
I think long beards are groady! :p Although... i think beards that are trimmed really short, close to the skin... are hot... same with all those variations of partial short beards, goatee (sp?), etc. :wub:
Why.... someone plan to grow one?? ;)
i have a small, close to the skin one... i like facial hair, wish mine would grow at a faster rate than it already is.
Depends on the guy, but it can look really hot sometimes! May I ask why? lol!
I think bears can make you look like an asshole if it's on the wrong person - my face has really "boyish" look, so I look shit after not trimming (I never shave completely) it for more than 6-7 days :lol:

Something I can find very desperate is when dudes be trying to hard and make these "designs" of their beard - what's even more fun is that it's usually the dudes with lack of facial hair that be trying to make those designs :hysterical:

I usually go back and trim it after it gets any longer than this:

Justin is a great example of someone that looks good in a reasonable beard - dude looks "naked" without any facial hair.
But then again, he looks like an asshole with too long beard:

When it comes to the women, I prefer them without beard :rolleyes:
I think bears can make you look like an asshole if it's on the wrong person - my face has really "boyish" look, so I look shit after not trimming (I never shave completely) it for more than 6-7 days :lol:

Something I can find very desperate is when dudes be trying to hard and make these "designs" of their beard - what's even more fun is that it's usually the dudes with lack of facial hair that be trying to make those designs :hysterical:

I usually go back and trim it after it gets any longer than this:

Justin is a great example of someone that looks good in a reasonable beard - dude looks "naked" without any facial hair.
But then again, he looks like an asshole with too long beard:

When it comes to the women, I prefer them without beard :rolleyes:

Haha, good post.

I like them on certain men. Others not so much.
I have a lot of guy friends who are rocking the stupid hipster long-beard a-la Brad Pitt/JT in that photo.
It looks silly on them. They look like mountain men. Not a turn on.

I like a thin layer of stubble. ;)

My boyfriend has a "scruff" I guess you could call it. Somewhere between stubble and a short-trimmed beard.
I think it looks great on him, but I am always bugging him to shave it off because he looks better without it, haha.
I think bears can make you look like an asshole if it's on the wrong person - my face has really "boyish" look, so I look shit after not trimming (I never shave completely) it for more than 6-7 days :lol:

Something I can find very desperate is when dudes be trying to hard and make these "designs" of their beard - what's even more fun is that it's usually the dudes with lack of facial hair that be trying to make those designs :hysterical:

I usually go back and trim it after it gets any longer than this:

Please tell me you don't look that psychotic :blink:

However, I am fan of the facial hair... usually a goatee is just lovely!
Beards are nice - but they need to be trimmed... as much as I love Mr. Pitt... he needs to stop that nonesense! Grrrrrrrr
(click to enlarge)
after being married for 25 years..I have learned that I do not nor will I ever like beards...first of all when your husband kisses you the beard feels gross...and if there is only a little stubble it I guess my answer would be....No beard....:D
(click to enlarge)
Only Michael could make a beard like that look attractive - sort off. :scratch::lol:

That whole cavemen-with-glasses type of look is getting a bit out of hand, I feel. Don't like beards, although some guys can wear them and still look pretty cool but looks 'dirty' very easily...haha.
Just a bit stubble...stays the best!
hehe interesting topic :p

I think some guys can pull off a beard of some sort. I prefer clean shaven personally, although if we are talking like Johnny Depp, then he can grow whatever he likes on his face and I wouldn't care :lol:

But I think most people would agree that smooth is better for smooching *giggles*
Some guys yes, my guy looks good with the 5 o'clock shadow, tad bit of a beard. Then guys, like me ex...look ridiculous! Now a mustache, like johnny depp..oh man :)
I have been married for 25 years to a man who has had a beard since before I met him. I have only seen pictures of him without one. I have told him repeatedly that I will NOT like it if he ever shaves it off. I think I would totally freak out if he ever did! I have never seen his naked face (outside of those pics), nor do I wan to. His beard is very short, very close to his skin and he does a wonderful job grooming it. I LOVE IT! It never bothers me when I kiss him, and I think he's incredibly handsome. :) He is really the only person I've ever liked facial hair on. Any celebs that I think are attractive do not have facial hair. So it's definitely something just about the Hubs.
Oh...Hell... YES

every boyfriend ive had (as an adult) has had a beard, not like, Gandalf hairy, but longer than stubble... I dont seem to be attracted to men without facial hair... *shrugs* i dont know why... mmmm....scuse me... Im just gunna go find my boyfriend and stoke his beard *skips off*
Oh...Hell... YES

every boyfriend ive had (as an adult) has had a beard, not like, Gandalf hairy, but longer than stubble... I dont seem to be attracted to men without facial hair... *shrugs* i dont know why... mmmm....scuse me... Im just gunna go find my boyfriend and stoke his beard *skips off*

LOL! :giggle:
only short cut ones. long/bushy ones are horrible
i do not like hair on a guys face it hurts when you kiss them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my husband had a beard for like 3 months because i asked him to grow one for me worst mistake of my life after that i was like PLEASE shave it off i dont like to kiss you becuse it hurts now i can make out with him all day becuse his face is smoth and HOT lol
I prefer non-bearded guys though VERY short beard is ok, too. It really depends, some men just don't look good with beard and others look better with short one or without.

I think some guys can pull off a beard of some sort. I prefer clean shaven personally, although if we are talking like Johnny Depp, then he can grow whatever he likes on his face and I wouldn't care :lol:
I agree :D Mustache on ANY other man than Johnny is a no-no for me.
heh. Funny topic. I have and always had what I now call a chin strap on my face. :lol:
I shave my face every 2 or 3 days.