MTV is above it should not make a difference. This is more someone's personal voice, not a statement by MTV. And it's true, they'll never know what they're missing!
Someone's comment underneath the article:

''sanchel posted on 07.01.09 at 04:15pm

What you are saying is so true. To be honest, I only became Michael's fan through his death. I was living in the era where MJ was embroiled in court cases and my parents didn't appreciate his music. I'm crying like an emotional wreck these days, simply from the irony that I didn't realize we had this great talented man on earth with us until he's gone. I think those loyal fans of MJ who had been standing by him through his career are lucky. It was too late, I didn't have the time to even put 'Get MJ concert tix' on my new year's resolution. It now seemed that the entertainment world had stopped revolving. You, fan or not, should know why.''

Wow...just wow.
Yes it isnt strictly MTV is it. Its the author's personal take on things. Lets not slate it. And I know we get a bit angry when people who previously condemned Mike come running back to him in death, but really I preferred the did that then forever condemn him.
That brought tears to my eyes....the loss is devastatin...I don't know if we will ever fill this emptiness....Michael we miss you :cry:
That is a really good article, pretty much sums it up.

We are the lucky ones, that had and have Michael in our lives. To live in the same era as him. OMG, I kept telling everyone: I'm so proud to be a Michael Jackson fan.

The rest, they're missing out. They just don't know how much.

I owe Michael so much. Words cannot describe how much. I've got so many beautiful memories, moments from him through his music, his dance and lyrics.

Thank you, Michael and I love you! :)
That was great, thank you for posting. I'm going to save this and put it in my scrapbook that I'm going to make of him.

I also like the comment that someone posted too, that they became a fan after he died. I hope many more become fans too, so that we can keep his legacy alive for generations and generations to come.
The scrapbook idea is a great one! Ive put my time magazine in a special place i intend to show my kids, this is a great article to show them how magical mj was.
That was nice. I'll always feel glad that I was around to witness the magic that he gave us while he was still here.