Bathe me in Gold


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I will sit, so silently as a new day is born,
Following the blueprint of the hours before.
Bathe me in Gold, as night and day collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will sit, so somberly as the day passes by,
Exhaling my passion as each moment flies.
Bathe me in Gold, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will sit, so defeated as the day turns to rest,
Welcoming darkness as a lovers caress.
Bathe me in Gold, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will lay, so hopless as life turns to death,
Recalling moments that you created as best.
Bathe me in Sorrow, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.
Nice poem..... I want to bath in gold and look like the HIStory statue on volume two of the HIStory videos DVD!
Lovely poem. Thanks for sharing.
Thankyou victoria :)

erm, Id like to explain it a little, It is sad, but I wouldnt in anyway want to be taken in the wrong way... i know theres some mention of death in there, and it would horrify me if anyone became worried for my wellbeing!

The repeated Line 'bathe me in gold, as day and night collide' symbolises my favourite time day - a time that I often use to sit and reflect. It is such a beautiful time, when the sun starts to set at this time of year and the sky is clear and everything is 'bathed in gold'. It is usually the time I have a smoke break at work and i sit under my favourite tree and think about things. 'Life and Love entwined' describes how important Michael was in my life.

The most parts of the verses describe how since Michael left us, I have felt that I am just coasting through the days, each one feeling the same as the last (following the blue print of the hours before). Alot of the time I feel I am 'exhaling my passion' with every breath... because I am so tired and exhausted I have no energy to pursue the things that mean the most to me - music and charity - two things that Michael inspired me to pursue and gave me support in.

'welcoming darkness as a lovers caress' symbolised how more often than not I just want to sleep. I am so exhausted, my workload is unbelivable and i spent the majority of my waking hours supporting others that it emotionally drains me as well. I look forward to sleep from the moment I wake up in the morning. ]

The last verse about death is not me saying i want to die, I do not at all...i value life and treasure beautiful moments, whilst looking forward to all the things that I will experience in the future... it is about when it is my time to go, and I will reflect on my life, michael will be at the front of my mind, all the memories and moments will forever be my most precious.

Sorry its so long winded, I just felt the need to explain it as I had a few emails asking me if I was ok... I am fine :) coping with stress and still enjoying life to the best of my ability, while obviously still feeling I have lost a big part of me... but, as much as I miss michael, I believe in my life, I can ensure his work is neither forgotten, nor left unfinished :)

Thankyou for your kind words. x
Wow that was beautiful. It sounds like something Michael would write himself :)
Very nice!
I will sit, so silently as a new day is born,
Following the blueprint of the hours before.
Bathe me in Gold, as night and day collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will sit, so somberly as the day passes by,
Exhaling my passion as each moment flies.
Bathe me in Gold, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will sit, so defeated as the day turns to rest,
Welcoming darkness as a lovers caress.
Bathe me in Gold, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will lay, so hopless as life turns to death,
Recalling moments that you created as best.
Bathe me in Sorrow, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

Beautifully written.:cheeky::):yes:
I will sit, so silently as a new day is born,
Following the blueprint of the hours before.
Bathe me in Gold, as night and day collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will sit, so somberly as the day passes by,
Exhaling my passion as each moment flies.
Bathe me in Gold, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will sit, so defeated as the day turns to rest,
Welcoming darkness as a lovers caress.
Bathe me in Gold, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

I will lay, so hopless as life turns to death,
Recalling moments that you created as best.
Bathe me in Sorrow, as day and night collide,
Through innocence and virtue, we were Life and L.o.v.e entwined.

Very nice poem!!!
Congrats!!! Nice at all!!
Thanks so much for sharing it, it means so much. :)
I can feel that you're tired and I know how it is to feel that way. I hope you can have some rest.
I love this. :heart:

I don't know why but when I read it I just feel peaceful and somehow comforted.
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wow i just read this and wow its soo sad but beautifull
Ive probally told you already but your writting is soo powerful - keep it up
That's a really beautiful poem Dannii :) That time of day is my favourite as well. I've often looked out the window in awe or actually watched a sunset outside with my thoughts. Best place I done this was at my "thinking place" in a local park to me. It has two big hills and both look over Heathrow and you can see central London to the far left. You have made me wanna restart writing small poetry pieces.

Please don't let that creative mind of yours go to waste! L.O.V.E. *high tens*

P.S. If you and Motsey wanna come to that place I go to for reflection time let me know ;)