Banners but not the annoying type


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
Recently when I have been to shows at o2 fans seem that sit on the A/B/C ROWS of the upper and lower tier have hung massive signs made on fabric over the edge. Wondering if there was a way we could arrange a huge MJJC one for opening night - and then maybe leave at the club house for other fans to take and hang throughout all the shows?

Alternativly anyone else in block 419 opening night that would like to help make a banner for our section?!?

Oooooo now I am having crazy ideas - hanging banner competion on opening night lol!

Would just need to find out what blocks everyone is in.
So long as they don't get in peoples way...I think it's a cool idea! Not going on the first night, but to have an MJJC banner would be wicked! Would be a talking point and a bit of an icebreaker too! :)
The thing with banners is that they do tend to block the views of those behind you. I saw a guy at Live 8 pelted with all sorts of food and drniks packaging for holding up a banner.

The ones to hang over the edges of the balconies are a good idea - but anything that needs to be held up - I wouldn't bother. People behind you will not appreciate it.