Be God's glow...please fans try to make him proud...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
God I am going through so many different feelings, right now I don't feel anything,my mind doesn't accept what happened and I just feel like it was another untrue story and I don't even cry. I don't know what is happening with me really;( emptiness...
maybe it's because what I experience today... I was again in townhall in our city where we put some pictures of Mike and some flowers and there was one man (I think he was drunk) and he didn't get why are we so sad and he said michael was a pedophile and everything... and some fans wanted to quarell with him and they were using some unkind and bad words and it's just broken my heart again... sometimes even his own fans don;t understand what he wanted to teach us...he would't like us to be rude to anyone, and there were pictures of him and they were just arguing there...and it wasn't necessary.I just asked him "could you please walk away" and he said "I can be wherever I want" and then I said " please, could you do something for me, could you do something for another person just because she's asking you?" and then he said "yes" and he walked away.and this kind of behaviour helped me many times.
this is the thing Michael taught me: you can be fully succesful even without being rude and mean... I love you Angel.
God I can't stand it, people keep talking about how did he died, did he was taking those painkillers or not, they are looking for more and more informations that aren't important now. they don't want to live him alone even now I can't get it, they are talking about Him like he was some kind of research facility.I feel hopelessly and really empty:(
I get what you mean. It is important that we show Michaels fans in a positive light, and not as the crazy obsessed people we are often viewed as.
I get what you mean. It is important that we show Michaels fans in a positive light, and not as the crazy obsessed people we are often viewed as.

this is exactly what I mean but I didn't know how to say that in English in so few words.
But we are obsessive, my brain knows nothing else but to obsess!

No im only joking, I really do get what you mean.