Bbc2 nooow


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great mj program I remember being on last year..I think 5 mins is a bit off track but it is really really respectfu of his music and I remember it being the only program that focused on his music
Yeah seems pretty respectful so far, though shame Taraborelli had to speak but that's hard to avoid eh?
Anyone in the uk should really watch this..Really is uplifting and compared to practically all other 'tribute' programs..It whipes them away..really well made
true and it's on now...

They got savion glover just watching mj perform on motown 25..I love this bit..savion is epic...He is a liink to mj through gregory hines..harold nicholas and sammy davis
Oooh dear :no: I missed it..just went to check. But, I did see his music on Bliss, prison version of TDCAU. I think I'm going to go to sleep now. It's a tough enough day, so I don't want to see more of it then I have to.